Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Woman beats down child rapist wanted by NYPD,d_placeholder_euli9k,h_675,w_1200,x_0,y_0/dpr_1.5/c_limit,w_1044/fl_lossy,q_auto/v1718759203/061924-daly-hero_gx70qw 

The Daily Beast

A sweeping manhunt in New York City ended on Tuesday after 23-year-old Angela Sauretti recognized a man in a black hoodie who entered the 108th Street Grocery in Queens at 1 a.m.

Sauretti was all but certain this was the face she had seen on Instagram—in an NYPD wanted poster for a man suspected in the machete-point rape of a 13-year-old girl as she walked with a boy her age last week.

Sauretti called out to a friend who stood nearby who had also seen the police Instagram posting. She asked if this was indeed the man more than 60 detectives had been seeking since Thursday’s broad daylight attack in a park across from the victim’s junior high school.

“I pointed him out,” Sauretti told The Daily Beast. “I’m like, ‘Yo, that’s him?’ [The friend] said, ‘Yes, that’s him.’ That’s what confirmed it. And everything just spiraled from there.”

Sauretti grabbed the man in the hoodie.

“He tried to run, so I put him in a headlock,” she told The Daily Beast.

He continued to struggle and she took an opportunity to administer her own brand of street justice

“He got something that his mother should have done to him,” she said. “I’ll put it that way.”

She added, “As a woman, I had to really set the tone and remind him, ‘It wasn’t a man that did this to you. It was a woman.’”

He kept resisting, allowing her to further impart a particular lesson.

“You did that to a woman, and a woman got back and did this to you.” she said. “So it had him contemplating, ‘Maybe I won’t mess with the next woman.’ Because you never know. There’s nice ones and there's ones that will really defend themselves and go all out.”

The man protested.

“He said, ‘Let me explain!’ I’m like, ‘There’s nothing to explain. You’re a rapist,’” she recalled. “He said, ‘I don’t care.’ I’m like, ‘What do you mean you don’t care? You’re a rapist.’ He said, ‘I don't care.’”


Anonymous said...

Good Job!!!

Anonymous said...

Greet work lady. She should get an award for this.
I'm sure the NYPD officers were ticked off for being disturbed while staring at their phones.

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to vote for Donald J Trump

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