Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Caption Linky Restler




Anonymous said...

Come on is little vermin, you'll enjoy spending eternity here.

Anonymous said...

"Our Tax dollars hard at work against Americans"

Anonymous said...

These are just like NYC, a DemoRat stronghold!

Anonymous said...

Gotham City is in free fall.

Anonymous said...

Now Mr/Ms. car freeloader, you can store your big lump of metal here instead of on the street.
Compliments of the NY taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

Kids having fun.

Anonymous said...

If you're a global warming denier, spend some time in here. Tell us how you feel after a few hours.

georgetheatheist said...

Can you easily eliminate the future graffiti and advertising posters from these things? If so, who does this work? The owner? The super? The tenants?

Anonymous said...

The liberalization of America is eating us from the inside out.

Anonymous said...

Sheeple creating their own problems voting for clowns like him.

chico0100 said...

Here's my little house...I can even stand up in it!

Anonymous said...

So desperate for attention. Sad.

Anonymous said...

My new Dem Eco-Chamber is a safe place...

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