Saturday, June 1, 2024

Assemblywoman advocate for safe streets is a traffic violence recidivist
Emily is the smirking fauxgressive on the left. Photo by JQ LLC


NY Post


Assemblywoman Emily Gallagher (D-Brooklyn) — who has demonized drivers for years as she calls for “safer streets” — has racked up at least 46 traffic tickets totaling over $4,000 over the past two-and-a-half years, a review of public records by The Post found.

The socialist pol’s 2014 White Buick Encore was caught on camera blowing through a red light in the Bronx in November 2022, and ticketed for parking in front of fire hydrants at least six times, according to city records.

Her utter disregard for the rules of the road extends beyond the Big Apple: In March 2022, Albany traffic cops slapped the far-left lawmaker with an expired-meter ticket that she has yet to pay, records show.


Gallagher has been upfront about her war on cars, and called driving a “very kind of aggressive activity” in a 2022 interview.

The scofflaw lawmaker backed a bill known as “Sammy’s Law,” which allows the city to lower speed limits to as low as 10 mph on some streets.


Anonymous said...

There's whole lot of shitbirds in that picture, Lincoln (Fuck Whiteness) Restler to name just one. THe others are small turds in a big bowl,

Anonymous said...

She should go back To Webster NY. Phony! I notice on her response to the Post she says she"Bought her Parents Car" and "Plans to sell it this summer" How much would you like to bet that idea just occurred to her when she read the article?

Anonymous said...

Do all communists who make the rules, get a free pass ?

Anonymous said...

She looks familiar. Didn't she used to play linebacker for the Packers?

Anonymous said...

She does what she wants. You do what she says.

Anonymous said...

They will reelect her without a doubt.

Anonymous said...

Once you see “NY Post”, you know what follows are lies. Next…

GopGeorge said...

Imagine, parking at an expired meter? The Death penalty should be applied for that heinous crime.

Anonymous said...

Nothing to see here. The problem is that their constituents aren't that smart to begin with and keep reelecting their bad Electurds term after term.

Anonymous said...

What a BIG Hypocrite !

Anonymous said...

"For my friends everything, for my enemies the law"
General Óscar Benavides

Anonymous said...

Too far....

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately none of this is surprising.

Anonymous said...

The participation trophy generation in all its glory. You created it, now deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations NYC!!! You’ve gotten exactly what you voted for and will continue to vote for!!!!

Anonymous said...

GOP George said:"Imagine, parking at an expired meter? The Death penalty should be applied for that heinous crime.":

Read the article. Did you miss the part where it mentions how "Anti Car" she is?
Thats the whole point she's supposedly anti-car.

Anonymous said...

I see the QAnon drone is back with multiple posts of certified drivel. I'm sure it never read one single article since it started it's trolling years ago.

Anonymous said...

I am waiting for a cartel member to be on the city council.

Anonymous said...

She should start walking she could shed a few pounds.

Anonymous said...

Another goddamn "Trustafarian" out to change the world to social democrat Her father Richard Gallagher is an upstate layer and pays his daughters way in NYC

Anonymous said...

In a woke culture DEI card members are immune.

Anonymous said...

Trustfund skank

GopGeorge said...

@"Read the article. Did you miss the part where it mentions how "Anti Car" she is?
Thats the whole point she's supposedly anti-car.

Take a hike, commie!

Anonymous said...

How much is she asking for the car? I haven't seen any for sale notices.

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