Wednesday, June 29, 2022

It's Kathy Clown vs. Lee Ze in November

NY Daily News

Gov. Hochul sailed to victory Tuesday as she easily defeated a pair of Democratic primary opponents and took a step closer to becoming the first woman elected governor of New York.

The incumbent Democrat beat out Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-N.Y.) and Jumaane Williams, the city public advocate, in an early summer contest that saw exceptionally low voter turnout across the state.

The Associated Press called the race at 9:25 p.m.

“I stand on the shoulders of generations of women, generations of women who constantly had to bang up against that glass ceiling,” Hochul said Tuesday night, dressed in white in a nod to suffragists as she addressed supporters at a Manhattan celebration. “To the women of New York, this one’s for you.”

 NY Daily News

Rep. Lee Zeldin clinched victory in New York’s Republican gubernatorial primary late Tuesday, coming out on top after an acrimonious campaign against a field of challengers that included former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s son.

Zeldin, a Long Island Republican and one of former President Donald Trump’s earliest supporters in Congress, was declared the winner by the Associated Press around 10:30 p.m. as early state Board of Elections returns showed him leading runner-up candidate Andrew Giuliani by a wide margin.



Anonymous said...

JQ will you get credit for the name Kathy Clown ? LOL...

Anonymous said...

The MAGA genie is out of the bottle.
Huge Night as Maga wins many primaries as the RINOS get pushed out of Congress.

Anonymous said...

New York is run by nincompoops.

Anonymous said...

How did She win ?
You don’t have to get a political science degree to understand and see what has been used to manipulate opinions minds and hearts out here. God bless America and may we truly unite as one Nation.

Anonymous said...

We need change, and only your precious vote can make a difference in peoples lives. Vote this November for a better future. Vote Republican. Have Kathy Hochul fired from her job as governor of New York City. STOP CRIME IN YOUR STREETS NEW YORK!

Anonymous said...

Lee Zeldin can reverse NY's slide into oblivion. Democrats have destroyed this state and this city. It's hard to believe that only a few years ago, NYC was rated the safest big city in the world. Now you have to climb over piles of drug needles, piles of human waste and sleeping (or high) homeless people just to get to work.

Anonymous said...

NewYork is a lost cause, like California. I'm not even going to pay attention to this race.
The psychos in New York elected hole culled already. So sad.

Anonymous said...

Zeldin is right. But he'll still lose in this blue state shhithole. Bye bye NY. I'm out.

Anonymous said...

Hochul will break your bank book with her stupid green energy plans….electric pumps for heating in private homes, no propane gas. No gas for heating in new NYC skyscrapers. I’m almost wishing she wins because it would be such a punishment for Demorat Sheeple.

Anonymous said...

Hochul is really low class and low rent. Have you heard her speak?

NPC_translator said...

“I stand on the shoulders of generations of women, generations of women who constantly had to bang up against that glass ceiling,” Hochul said

There hasn't been a glass ceiling in 50 years. Why can't Liberals stop with their dusty cliches?

Zeldin is no great shakes, but anything is better than Kathy the Dolt. Can Zeldin pull it off? Probably not.

Anonymous said...

If you believe in this woman or any NYS DemOrat you could be mentally deficient !
Prove Me Wrong...

Anonymous said...

I bet Corn Pop could do a better job.

Anonymous said...

Is her STRONG POINT knowing how to share our TAX MONEY so she can get a KICKBACK ?

Anonymous said...

Time for all New Yorkers to unite behind Zeldin and save NY !

Anonymous said...

Jack in the Box Gov !

Anonymous said...

I’ll take the clown over the traitor any day.

Anonymous said...

"Hochul is really low class and low rent. Have you heard her speak?"

Rent-a-Governor, even the globalist scum is trying to save money when hiring stupid people to do their bidding.

Anonymous said...

TA loves communism: confirmed !

Anonymous said...

Our "elected" officials are really good at convincing people they aren't stupid.

Anonymous said...

Man, you folks really know how to pick 'em!

Anonymous said...

Kathy Clown has become a bit too Bossy !

Anonymous said...

@""Hochul is really low class and low rent. Have you heard her speak?"

No, but I've seen you write, and it's lower than low class. Pure white trash drivel.

Anonymous said...

@"even the globalist scum is trying to save money when hiring stupid people to do their bidding."
I presume that means they hired you at one stage ?

Anonymous said...

"If you believe in this woman or any NYS DemOrat you could be mentally deficient !
Prove Me Wrong..."

Taken your meds lately he/she/it brainDeadOcrat.

Anonymous said...

"TA loves communism: confirmed !"

Not really. He loves good old corporate welfare just like the rest of the liberal political Kardashians.

ron s said...

Zeldin = Trump supporter = Traitor

Anonymous said...

I presume that means they hired you at one stage ?

You publish your TA racket sponsor list and your corporate support list.
Include Lyft, Bloomberg, Pfizer, Google.

So we can all see who is financing your radical agenda.

Anonymous said...

Poor NYC Sheeple they are easily led by the DemOrat LibTurd Machine !
Prime example - "Zeldin = Trump supporter = Traitor"

Anonymous said...

@“ Zeldin = Trump supporter = Traitor”

This equation may be too difficult for some TrumpTurds to decipher. Could you simplify It a little?

Anonymous said...

Who supports drug/IQ/lie detector tests for politicians?

Anonymous said...

Were you better off when Trump was in office or are you better off now ?
Thanking God.. I left the Democrat party many many years ago!
My God is greater than me or all of you. That keeps me grounded in reality.I feel sorry for atheists who think they are #1. They don't seem as happy and content.

Anonymous said...

Some clown here obviously still believes that right wing nuts can actually understand logic.
Sad ..

Anonymous said...

@ You publish your TA racket sponsor list and your corporate support list.
Include Lyft, Bloomberg, Pfizer, Google.“
You may see me walking along Queens Blvd. I’m the one wearing all the corporate logo stickers.

Anonymous said...

Where are the right wing nuts ?
I never meet one...

Unknown said...

The level of commentary on this site is infantile. Making up silly names for people isn't intelligent. It just paints you as an ignorant fool.

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