Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Fast And The Socialist


NY Post

A far-left NYC councilwoman who ran for office on an anti-car-agenda and pushed a crackdown on dangerous driving is a road menace who’s racked up four speeding tickets in a little more than a year, The Post has learned.

Queens Democratic Socialist Tiffany Cabán was slapped with seven traffic tickets totaling $490 in fines and late fees since November 2022 — including four in the past 13 months for being caught on camera speeding in school zones, a review of city records shows.

The remaining summonses on the pol’s black Chevy Cruze include two for blocking fire hydrants, and another for parking in a “No Standing” zone. 

New Yorkers are tired of the self-righteous, sanctimonious, anti-public safety elected officials who push their ‘do as I say, not as I do’ agendas, demanding we abandon our cars while they drive everywhere, and flout the very laws they impose on us,” said Councilman Robert Holden, a moderate Queens Dem.

“The hypocrisy and double standards of the left is truly astounding,” he added. 

While campaigning for Council in 2021, Cabán advocated converting at least 25% of all city roadways “into space for people” as part of her New York-version of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s stalled Green New Deal plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions nationwide. 

Cabán, who represents Astoria and nearby neighborhoods, called on the city during the campaign to create “1,000-lane miles” of permanent car-free “Open Streets,” 500 miles of dedicated bus-only lanes and 500 miles of new bike lanes.

“We can improve living conditions for [District 22] residents by improving air quality, reducing noise pollution, encouraging social and physical activity, and increasing accessibility through transit and biking upgrades,” said Cabán in campaign literature pushing the pie-in-the-sky plan.  

 It's really delish seeing Tiff get caught like this (check out those rims on her Cruze!). But what's even better is that only a few months ago she was helping the Department of Transportation Alternatives promote an expensive plan to redesign 31st ave in Astoria to ban vehicle traffic on some streets and make the entire stretch a freeway for ebikes.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The NY Post moralizing about drivers getting speed camera tickets. Was she doing 36 miles/hr?
A long story about nothing from the foreign owned Murdoch rag.

Anonymous said...

Finally, something to make the QAnon Drone's day.

Anonymous said...

Cars are for the elites and public transportation is for the peons.

Anonymous said...

NY Post ? Isn't this the same rag that cheers on the convicted felon, Trump, while it claims to be "tough on crime". What a bunch of hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

Do we know who was driving or parking when the CAR got the tickets????

Anonymous said...

Talk about deflection - address the facts in the article first.

Anonymous said...

Who as driving that car? That is the question.

Anonymous said...

I'm so outraged. Not.

Anonymous said...

Enough of this socialism. Lets get rid of it for once and for all. No more Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, FDIC deposit insurance, Sanitation Dept, Fire Department, City Hospitals, Community Colleges, Unions, Free Car Storage, Buses, Subways, Bridges and Education.

Anonymous said...

True. There are no facts printed on the NY post. Just right-wing propaganda.

Anonymous said...


kapimap said...

Poster should go after NYPD and there shenanigans with that same passion...

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