Former New York City Buildings Commissioner Eric Ulrich told investigators that Mayor Adams tipped him off to the possibility he could be reeled into an illegal gambling investigation — months before the Manhattan district attorney’s office executed a search warrant on Ulrich and its probe became public knowledge, two sources with knowledge of the matter told the Daily News.
“Watch your back and watch your phones,” Adams said to Ulrich, according to the two sources with knowledge of Ulrich’s interview with prosecutors at the Manhattan DA’s office in November.
In that interview, Ulrich told investigators he interpreted Adams’ reference to a friend with illegal gambling ties and the statement “watch your phones” as an indication that a probe was underway, sources said.
The revelation that Adams may have clued Ulrich into an investigation before it became public raises questions, including whether there’ll be fallout if Adams had prior knowledge of the situation, how he might have learned about it and why he might have shared that information with Ulrich.
Adams’ spokesman Fabien Levy said that “the mayor has not received any requests from the Manhattan DA surrounding this matter and has never spoken to Mr. Ulrich about this investigation, either before or after the matter became public.”
“Not only did the mayor not know anything of the investigation before news of it broke last fall, but it makes no sense for anyone to learn about or even suspect a criminal investigation into a particular person and then decide to promote that same person,” Levy said.
There is no indication Adams is a target of the probe.
News about the probe into Ulrich broke last November, seven months after Adams tapped him to become buildings commissioner. Two days after the probe became public, Ulrich resigned amid allegations he was involved in illegal gambling.
More recently, sources revealed that a grand jury is considering charges against Ulrich and that an indictment could come before summer’s end, as first reported by The News.
According to the two sources, who agreed to speak with The News under the condition of anonymity due to the DA’s probe, Ulrich told investigators that Adams revealed the possibility of an investigation during a conversation in May 2022, just days after Adams announced Ulrich’s appointment as head of the Department of Buildings.
Before taking on the commissioner post, Ulrich, a Republican, served as a senior adviser to Adams, who’s a Democrat. During Adams’ run for mayor in 2021, while Ulrich was a City Councilman representing Queens, he backed the mayor and was instrumental in raising money for his campaign.
In early May 2022, days after the announcement that Ulrich would serve as buildings commissioner, he and Adams appeared at an event in the Bronx. After it ended, Adams pulled Ulrich aside and asked him to hand over his phone to a member of Adams’ NYPD security detail, according to the sources’ recounting of what Ulrich told investigators. The sources didn’t specify who that officer was. Which event the two attended together also isn’t entirely clear, but a review of the mayor’s public schedule shows both attended a Department of Buildings Construction Safety Week event on Friday, May 6.
After Ulrich handed over his phone, he and Adams walked away from the cop, and then, according to the sources’ retelling, Adams told Ulrich that “a little birdie” told him a friend of Ulrich’s was involved in illegal gambling and that Ulrich should “watch your back and watch your phones,” a message both sources took as a reference to a potential wiretap.
According to the sources, Ulrich recounted this exchange to Manhattan D.A. investigators on Nov. 2, a day after the search warrant had been executed.
Levy denied that Adams told Ulrich to leave his phone with anyone during any conversation between the two
Two thieving TrumpTurds!!!
Have you missed it?? Adam’s “acts” every time he goes before a camera. Acts like he knows what is going on…but if someone gave him a clue, he would not know what to do with it!
Democrat policies in action
I want them on my team.
Way to go, Eric!
Adams probably gave tricky Vickie Paladino her fake license plates too.
"The real reason that we can’t have the Ten Commandments in a courthouse: You cannot post “Thou shalt not steal,” “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” and “Thou shalt not lie” in a building full of lawyers, judges, and politicians. It creates a hostile work environment"
George Carlin
Eric Adams loves New York City so much that he lives in an apartment in New Jersey, spends his summers in Monaco, and hosts his parties out in the Hamptons.
AOC is right. We must tax the rich. Start with Eric...
Here in the "Great Swamp of Florida", we've gone from being the greatest in our own minds to the laughingstock of the whole country, all in the space of one year.
Thank you governor Meatball.
I'm packing my bags and moving back to the "Great state of New York".
A government of laws, and not of men.
John Adams
The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions.
Leonardo da Vinci
Its amazing how severely Trump broke some people's brains.
Someone here has has a terrible TDS Related Piss Fetish !
Something Is Going On in America said...
I never understood how a man can be a democrat or a liberal. How can a man support that kind of ideology, I will never understand.
My problem with the modern Left is that they seem to have decided that the ends always justify the means.
The integrity of these two men simply shines through.
Which politician in office right now do you think would reject thousands of dollars to "change" their political opinion?
How many krazy dems will still vote for him again ?
Is this Mayor Swaggers Devon Archer moment ?
These guys are all dressed up to do some construction work. Are they installing an 'X' on top of Greenpoint Sewage Treatment Plant?
Dems consistently deny and dismiss the “proof and evidence” presented to them over and over.
NO ONE is above the law.
And now he's going after guns in NYC! More communism.
He reminds me of that scene in "The Last Hurrah" where Spencer Tracy blackmails his opponent by portraying the opponents idiot son by getting him to wear a firemans helmet and making appropriate noises.
What a douchebag Adams is. It's all about the "Optics" for him...
@"NO ONE is above the law."
Not even "Dear Leader"? "Teflon Donald" ?
@"How many krazy dems will still vote for him again ?"
Very few, just like in the last election. He got voted in by Queens Trumpanzees and Brooklyn Liberals. Besides, he had no competition, except some screwballs from the 1970s who watched one too many re-runs of "The Warriors".
If we don't get these Democrats out of office soon we are in danger of losing our civilization. The situation is dire.
Dems now have a new bill about crimes based on race where some get a break.
Let's remember, the Left wants to send social workers to these situations!
What we need now is "America's Mayor", and his personal assistant.
Let me translate this for you. Get the feds involved.
The good Folks in NYC ghost cars are too busy wondering where all the ketchup packets and plastic forks went.
Clueless or just stupid, I can't decide.
We've seen enough.
Margaret Thatcher was spot on..."Eventually they run out of other people's money." Soon Eric will run out of money only to tax the middle class to death.
Lol, hire a cop for Mayor!
He doesn't loook like he could use a hammer. How did he become in charge of building.
Eric should heed Lincoln's advice: 'Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.'
He’s coming after you …
TDS Sufferers are OBSESSED with Poopoo and Peepee
@"TDS Sufferers are OBSESSED with Poopoo and Peepee"
There you go again. Disparaging Trumpanzees again.
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