Friday, June 16, 2023

Caption Linky Restler   

Oh, why not...



Anonymous said...

I will help turn NYC into a Banana Republic

NPC_translator said...

Gettin' it how he likes it.

Anonymous said...

This is my impersonation of a Trumpanzee.

Anonymous said...

@ #3 Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a real mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic and reason.

Anonymous said...

god he's SUCH A DWEEB. He begs to be ridiculed... I'll bet he got the shit kicked out of him at school...

Anonymous said...

I have Serious Cognitive Dissonance.
According to TDS Sufferers I'm their future !

Anonymous said...

I'm one of your Blue Anon leaders !

Anonymous said...

Trump 2024

Anonymous said...

Senator Featterman has more brain cells than me !

Anonymous said...

People that voted for me should absolutely be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

Was this buffoon installed by Bike Nazis ?

Anonymous said...

I'm a lazy f–king grifter and the Sheeple love me !

Anonymous said...

NYC Gettin it too... Up the Wazoo !
Dem0rats have ruined our city and Sheeple keep voting for these same politicians over and over. Keep voting Democrat! This is what happens when you have defund police; pro criminal democrat politicians running NYC. We all know exactly how bad things are with crime, drug addicts, homelessness, car jacking and businesses being robbed. The subways as well are extremely dangerous and the Governor, Mayor and all the weak progressive pro crime city council members who don’t care about safety will continue to do nothing. People blame the police, but are so blind and don’t realize the police are handcuffed because of the laws.

Anonymous said...

It's what he does best...

Anonymous said...

This look should really piss off the QAnon creep.
Prove me wrong …

Anonymous said...

I've had more balls bounce off my chin then Yogi Berra

Anonymous said...

The parasite "Restler" is seen here extending it's long tubular tongue to suck the quality of life out of another neighborhood and lap up special interest dollars

Disgruntled Citizen said...

Look Ma! No Hands.

Disgruntled Citizen said...

I won the Multi Tasker of the Month Trophy


Friend of Disgruntled Citizen said...

This ain't nothing. I got a broom in my ass so I can sweep the floor & type @ the same time.

Anonymous said...

I really look like a NPC_doofus.

Anonymous said...

Trust Me, I'm Lying

Anonymous said...

I'm better than George Santos don't you think

Anonymous said...

I will ask Dr. Fauci to tell the aliens to wear a mask.

Anonymous said...

"Who you are is what you settle for, you know?"~ Janis Joplin

Anonymous said...

I would like to throw in that I'm the product of the NYC political machine with community organizer skills.

Anonymous said...

This girl should run for AOC's seat...

Anonymous said...

People are fed up with goofy behavior from our government.

Anonymous said...

Im sure that this is all Joe Biden's fault.

Anonymous said...

If you give me a free flight on a private plane, I'll do whatever you want.

Anonymous said...

Criminal is just another synonym for democrat at this point.

Anonymous said...

Is this what Biden derangement syndrome looks like?

Anonymous said...

I wonder how that “war on woke” is going for meatball Ron?

Anonymous said...

Any Council Member that doesn't support NYC Medicare Retirees keeping their HealthCare should be voted out!

Anonymous said...

I'm a demonrat NYC councilman. What do you expect?

Anonymous said...

Seems like a lot of mentally deranged TrumpTurds have moved outta here, and down to the "Great Swamp" of Florida.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet he got the shit kicked outta him every day at school.

Cav said...

When a brain is just some mass to fill a head with.

D Cavaioli

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