Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The City of Yes will fix this...


Anonymous said...

The city always looked like this. Permanently scaffolded buildings, derelict buildings, slums and shanties. It's been that way since Henry Hudson took a wrong turn in his boat.

Joe said...

Owner likely doesn't care about a $500,000 in fines and will let the building rot till he or she gets what they want. In this case a demolition by neglect. The property is worth much more $$ as a vacant corner lot to developer. The $500,000K in fines is just the cost of getting the job done. A huge barracks box with commercial rental space on the ground floors will replace it under city of yes. Street parking is already a disaster in Ridgewood, I cant imaging how bad it's going to get.
Bob Holden and those people should be PRAYING it STAYS a rat hole because what would replace it would be much worse a problem.
The last thing those people need is 2 years construction followed by 50 more family's living on that corner and more double & triple parking for commercial business. It also close to the M train stop making it even more appealing to barracks construction.
This shit happened to me on Seneca & Summerfield street., a builder bought the old corner house & lot (where I once rented $30 a month to park my cars) and put up a cheapo nasty looking 18 apartment white stucco box with the round baloneys & Fedders.
What a friggan eyesore and parking disaster, the owner of that box (a builder who lived on Long Island) had made a deal with the city for quick rubber stamped permits and guaranteed rent payments so tenants ended up being all sec 8 garbage!
Bob Holden and those people better thing twice about what the kind of REAL TROUBLE they are asking for !!
As in change for the worse!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. Trump will fix this. But first he's got to invade Greenland, fire all government employees, give a tax break to the super rich, and colonize Gaza.

Anonymous said...

Not! City of Yes won’t fix this, it will just make more of it.

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