Remember when I wrote about the Corona Horror house last year? Crappy even posted sarcastically about it on social media.

Well get a load of it now.
Looks like the buyer (or buyers, LLC cough cough) decided to add a patio balcony and put up a fancy new gate too.
Is it a hate crime to hate Corona ?
Still looks like shit! Location, Location, Location.
Bet there was once Victorian trim there and would still be there an true world class city just about anywhere in Europe.
New York? forgetaboutit!
The vibrancy and diversity really turned queens into a shithole
The great American tragedy is how I've traveled to actual Third World provenances that look better than New York City's official gateway to 'The FOURTH World': QUEENS County. It's the greatest testament to how the two-party-machine-failed duopoly CULT-DISEASE created abject poverty, adversity, beggary, obscurity and quiet desperation——all of which didn't previously exist (since the end of World War II), in order to secure themselves in lifetime public money, power, position, noblesse, oblige).
Meanwhile, politicians keep raking in their graft, and live like Babylonian kings (it's no longer necessary to haul wrinkly political ass over to private industry (when corrupt power and PRIVATE SPLENDOR prevail from within——versus PUBLIC SQUALOR for everone else).
Keep fighting, peons, over which new slaveowner, DemonRat or Repuglican, will lord over you until the end of your natural life span. These cradle-to-grave, womb-to-tomb parasites feed off of your human misery (ironically all human misery that THEY themselves created and FOISTED) like a Roman banquet!
It could be worse. It could be some swamp town in Florida.
I'm more surprised the building wasn't torn down and a 4 or 5 story worker barrack block house wasn't built there. Right up to the sidewalk and only 6 inches away from the houses next to it. Location, location, location means nothing to the developers who have been ass raping that part of Corona since the mid 80's, literally putting up worker barracks in every side yard and driveway, as they have an endless supply of illegal immigrants lining up to live there. And with the massive supply of people who want to live there, the rents are ridiculously high for what you get. Especially for what they'll charge for this ugly and soul-crushingly bland makeover.
Donald Cavaioli
Me and Julio go to Corona for The Lemon Ice King Of Corona & The Empanadas Cafe.
@ "Two-party-machine"
Where is that in NY ? We have one party rule.
TA Commie said...
Build more commie barracks please.
Glock Holliday said...
You deserve the government you elected in your state.
New Yorkers need to elect constitutionalists not DemOrats.
The liberal dream of transforming the city into Mad Max Fury Road is coming to fruition.
Meanwhile Swagger, Kathy Clown Cousins and Heastie do photo ops about how they are protecting New Yorkers - the opposite of what is happening.
Great comment Donald Cavaioli. Says it all.
The great American tragedy is how I've traveled to actual Third World provenances that look better than New York City's official gateway to 'The FOURTH World': QUEENS County. It's the greatest testament to how the two-party-machine-failed duopoly CULT-DISEASE created abject poverty, adversity, beggary, obscurity and quiet desperation——all of which didn't previously exist (since the end of World War II), in order to secure themselves in lifetime public money, power, position, noblesse, oblige).
Meanwhile, politicians keep raking in their graft, and live like Babylonian kings (it's no longer necessary to haul wrinkly political ass over to private industry (when corrupt power and PRIVATE SPLENDOR prevail from within——versus PUBLIC SQUALOR for everone else).
Keep fighting, peons, over which new slaveowner, DemonRat or Repuglican, will lord over you until the end of your natural life span. These cradle-to-grave, womb-to-tomb parasites feed off of your human misery (ironically all human misery that THEY themselves created and FOISTED) like a Roman banquet!
Elites are turning the world into what they want....using tax payer money to do it....politicians are their leashed pets who do their bidding.
Dont like it Relocate to Florida like everyone else.
Regular guy said: all I know is that it looks much better than it did before.
@Donald Cavaioli
I was about to agree partially with your comment except for all that UN. Conspiracy nonsense. Anyway if the doofus thinks it’s good, then it’s gotta be bad. The doofus is clueless about most things, as doofuses are.
@“ NPC_translator said...
Great comment Donald Cavaioli. Says it all”
Just another Doofus clone…
"Relocate to Florida like everyone else"
300,000 smart people already did !
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