Sunday, June 30, 2024

Happy June 30th



Anonymous said...

Great news JQ ! Love the Picture...
Also with the Supreme Court overturning the 40-year-old Chevron doctrine thus weakening executive agencies and all the so called "experts" with their "New Green Deal" scams.

Anonymous said...

Here lies a tribute to corporate corruption and the rich kicking the poor down again.
Thank you governor gridlock.
At least you can send more taxpayer cash to Israel.

Anonymous said...

This memorial is brought to you by the car dealerships of NY and NJ plus other corporate interests who don’t view working class Americans as human.

Anonymous said...

you've forgotten "Ridgewood Rides" A group of transplanted from the west and southwest

wannabe New Yorkers

Anonymous said...

People are waking up!

Anonymous said...

@"Also with the Supreme Court overturning the 40-year-old Chevron doctrine,,,"

Musings of a corporate shill. People like you would celebrate corporations and corporate billionaires taking away every right and freedom that the steeple have left. People like you would have been spying for the English during the revolutionary war.
Bootlick for the ruling class.

Anonymous said...

@"wannabe New Yorkers" ?

What's a "Real New Yorker"? Direct descendants from the Mayflower gang? Direct descendants of Native American tribes from the region? White 'Merican with a pickup truck?
Explain, please?

Anonymous said...

I heard TA commie is in therapy now.

Anonymous said...

now do city of yes

Anonymous said...

Now that the Supreme court, that previously legalized bribery and now legalized crime, we can close all prisons and replace elections with auctions. The highest bidder wins.

Anonymous said...

I heard TA commie like most "Woke" Demorats is living in a fantasy!

Anonymous said...

I heard TA commie still believes MSNBC and CNN !

Anonymous said...

​​The Dems have overplayed their hand.

Anonymous said...

We need more CO2.
Plants grow best with two to three times as much CO2 as now.

Anonymous said...

Citi Bike just raised prices by whopping 20% in latest blow on NYC commuters.
Did you know there’s a program for people on public assistance that get these bikes unlimited at a very low cost smh…yet the working class sheeple will pay more & for them.
But hey There is no inflation if you don’t measure food, shelter and energy.

Anonymous said...

The Sheeple feel the consequences of bad MTA policies.

Anonymous said...

"Now that the Supreme court, that previously legalized bribery and now legalized crime, we can close all prisons and replace elections with auctions. The highest bidder wins."

Nice communist-marxist talkingpoint.
Feel free to board the next flight to North Korea if you can find one.

Anonymous said...

"We need more CO2.

Agreed. Except for TA commie, he needs for CO from the battery fires from his e-bike.

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