Saturday, June 11, 2022

Two boys drowned in Jamaica Bay

 NY Daily News

Two Queens boys celebrating the start of summer died Friday after they fell into Jamaica Bay and never resurfaced, police said.

The two victims, who are both 13, were on an outcropping of rocks near Broad Channel at about 11:40 a.m. when they fell into the water.

Panicked onlookers called 911. NYPD divers recovered one of the two just before 1 p.m. and rushed him to Jamaica Hospital, where he died.

The second teen was found under the waves about 40 minutes later. He was rushed to Jamaica Hospital in extremely critical condition but he could not be saved, officials said.

Their names were not immediately released.

The two boys, accompanied by a group of friends, made their way to the bay in celebration of the first day of summer break, a shaken uncle of one of the teens said outside the hospital Friday evening.

“Yesterday was the last day of school and they were just trying to have a good time, messing around like kids do,” said Michael Rachel. “They were out on the rocks but when the tide comes in you couldn’t see them. They’re gone.”


Anonymous said...

This was very sad. Those waters over there are rough. However, I wish more kids would learn how to swim. Swimming should be a requirement in physical education classes, however, nyc is even lucky they can fit one desk more into a classroom, let alone a Swimming pool. Not to mention, how much the kids there would act like idiots around the pool since there's no such thing as discipline in schools anymore. And you would think that since we live on an island (most of us) that most of us would definitely learn how to swim or swim better. And these kids didn't think the water went deeper because they didn't read the signs so paying attention to directions would have prevented this. But RIP to those kids.

Anonymous said...

Sending prayers !

Anonymous said...

Sad story. Very sad.

Anonymous said...

Yes it's tragic. Who had the bright idea to go into the bay instead of the beach?

Aren't there big signs at the Bay?
If I understand correctly the beach, that is a short walk from the bay, is closed off until July. They would have had to walk to Beach 86th Street to get to where there are lifeguards. There are plenty of NPS and NYC Park Police at the other beaches stopping people from going in the water.
But no, having been enabled by the narrative that all black and brown people, children, are victims, they are allowed to get away with so very much.
Didn't you know it's racist to request a black or brown child to sit in their seat and stop threatening their classmates and the teacher?

Didn't you know that black and brown children do whatever they want with no consequences?

It must have been traumatic for their classmates to witness them drowning and not one of then went into the water to aid their friends. They waited for the NYPD , who they hate and despise to rescue them.

There are 13 year old that know how to help someone in distress in the water. Yes, there are serious riptides but you can survive them if you know what to do. Panicking and taking on water doesn't help.

I'll sit back and watch while someone comes up with racism as the reason for their deaths.

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