Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Rescue delay 911

Nobody is going to mention the bike lanes with the cars parked in a former driving lane?


Anonymous said...

NYC has created all this congestion on its own with the the bike lanes, open streets, and endless street obstructions, eg: bollards, planters, stones, delineators, that they put all over the boroughs. In addition, NYC doesn’t enforce the traffic rules anymore. Double parking and selfish people using the streets for their own personal business impedes traffic. NEVER BLOCK A PATH!!!

Anonymous said...

Much of the existing traffic on the streets is from apps such as Uber and Lyft. The roads are saturated with them and they are dangerously slow drivers holding up traffic. Most of them drive 24mph and slower on main roads with 30mph posted.

Zoë said...

They should get rid of all the bikes and bike lanes causing traffic and install a express zip line service above the street.
If Manhattan streets run in straight lines why cant they do this?

In Puerto Rico they have one that's 5 miles long that gets people from the mountains to the rain forest faster then any car, bus, airplane trip.
You pay, but on your flying goggles, hook your wheels on to the cable and go.


Anonymous said...

Too many cars on the road. Too many cats stored on public property.

Anonymous said...

Stop spending our tax dollars on the woke climate emergency bike lane/ Open street nonsense and put the focus on maintaining infrastructure!

Anonymous said...

Crime is down in all Dem cities. Right ?

Anonymous said...

They don't give a fuck,as evidence, witness the elimination of "Fire Lanes" on all streets with bike lanes...

Anonymous said...

Catering to these broke ass bike people and green heads is causing more trouble then its worth. These lanes need to go back to car's.
If one is that broke ass they cant afford the MTA or a car they shouldn't be moving or trying to live in New York City. All these broke ass yahoos and illegals coming here is too much. 2nd: To hell with the cheapskate greedy restaurant industry hiring these people for slaves. I have yet to hear one restaurant or bar owner say they made enough money. Weasel shiester low lives all of them!!

Simply take away the bait and free stuff bringing them here, New York City is not Amsterdam. That shitty little village in Europe where 1/2 the population is stoned or on welfare and the rest pay over 70%-80% taxes for them.
Who the hell wants this here?

Anonymous said...

@"Stop spending our tax dollars on the woke climate emergency bike lane/ Open street nonsense and put the focus on maintaining infrastructure!"

Republican presidents and congress have made a point of blocking any infrastructure improvements for decades.

Didn't the Orange God promise to build shiny new stuff and fix old stuff? The only new infrastructure he built were a few gold-plated toilet bowls to flush down confidential documents.

Anonymous said...

@Zoe RE: "They should get rid of all the bikes and bike lanes causing traffic..."

It's the cars causing traffic, not bike lanes. Too many cars = traffic congestion. It was that way, long before bike lanes.

The zip line idea sound like fun though. Maspeth Plateau and Kew Gardens Hills could use a few of those to get people to the nearest subway station.

Anonymous said...

@"NYC has created all this congestion on its own with the the bike lanes"
Hilarious and delusional.
Traffic in NYC is getting worse because of too many cars, including Uber/Lyft cars. No politician will dare take on Uber or Lyft. De Blazio made a very feeble attempt but was quickly told that he has no say in the matter.
Corporations own America, not the people.

Anonymous said...

Traffic is getting worse because the city has taken too many lanes away from cars.
These bike and bus lanes make it near impossible to make a right turn safely.
A bike, bus or pedestrian is always coming.
That hold up traffic.

If people (illegals included) cant afford cars and demand to use bikes the hell with them.
If some people don't want to cook or bring lunch from home and constant need restaurant delivery the hell them.

Anonymous said...

Aww someone is triggered by the truth.

georgetheatheist said...

If a zip line and gravity gets you down from the height, what gets you back up?

Anonymous said...

It's because NYC has declared war on motor vehicles. Removing entire lanes from midtown avenues, bike lanes, pedestrian lanes. They've purposely made it this way. Awful.

Anonymous said...

I think we should put in more bike lanes that should help. What could go wrong if you take away 33% of traffic lanes.

More genius from the eco warriors.

Anonymous said...

The dictionary gives one definition of traffic as: "The passage of people or vehicles along routes of transportation."

More people = more traffic. More vehicles = More traffic.

It isn't rocket science. It's got nothing to do with "woke"(Here's looking at you Qanon drone").