Friday, June 17, 2022

Juan and done again and for good 

Queens Post

Juan Ardila, a candidate running to represent western Queens in the state Assembly and a crusader against car culture, drives a compact sports utility vehicle that has racked up nearly 30 traffic violations since 2019.

The black Audi Q3 has been hit with multiple speed camera violations in school zones in the vicinity of Queens Boulevard and 55th Street. The vehicle has been ticketed for blocking crosswalks, parking in front of fire hydrants to obstructing driveways. There is also a bus lane violation, and a violation for blocking a pedestrian ramp.

Multiple people have told the Queens Post that he drives the vehicle and have provided photos and videos of him in it. He is often seen driving through western Queens as he campaigns to represent the 37th Assembly District, which covers Long Island City, Sunnyside, Woodside, Ridgewood and Maspeth.

His critics argue that his violations undermine his campaign, since he is a staunch advocate for street safety. His platform calls for conflict-free protected bicycle lanes, pedestrian safety measures and an end to car culture. He was endorsed by StreetsPAC today, which he announced via twitter.

Ardila, when questioned about the violations, told the Queens Post “I don’t have a car.” In a short unannounced phone interview, he refused to say who the vehicle belonged to, nor did he address the violations. He said he had to get off the phone but would call back in 5 minutes.

He didn’t call back, and after the Queens Post reached out again, he sent a text asking for the questions to be e-mailed. The questions were e-mailed but there has been no response.

The DMV did not provide the name of the registered owner of the vehicle. Tim O’Brien, a spokesperson for the state DMV, said the agency typically does not share private registration information citing the Driver Privacy Protection Act (DPPA).

 The Audi has been hit with 41 violations since 2017, although the limited public records available show that the vehicle was sold to an unnamed party in Queens in 2018. Since then, the vehicle appears to have remained in the name of one owner and has generated 29 violations.

Multiple people have said that they have seen Ardila driving the vehicle in recent years. In fact, video was taken of him in the car prior to a candidate forum held at the Ridgewood Presbyterian Church on Thursday June 9.

“I heard that he had a lot of traffic violations, so when I saw him in the car I took photos,” said Stefan Smetko, who was at the forum working on behalf of Brent O’Leary who is also vying for the Assembly seat.

Of course readers of this blog are aware of the evolution of Juan Aridla and his vain attempts to get into elected office. Last year while running for City Council he got involved in silly protests against residents he would have represented if he won and he got into major hot water when he got caught saying homophobic, racist and sexist things on social media platforms yet his base and the NYC's fauxgressive establishment politicians still stood behind him and endorsed him. This year in his mission to get into the State Assembly, Juan embraced the "public streets for people" movement and lobbies like Transportation Alternatives and Streets PAC above to get elected, so it's going to be interesting to see how they will continue to justify backing their chosen one to push and legislate their agenda to usurp streets from driving and make life difficult for residents with a man who is so dependent on car culture he needs multiple vehicles to get around town and is so addicted to car culture that he was willing to risk his political ambitions by driving and parking like an entitled jerk.

Maybe Ardila liked their agenda because he thought the streets would have more room for privileged drivers like him to drive on and also these bike/open street think tank lobbies donors to TransAlt, Streets Pac and Open Plans as well, especially car culture based corporations like Lyft and Uber and all their fellow hypocrite car owners and car dependent people from other corporations like the big banks and elected officials as well. They don't want safe streets "for people", these elitists wants the streets for themselves.


So long Juan. Thanks for sparing us one less regulatory captured politician in elected office. Now go get a real job.




Anonymous said...

You can't make this Shite up !

Anonymous said...

Fair enough, Juan is an unlikeable guy. But we knew that, and he will also most likely win against the joke opposition that is desperately trying to car bomb him with this. Also amazing to see the lengths Holden will go to in order to stop a person of color from holding office in his district.

Would love to see the moron that runs this blog doxed for once and for all by the DSA folks. Something tells me Queens Crappers mom’s basement is somewhere very near many of these parking violations!

Anonymous said...

Audi Q3? Nice.
TA Commie Adolf on wheels edition.
Law? What law?
Laws are for little people.

NPC_translator said...

"The DMV did not provide the name of the registered owner of the vehicle. Tim O’Brien, a spokesperson for the state DMV, said the agency typically does not share private registration information citing the Driver Privacy Protection Act (DPPA)."

Lol, right. If they were looking for a car driven by Donald Trump, the registration would appear within seconds.

Back in the day, a reporter would just ask a cop friend to run the plate. These days, reporters don't know any cops.

Anonymous said...

So, he's just another car totalitarian. You don't get worse than that.
Prove me wrong ...

Anonymous said...

Is he really gone?

Mussolini said...

Who shaves his stupid head?

Anonymous said...

Middle Village Resident said...
I can't speak for other families, but as someone who lives in Mr. Holdens district, my Hispanic family is all Republican. Democrats have done an overwhelmingly superb job of implementing policies that only leave us with less money in our pockets but also making all of us less safe.

Anonymous said...

Democrats Are The Party Of Amber Heard.

Anonymous said...

Dennis Miller onced described self-centered people like Juan: "they couldn't be more self absorbed if they were made of equal parts water and paper towels".

Anonymous said...

This is just for his Audi. What about his other cars? I always wondered how he can afford to drive these nice cars on his public service salary

Anonymous said...

Juan Ardila is going to win and there isn't much you can do about it. But you can volunteer in Manhattan for Deborah Glick to stop Ryder Kessler from winning. You can volunteer for Stefano Forte in district 11 to stop Toby from winning.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, NYS, and especially NYShitty are already done. Liberals have ruined this place I’ve call home for most of my life. I’m moving….FJB….

Anonymous said...

Do NYC dems care if you can't walk down the streets again without fear of being assaulted or shot ?

Anonymous said...

Queens needs a strong leader, like a Ron DeSantis not a Soy boy.

Anonymous said...

"Juan Ardila is going to win and there isn't much you can do about it."

Why so confident? He doesn't have that much money and he's the only candidate with baggage.

Anonymous said...

Juan has not only lost my respect, he has lost my vote.

Anonymous said...

@"blog doxed"
Do you worship your electurds ?

Anonymous said...

Would love to see a debate with Mayra Flores and one of our "Woke" electurds like Juan or AOCC

Anonymous said...

Isn't Ardila the mook who campaigned in the wrong district?

Anonymous said...

JQ please put put the crazy cousin back in the attic.
"blog doxed" ?

Anonymous said...

@"Unfortunately, NYS, and especially NYShitty are already done. Liberals have ruined this place I’ve call home for most of my life. I’m moving….FJB…."

You've been moving for two years now. How much stuff have you got that's taking you so long?

Freedoms4MeAndNoOneElse said...

@"Do NYC dems care if you can't walk down the streets again without fear of being assaulted or shot ?"

Well, you can thank the "Freedoms" loving red states for making it so easy for criminals to get that gun you are so worried about.

Anonymous said...

So, NYC is like pro wrestling. The enemies are actually all on the same team giving the people a show.

Anonymous said...

Love you and your crew JQ. Always finding the lies and shining truth on it.

Anonymous said...

An anonymous Liberal Said: "Fair enough, Juan is an unlikeable guy."

You have a real gift for understatement, Juan is a lying, two faced dick, who once campaigned in the wrong district when he was running for city council.

Anonymous said...

A complete embarrassment but very typical for a NYC politician

Anonymous said...

"You've been moving for two years now. How much stuff have you got that's taking you so long? "

what is it to you creep?

Anonymous said...


correct, but explaining God to satan boy here is futile.

Anonymous said...

SHEEPLE, puh-leeeeze: Why are you arguing over which new politician/owner will lord over you self-serving slaves (again and STILL)? Haven't you figured out yet that this money laundering, Ponzi scheme is part of their ancient, Babylonian 'Empire-Racket' that requires your loyalty and obedience to their fealty? To continue to vote for feckless thieves, hacks, carpetbaggers, corporate obedient scourges AND un-American, ANTI-American treasonous traitorous is to reinforce the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result):

Soooo, once again (and for EMPHASIS ADDED): Stop voting, break the vicious cycle——and get it RIGHT!

❝The comfort of the rich depends on an abundant supply of the poor.❞ ——Voltaire

❝The gentle art of politics is getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich——by promising to protect EACH from the OTHER.❞ ——Oscar Ameringer

❝Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.❞ ——George Carlin

Anonymous said...

@"blog doxed"
Do you worship your electurds ?

If you STILL believe in a man who lives in the sky who's interested in hearing your problems, then you're more delusional than the monstrously failed politicians (ALL of them!), ALL of whom laughably believe that they are revered public servants when they are nothing more than entrenched, hyper-corrupt, corporate obedient, establishment-rigged public fools and enslaved henchmen to the oligarchy who outright owns them. And if you still believe in imaginary deities who live up in the clouds——then why not worship and pray to Thor?

❝Man is the most insane species. He worships an invisible God and destroys a visible Nature, unaware that this Nature he's destroying is this God he's worshiping.❞ ——Hubert Reeves, astrophysicist

❝Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.❞ ——Napoleon

❝All religion, my friend, is simply evolved out of fraud, fear, greed, imagination, and poetry.❞ ——Edgar Allen Poe

❝Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.❞ ——Karl Marx

❝Music is the ONLY religion that delivers the goods.❞ ——Frank Zappa

❝The comfort of the rich depends on an abundant supply of the poor.❞ ——Voltaire

Anonymous said...

@“ You have a real gift for understatement, Juan is a lying, two faced dick, “
So, if he was white and had a rich daddy, he’d be just like TrumpTurd?
Sad …

Anonymous said...

Sure, God being money.

Anonymous said...

Why is #TDS still a thing ?
Asking for a friend...

Anonymous said...

@"If you STILL believe in a man who lives in the sky who's interested in hearing your problems,"

I have to say, the "Quotation Drone" is spot on with this one. You religious types may as well be worshiping the tooth fairy.

Anonymous said...

@"If you STILL believe in a man who lives in the sky"
Drone Man the Max Planck Society proved you wrong as well as your "heathen gods".

Anonymous said...

@So, if he was white and had a rich daddy, he’d be just like TrumpTurd?
Sad …"

Who said anything about Trump? Oh I get it now, another lame attempt try to divert the narrative That's freakin' sad...

Anonymous said...

"You religious types may as well be worshiping the tooth fairy."

Says Satan boy worshiping Satan.
you are a FRAUD!

Anonymous said...

Max Planck what??????????

Founded in 1911 as the Kaiser Wilhelm Society,

Are you crazy?

Anonymous said...

@“ Drone Man the Max Planck Society proved you wrong as well as your "heathen gods".
What’s a Heathen God? Is that one that doesn’t bring in as much cash as a regular god?

Anonymous said...

@“ Huh?!
Who said anything about Trump? Oh I get it now, another lame attempt try to divert the narrative That's freakin' sad...”
Sorry, my mistake. This is all Jo Biden’s fault along with crooked Hilary and George Soros. Even though the aren’t from Queens.

Anonymous said...

@"If you STILL believe in a man who lives in the sky"
Drone Man the Max Planck Society proved you wrong as well as your "heathen gods".

He's not a quotation drone, he's an erudite. But if you're learning something from someone who is apparently more educated than yourself, then at least show human decency to control your OCD disorder to ridicule what you ironically agree upon, and show respect and reverence where it is demanded. Otherwise, you're just as ignorant and uncouth as the politicians who rule over your crumbling feudal camp. Save your venom and misdirected hostility for them. After all, they feed and parasite off of your money, yet they somehow pass the smell test!

Anonymous said...

That’s what’s wrong these days. Not enough people believe that a bunch of gender neutral people wandering around the desert together for three years instead of having a proper job, we’re in fact gods and saints.
Sad …

Anonymous said...

@“ Asking for a friend..”
Your friend was obviously concerned about you.

Anonymous said...

@“ Says Satan boy worshiping Satan.
you are a FRAUD!”

So is your “God”, he/she/it “everyone I don’t agree with is a TA commie” drone.

Anonymous said...

@Drone Man the Max Planck Society proved you wrong as well as your "heathen gods".

Your favorite institute Adolf? Brings back memories?

Anonymous said...

@"Your favorite institute Adolf? Brings back memories?"

Which one is Adolf?

Anonymous said...

@"If you STILL believe in a man who lives in the sky"
Drone Man the Max Planck Society proved you wrong as well as your "heathen gods".

He's not a quotation drone, he's an erudite. But if you're learning something from someone who is apparently more educated than yourself, then at least show human decency to control your OCD disorder to ridicule what you ironically agree upon, and show respect and reverence where it is demanded. Otherwise, you're just as ignorant and uncouth as the politicians who rule over your crumbling feudal camp. Save your venom and misdirected hostility for them. After all, they feed and parasite off of your money, yet they somehow pass the smell test!

Anonymous said...

So is your “God”, he/she/it “everyone I don’t agree with is a TA commie” drone.

I don't own a God, but Satan owns you - FRAUD.

Anonymous said...

crooked Hilary and George Soros. Even though the aren’t from Queens.

Hilda Beast is not even from NY, but wasn't she a Senator representing NY?
Soros lives upstate NY, I guess he wants to be close to corrupt activists like you.

Anonymous said...

Gate Keeper said...
Dose TA commie drone have a place in hell waiting his/her/ arrival ?
Asking for a friend...

Anonymous said...

SHEEPLE, puh-leeeeze: Why are you arguing over which new politician/owner will lord over you self-serving slaves (again and STILL)? Haven't you figured out yet that this money laundering, Ponzi scheme is part of their ancient, Babylonian 'Empire-Racket' that requires your loyalty and obedience to their fealty? To continue to vote for feckless thieves, hacks, carpetbaggers, corporate obedient scourges AND un-American, ANTI-American treasonous traitorous is to reinforce the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result):

Soooo, once again (and for EMPHASIS ADDED): Stop voting, break the vicious cycle——and get it RIGHT!

❝The comfort of the rich depends on an abundant supply of the poor.❞ ——Voltaire

❝The gentle art of politics is getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich——by promising to protect EACH from the OTHER.❞ ——Oscar Ameringer

❝Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.❞ ——George Carlin

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