Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Mayor Adams is not going to tell you shit about his housing plan


Politics NY 

Mayor Eric Adams unveiled his plan to address the city’s housing and homelessness crises Tuesday but refused to commit to any clear metrics for the number of affordable housing units that should be built or the number of homeless New Yorkers that should be housed under the plan.

While presenting his ‘Housing Our Neighbors: A Blueprint for Housing and Homelessness” plan on the rooftop of 90 Sands St. – a former Jehovah’s Witnesses owned hotel that was acquired by the city and converted into 400 units of supportive housing – Hizzoner said the plan doesn’t have any target number for how many supportive and affordable housing units his administration aims to build and he wouldn’t take any questions on the subject.

“It’s often asked, ‘how many units you gonna build? How many units you gonna build? how many units you gonna build?’” the mayor said. “If that is one of the on topic questions you are going to ask me, don’t, because I’m not answering that. How many people we gonna put in housing? We need to put people in housing. That’s the focus that we are on."

When asked by a reporter about what Adams would consider a successful number of people to be placed in supportive housing under the plan, he again refused to give a specific number and only said “as many as possible to get into housing.”

“If you say 30,000 and you have 50,000 that are homeless, then what kind of success is that?” I got 20,000 people that are not,” Adams said. “So, I’m not at this magic number. I’m going to get as many people in my four years to get into housing as possible. And I’m not playing these numbers of ‘what is this number?’ No. Everyone needs to find housing. Those are my goals.”

Adams was joined by the city’s Chief Housing Officer Jessica Katz, city Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) Commissioner Adolfo Carrión Jr., New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Chair and CEO Gregory Russ and Shams DaBaron – a homeless advocate known as the “Homeless Hero.”


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Guess he didn't get the memo.

Anonymous said...

Memo to Mayor Addams, DemoRats may believe identity is fluid, however, there is no mistaking your agenda which is clearly Socialist.

Anonymous said...

Is Swagger is a bad liar or just a dummy for the machine ?
“In times of universal deceit, speaking truth becomes a revolutionary act” George Orwell

Anonymous said...

Another reason to leave New York.

Anonymous said...

He won't tell the sheeple because the demoRats want everyone to be stupid so they are easier to manipulate.

Anonymous said...

@“ Another reason to leave New York.”

Anonymous said...

@“ He won't tell the sheeple because the demoRats want everyone to be stupid so they are easier to manipulate.”

And I always thought that dumbing down the news was a Fox News creation for the Putanists.

Anonymous said...

Is Swagger taking orders from the corporate monsters ?
As a Hispanic, I am voting Red this election. Don’t worry Boe Hiden, I’m still Hispanic even if I don’t vote for you.

Anonymous said...

How do you think the so-called 'housing crisis' will be fixed ?
If the government gets out of the way more homes will be built.
Decent' income and living conditions as a universal basic right that must be guaranteed by redistribution cannot and will not be sustained.

Anonymous said...

“When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.”
—Thomas Sowell

Anonymous said...

If you support this you probably have no skin in the game and live off government benefits.

Anonymous said...

Oligarchs will be happy and prosper whatever the outcome.
Oligarchs run game among the DemOrats and Rinos.
Oligarchs win regardless of party.
Oligarchs have been in firing racial unrest to keep us distracted so we don't see the vast, vast wealth, power and control they've accumulated over the past 15-20 years.Oligarchs will be happy and prosper whatever the outcome.

Anonymous said...

@And I always thought that dumbing down the news was a Fox News creation for the Putanists.

You thought you farted, but instead shitted in your pants Clintonista.

Firm supporter of the BidetTurd Bot you are.

Anonymous said...

ALAS, SWAG is a FECKLESS FRAUD who will annhilate New York City as he remains sycophantically, relentlessly beholden to his corporate masters of anarchy. When is the power of We, the People going to be restored, reclaimed and redirected back to where all power officially belongs? Or is the Constitution null and void? Start punching back, 'SHEEPLE'——TWICE HAS HARD!——or continue with your complicity to be duped, bilked, scammed and damned IN PERPETUITY!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, fake woke progressive “Latinx” attacks a black woman who is a solid democrat. Pass the popcorn.

Anonymous said...

NYC eleturd policy giving meaning to the term Cinderella man !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ALAS, SWAG is a FECKLESS FRAUD who will annhilate New York City as he remains sycophantically, relentlessly beholden to his corporate masters of anarchy. When is the power of We, the People going to be restored, reclaimed and redirected back to where all power officially belongs? Or is the Constitution null and void? Start punching back, 'SHEEPLE'——TWICE HAS HARD!——or continue with your complicity to be duped, bilked, scammed and damned IN PERPETUITY!

Anonymous said...

@"You thought you farted, but instead shitted in your pants Clintonista.
Firm supporter of the BidetTurd Bot you are."

Is this some new language for Q-Anon drones?

Anonymous said...

There's a reason they took economics out of school.
They didn't want students coming to the conclusion that the government was running a grift.

Anonymous said...

@Is this some new language for Q-Anon drones? @

The new language invented for you, shape shifting TA commie Adolf.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Trust the experts said...
"There's a reason they took economics out of school"
In what alternative universe does current inflation add up to an 8.6% rate ?

Anonymous said...

Y'all voted for it. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Swagger man is doing the same stupid shit to the economy as our Dear Leader.

Biden’s track record:
— Bike ride tumble, staircase stumble
— Stocks in bear market
— 40-yr-high inflation
— Record high gas prices, $6+
— Prosecution of political opponents
— Record high border invasion
— 23 pro-life orgs firebombed
— Schools unsecured
--Red Flag Laws
-- Violations of the 1A & 2A

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