Tuesday, February 6, 2024



 NY Post

Seventy current and former NYCHA workers were charged Tuesday in a 10-year, $2 million “classic pay-for-play” corruption scheme involving the largest number of federal bribery raps brought in a single day in Department of Justice history.  

Some of the kickbacks to the rogue workers hit well over six figures — and several of the heftiest charges were slapped against a 47-year-old female employee accused of helping an unnamed co-conspirator extort contractors in exchange for work with the agency, court documents claim.

“Babe[,] could you put a company through for someone? All you would need to do is sign the documents as the approved and get anyone to sign as the requestor,” the co-conspirator messaged Angela Williams on Feb. 3, 2022, according to the papers. 

“That has been my side hustle…lol 1k per,” the unidentified person added of the scheme.

The avalanche of bribery and extortion crimes occurred in about a third of the 335 developments in the New York Housing Authority — the country’s biggest public housing agency — when the suspects demanded cash in exchange for lucrative construction, maintenance and no-bid contracts, officials said.

The defendants, all of whom were working for NYCHA at the time, sought between 10% and 20% of the contracts’ values – or kickbacks of between $500 and $2,000 – though some asked for higher amounts, authorities said.

 In total, the dozens of rogue workers received more than $2 million in bribes involving $13 million in contracts between 2013 and 2023, officials said.



Who is John Galt? said...

Collectivist housing in action. Socialism/Communism is great, no?

Anonymous said...

Tammany Hall part 2!

Anonymous said...

There goes the Amish again....wreaking havoc on the good citizens of NYC.

Anonymous said...

LOL keep voting for democrats

Anonymous said...

I can't stand criminals.

Anonymous said...

Totally worth throwing away a good paying job and a pension for a few thousand dollars. Just the tip of the iceberg. They will all be singing

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile Joe’s son is getting away with not paying his taxes.

Anonymous said...

You know that entire group are registered Democrats

Anonymous said...

Is Ewik next????

Anonymous said...

Funny how the justice department goes after people taking peanuts compared to the missing money the Mayor and his wife misplaced.

Anonymous said...

Not NYC’s finest

Anonymous said...

Every building super in the city does the same thing.
It’s called capitalism.

Anonymous said...

@"You know that entire group are registered Democrats"
Sure they are. We all know that democrats are corrupt, as are the Republicans. Republican cultists however cannot get their small brains around the fact that their party is just if not more corrupt than the democrats.

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