Tuesday, June 28, 2022

No citizenship, no vote


NY Post 

A New York City law allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections was struck down Monday by a judge who said it violated both the state constitution and various provisions of state law.

Staten Island Supreme Court Justice Ralph Porzio also issued a permanent injunction that bars the city Board of Elections from letting around 800,000 non-citizen residents register to vote.

In a 13-page ruling, Porzio said city officials can’t “obviate” restrictions in the state constitution, which “expressly states that only citizens meeting the age and residency requirements are entitled to register and vote in elections.”

“There is no statutory ability for the City of New York to issue inconsistent laws permitting non-citizens to vote and exceed the authority granted to it by the New York State Constitution,” he wrote.

Porzio said the city’s move also violated sections of the state’s Election Law and Municipal Home Rule Law.

City Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli (R-Staten Island), among the plaintiffs who challenged the law, hailed the ruling, saying it “validates those of us who can read the plain English words of our state constitution” and accused the measure’s proponents of seeking to “skirt the law for political gain.”

“Opposition to this measure was bipartisan and cut across countless neighborhood and ethnic lines, yet progressives chose to ignore both our constitution and public sentiment in order to suit their aims,” he said in a prepared statement.


Anonymous said...

Queens Crap Pundit said...
Lawmakers blast Biden after 46 migrants found dead in tractor-trailer
They are a result of deadly open border policies.
This tragedy is on Biden and Mayorkas.
“How many more people have to die before Dems give a damn?”

Anonymous said...

Who are these unbiased fact checkers I keep hearing about?

Anonymous said...

So, you have to be Native American to vote. Good, but not many of them around here.

Anonymous said...

​Somehow they'll try to blame it on DJT.

NPC_translator said...

A rare moment of common sense. Of course, it's not going to stop many, many illegals from voting anyway, because nobody in NYC gives two craps. But at least it's not official.

"So, you have to be Native American to vote. Good, but not many of them around here."

What is with this brain-dead Progressive take on woo-woo Indians? Indians were never "citizens" because they never had a country. They had no concept of nation states. They had tribes, and those tribes were mostly busy killing and torturing each other. Then white people showed up and beat them fair and square. Conquest is the way of the world and always has been.

White people then eventually formed an actual nation, with laws. This allowed them to distinguish between citizens and non-citizens. and being eminently sensible people they didn't let non-citizens vote. In fact, they didn't let a LOT of people vote, which was a much better idea. But that's another story.

Anonymous said...

Where's Ray Epps?
Asking for a friend ...

Anonymous said...

We need a Convention of States to make Trump King and then he could could appoint DeSantis as his Hand of The King.

Anonymous said...

This is good news.

Anonymous said...

What a week! Welcome to the Karma cafe, no menus, get served what you deserve.

Anonymous said...

Cheaters never win.

Anonymous said...

Imagine still voting for Groomercrats.
That’s wild.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers go out to all pregnant men who are affected by the SCOTUS overturning of Roe v Wade.

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!! Maybe someday the democrats will wake up but don’t count on it.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous Anonymous said...
So, you have to be Native American to vote. Good, but not many of them around here."

No, you have to be US citizen, first, 18 years old before election, legally residing in N.Y. etc.

Anonymous said...

"So, you have to be Native American to vote. Good, but not many of them around here."

I'm a native American, born and raised here

Anonymous said...

Actually, it would be better for America, if NYC were allowed to legally secede from the rest of us. Then we might be able to wall them off.

Anonymous said...

What about those who became citizens without knowing English? There are many

Anonymous said...

I’d like to give a full response to NPC doofus, but it’ll just get blocked by the moderator. Again.

Anonymous said...

@“ Who are these unbiased fact checkers I keep hearing about?”

Who are you?

Anonymous said...

@“ What about those who became citizens without knowing English? There are many”
This is America, not England.
Hop on the next plane back to old blighty !

Anonymous said...

Good choice. Finally making a good decision in ny, this must be a dream.

Anonymous said...

@We need a Convention of States to make Trump King and then he could could appoint DeSantis as his Hand of The King.

Sounds like good old times. But you wouldn't know anything about those times, since
your meetings are Politburo style.
Still no answer to what degenerate capitalists are financing your sorry TA ass.
Better question, why?

Anonymous said...

"Who are these unbiased fact checkers I keep hearing about"

MSM liars enforcing their lies via "independent" liars they pay for.
Or employ them. Makes no difference.
Ask Billy "Vaccinator" Gates, after all he paid $330 Million for MSM lies (fact checks included) last year.

Anonymous said...

@I’d like to give a full response to NPC doofus, but it’ll just get blocked by the moderator. Again.

Yeah, the moderator blocked you. Mr Hutchinson.

Anonymous said...

@So, you have to be Native American to vote

Be more specific. Native North American?
Seems the Bidet Bike Bot Obongo v3.0 clan means Native Central Americans.
Definitely not from Afghanistan.

NPC_translator said...

I’d like to give a full response to NPC doofus, but it’ll just get blocked by the moderator. Again.

Hey chico, I've been banned at more websites than you've probably ever heard of, including three Twitter accounts! (Truth gets you banned at Twatter in two seconds.) Take it like a man, not a little baby. And guess what? The mod has blocked some of my comments too. It's his saloon, he gets to say what goes and what don't. You don't like it? Build your own website.

Anonymous said...

The have actually allowed immigrants to take the citizen test in the company of a translator.

Anonymous said...

Schadenfreude is alive and well in these ZIONIST STATES of AMNESIA and ENTERTAINMENT: Land of the FEE——and Home of the SLAVE!

Anonymous said...

Conservatives are the only group with access to both sides of political news. That phenomena is extra clear today. Thank you, Jan6 hearings.

Anonymous said...

@ Conservatives are the only group with access to both sides of political news.“
Where did you find these “conservatives”? “Conservatives “ is just the PC snowflake name for right wing nuts. And by “both sides of political news”, I presume you mean Lumpy Hannity and Tucker Putin.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how well our country was run by a businessman and how quickly a career politician has destroyed it.

Anonymous said...

We need President Trump back immediately.

Anonymous said...

@"We need President Trump back immediately."

Yep, him Benedict Arnold, Aldrich Ames and the Rosenberg's. The TrumpTurd dream team.

Anonymous said...

@"It's amazing how well our country was run by a businessman"

Our county was never run by a businessman. Unless you are referring to the orange headed clown who inherited a load of cash from his daddy? Worst president of all time. It'll take decades to clean up his mess.

Anonymous said...

Schadenfreude is alive and well in these ZIONIST STATES of AMNESIA and ENTERTAINMENT: Land of the FEE——and Home of the SLAVE!

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