Friday, June 28, 2024


 NY Post

Queens straphangers are worried after spotting zip ties along the tracks at an Ozone Park subway station.

What keeps the trains running in the Big Apple?

Queens straphangers are praying it’s not plastic zip ties.

Dozens of zip ties wrapped around one of the tracks at the Rockaway Boulevard A train station in Ozone Park have been raising eyebrows and making some subway riders queasy.

“Should I be worried?” asked nursing student Kayle Persaud. “If I cut one zip tie, does it start to fall?”


The troubling scene, first reported by AM New York, shows a long line of the plastic ties along the middle track at the elevated subway station – which one straphanger noted is “not a good look.”

“The first time I saw it I thought, ‘Hmm… Is it holding the tracks together?'” said subway rider Eliana Rodriguez. “Even the screws look like they’re not all the way in.”

Another subway rider, who only identified himself as Ibrahim M, agreed it was a tad concerning.

“Even if it’s not actually holding the track together, it just looks awful,” he told The Post on Thursday. “They could have cut it off or painted it the same color. I hope it’s not holding the tracks together for all the money we pay to travel on the subway.”

Adding to worries was this week’s MTA announcement that the railroad is halting planned capital projects following Gov. Kathy Hochul’s decision to hold off on the controversial congestion pricing plan.


Anonymous said...

Thank you gridlock Gov.

Joe said...

Its likely zip ties for temporary communication wires to keep the signals, switches or train locations running. The old wires are failing everywhere or cant be used for the new computer system and hubs, testing they been bringing online.
Cant tell for sure without a closer look.


Anonymous said...

Realist said...
Why do the Sheeple still vote Democrat?
And how soon can we replace dementia Joe?

Anonymous said...

Boeing graduates ?

Anonymous said...

This is untrue, cheap

Anonymous said...

Why are you luddites so disparaging of modern technology and innovation?

Anonymous said...

They should stop flushing taxpayer dollars down the toilet with the"Green New Scam" etc. spending.

Anonymous said...

The sky is falling - Chicken Little.

Anonymous said...

The insanity continues.

Anonymous said...

Give Another few billion to Israel to fix that.

Anonymous said...

Like Kavanagh said "I can’t fix them.”

Anonymous said...

C'mon, everyone knows the entire city runs on duct tape.

Anonymous said...

A scene that can be found in every misgoverned Democrat sh!thole.

Anonymous said...

Ah, "New York Post"? Proven to be liars more than once. That photo may as well have been from the National Enquirer or The Onion.

Anonymous said...

After they stole all the money, the only option is zip ties.
They should have some extras left, can be used to tie up TA commie, the dummy.

Anonymous said...

I support Joe Biden as the Democrat nominee.

Anonymous said...

@“ A scene that can be found in every misgoverned Democrat sh!thole.”

Says the resident Floridian swamp dweller, bored senseless in his trailer park home, surrounded by mosquitoes and mega churches.

Anonymous said...

Their is no money for needed maintenance only Ribbon Cutting.

Anonymous said...

If the media does its job, they will report how much money the Biden administration, the Adams administration, and hochul administration had wasted on invaders.