Thursday, June 13, 2024

More little housing,1106


The average size of apartments in Queens was the smallest among all New York City boroughs in 2023, as well as the third-smallest among cities in the United States, according to a report by the real estate firm RentCafe.

At 692 square feet, Queens boasts slightly smaller apartments on average than Brooklyn’s 712 square feet. Among major U.S. cities, only Seattle and Portland have smaller averages, at 661 and 685 square feet respectively.

Compared to the historical average square footage of rentals in Queens, the borough had a decrease of 32 square feet over the last ten years, marking a 4.4% decline. Over the same period of time, Brooklyn had a 21 square feet decrease for a 2.9% decline.

In addition to Queens and Brooklyn, which placed third and fourth among the smallest average apartment sizes in the country, a third New York City borough, Manhattan, was found within the top ten, placing sixth at 737 square feet. However, unlike Queens and Brooklyn, Manhattan actually increased in square footage over the last decade. Apartments there grew 2.2% in the last ten years, adding 16 square feet to the average size of apartments there.




Anonymous said...

You will own nothing.

Anonymous said...

65% of middle class Americans are now struggling financially due to inflation.

40% of ALL Americans are unable to plan beyond their next paycheck, and 46 percent don’t have $500 saved for a rainy day.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when corporations monopolize everything. Shrinkflation, inflation, rent gouging, property prices through the roof.
Both political parties, but especially the fascists (Oops, I meant to say Republicans) let this happen.

Anonymous said...

Housing for the basket of deplorables !

Anonymous said...

Do all Democrats normalized this misery ?

Anonymous said...

Who owns the government? Little people or large corporations?
Thank you to the corrupt corporate supreme court, the US is owned by corporations, hedge fund managers and Israel.

Cav said...

"Who owns the government? Little people or large corporations?"

Not to cast shade on you but wrong on both counts. Understand the difference between power and influence. Where power is the monopoly on force and violence and power can compel people by force or threat of violence to act against their will or be compelled to comply with those who hold power.

Power ultimately flows from the barrel of a gun and there are no exceptions to this rule. Why do you think our managerial overlords want to abolish the second amendment? For our own good says big mommy gubbermint who cares about us oh so much?

Corporations, banks and financial institutions do not have an army, police, courts and jails so cannot force anyone to do anything. The aforementioned can have influence over people or pay tribute to government to have influence there so the corps, banks etc. are vassals or henchmen at worse. Only government has power and nobody with power shares it.

Remember, the man with the gun can always kill the man with the gold and take it all for himself unless the man with the gold bargains for his life and fortune.

In answer to the other comments, get woke, go broke is a real thing and inflation does nothing for the bottom line as consumers will cut back on their purchases. Gotta sell stuff to the widest audience at a competitive price to stay in business. So if all this is against the best interests of the private sector then we have to ask why they would do this. Because if they cooperate with government and dutifully implement the various agendas cooked up by foundations, NGO's, academia and such like, laws and regulations are passed to ensure competition never enters the market or with a good ESG score, can get bailouts or quantitative easing when business is bad.

The opposite will happen to naughty businesses who don't follow the rules with the possibility of an army of military kitted FBI guys storming the house at 4am. Well, maybe not but more likely stock and bond ratings will be viciously slashed so no investors buy them and no quantitative easing or bailouts for you. So the best strategy is to make payments to politician's fundraisers along with a combination of feed everyone else to the crocodile and hope he eats you last and Phaemon's dog was right (and eats well too).

The corpos and all the rest of the private sector are the official bad guy puppets dancing around on stage so we all can boo them while not noticing the real villains, the government and UN puppet masters pulling the strings from the shadows.

Hope this has been of some interest even if I did run on a bit too long.

Donald Cavaioli

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