Saturday, May 18, 2024

City Of Don't Mess With Us

 Queens Chronicle

None of the members of Community Board 12’s Land Use Committee were for Mayor Adams’ City of Yes housing plan after listening to a presentation from the Department of City Planning on May 7.

In fact, many felt downright disrespected by the proposal, which they said was created without any community input.

The mayor’s plan calls for upzoning single-family areas to make way for denser multifamily buildings.

The measure would allow low-density housing areas with three to five stories to be eligible for higher density; more houses to be built by subway stations; basement, attic and garage apartment legalization; and religious institutions dedicating parcels of their land to housing. The purpose of the plan is to build enough units to help bring down the costs as the city goes through a housing crisis.

Rene Hill, a CB 12 member, said she does not consider herself a “not in my backyard” person, but she along with others on the committee and the community board bought their homes because of the area’s low density. She doesn’t believe the housing plan will work as intended, and worse, it will drive up prices in residential areas, pushing homeowners out.

“We are trying to keep our homes,” Hill said. “We are middle-class people who want to stay here. We do not want to move into Long Island.”

Hill said developers are renting single bedrooms for upwards of $3,000 a unit and if the administration wants to solve the housing crisis, probably it should put a cap on rent instead of investing in high-rise hotels.

“It should be $650 or $750,” Hill said about rent at apartment complexes. “This is ridiculous, this is an insult, this is disrespectful to us and you should tell the mayor stay away from us. He needs to because he will not be elected again. You can let him know that ... We are going to vote Republican if we have to.”

Michelle Keller said instead of the DCP trying to defend the mayor’s housing plan, it has sent different representatives to the board’s meetings trying to “cajole us.”

“You need to listen to the taxpayers and the constituents here,” Keller said. “You are trying to tell us here that having these high-rise buildings or [accessory dwelling units] is going to be minimal and is going to help us. The elephant in the room is that you are helping these people who are coming from these other countries and now you want us to be onboard with that. I’m not on board with it.”

“Stop acting like you are for us,” Keller said to the DCP representatives. “I do not even know where you live, but when that happens most of us will be in a pickle and we will have to deal with the taxes on our homes and the quality of life has already gone down the drain.”



Anonymous said...

"“Stop acting like you are for us,” Keller said to the DCP representatives. “I do not even know where you live"

I DO know that the one guy Derek Jasmine is from Palo Alto California, another typical transplant telling us how to live.

Total bullshit....

Anonymous said...

Every corner you turn, they are killing the working class.

Anonymous said...

The stock market is not the economy said...

Cut the welfare and government handouts especially to illegals and other countries.

Anonymous said...

Hey, things could be worse. Re-elect Joe and he’ll prove it.

Anonymous said...


High gas prices

High food prices

High Rents

High mortgage rates

That is what the average person sees and feels.

Anonymous said...

Who needs a House out in Hackensack, if that's all you get for your Money.

Anonymous said...

Watch out Sheeple! With Alec Baldwin as your neighbor, you could get shot!

Anonymous said...

And what sayeth the q-Anon drone?

Anonymous said...

I’m just glad nobody was misgendered or called the wrong pronouns.

Anonymous said...

Corn Pop was the loud voice in the audience that booed.

Anonymous said...

It's my party and I'll lie if I want to.

Anonymous said...

This is what the Democrats think we deserve. This is good enough for us according to them. Remember that.

Anonymous said...

Liar liar

Pants on fire

Time for Jill to

Throw my underwear in the dryer

Anonymous said...

“City of Yes” will unilaterally destroy NYC as we know it. All the sitting politicians have their own radical agenda. They really need to know, say, and follow the Ephibic Oath. They really all need to be voted out of office.

The Ephebic Oath states: "We will transmit this city not only not less, but greater, better and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us."

We will never bring disgrace to our city by any act of dishonesty or cowardice, nor ever desert our suffering comrades in the ranks; we will fight for the ideals and sacred things of the city, both alone and with many; we will revere and obey the city’s laws and do our best to incite a like respect and reverence in those about us who are prone to annul them and set them at naught; we will strive unceasingly to quicken the public’s sense of civic duty; and thus, in all these ways, we will strive to transmit this city not only not less, but greater, better, and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us.

Anonymous said...

City of Yes proposal is nothing more than a Trojan Horse. Stop it in its tracks.

Anonymous said...

Not even The Fixer can fix this sham.

Anonymous said...

Welfare recipients vote Democrat.

Anonymous said...

"many felt downright disrespected by the proposal, which they said was created without any community input"

Its called communism or in Scandinavian country's (who hate that word) "democratic socialism"

Federal an State constitutions do not allow stealing homes unless to build a public road, water project or bridge so the commies want to re-work zoning laws to get things done. These proposed towers in small home neighborhoods will ask outrageous $$ rents then cry hardship when occupancy is 30%, these towers then becomes guaranteed taxpayer rent section 8 or shelters.
Its planned that way.
As in ram it down our throats at gunpoint then give small home owners 2 choices.
1-Put up with and embrace it
2-Sell your home to a developer/builder and move.

The Pope is also getting in on this, he's coming to America election time promote socialism, Adams, Bidon and embracement of illegal aliens and criminals.
Problem is will voters tell him to get lost?

Perhaps the pope and Catholic church should take all these illegals & Criminals they coddle and love so much back to Rome. The Vatican has plenty of $$$ to pay for them.

Anonymous said...

The latest version of what the crooks from Tammany Hall called legal graft.

Anonymous said...

As a former NYC resident, I can only say that the Sheeple elected the governor and mayor knowing their support for this so I guess NYC residents got what they voted for. Thank God I’m out of there!

Anonymous said...

Communism/Socialism = spread misery equally amongst everybody.

Anonymous said...

There is absolutely nothing progressive about them and their ilk.

Anonymous said...

Question for the Sheeple.
Are all Democrats in America progressive and destructive ?

Anonymous said...

People who get free money from US government love the government, this is now half of America or more.

Anonymous said...

When will Sheeple hear that the electricity only works half the day?

Anonymous said...

Should the Sheeple secede and join ‘Greater Idaho’ ?

Anonymous said...

Corporate welfare recipients vote Republican.

Anonymous said...

Live in the Bronx for the last 54 Years .. Help Us President Trump…

Anonymous said...

I like Electoral Colleges for states! End Big Blue City strangleholds.

Anonymous said...

Stevie Wonder could see this was going to be a mess. Thanks again for wasting more tax dollars!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

By the way... the Missing -in-Action Mayor and the NYC Council don't care about you.... they are looking for lifeguards...

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