Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Council speaker from Queens top aides are from Long Island and Jersey

NY Post 

These bigwigs work for the City Council but they’re not based in the Big Apple.

Speaker Adrienne Adams has granted rare waivers exempting three top Council staffers from a rule requiring such workers to live in the city, The Post has learned.

“People know about it. It has caused dissension. People will say, ‘Why can’t I get a waiver to move out of the city?'” one Council veteran said.

The waivers went to new Council Chief of Staff Jeremy John, Chief Financial Officer Tanisha Edwards and top Finance Division deputy Jonathan Rosenberg.

John, who grew up in Brooklyn, now resides in Westbury in Nassau County and is getting paid at least $220,000, city records show. He comes to his council job with deep Democratic Party and labor connections — he’s the former political director of the District Council 37 union representing city workers.

Edwards, who is making $245,000 according to public records, has a listed address in Valley Stream in Nassau County. She’s a native of southeast Queens, the home turf of Speaker Adams, and most recently was employed as general counsel and chief legal officer of the state Insurance Fund.


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable ! This is sick even for a all DeMorat Blue no matter who City...

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see how she spins it to make herself look like the victim.

Anonymous said...

“Let’s hold them to the same standard…”
Yah not gonna happen.
We are but mere plebs
They are better than you and their laws don’t apply to them.
Just you and me sheeple...

Anonymous said...

There's no legal action that can be taken for this kind of thing?

Anonymous said...

It's not who you's who you blow!

Anonymous said...

Haha and then they push residency requirements for cops. NYC is a true joke.

Anonymous said...

Scumbag hypocrites. No different than other who bleed the city dry yet live in distant unaffected locations. Kind of like the NYPD officers

Anonymous said...

Same circus, same clowns. No one is that exalted to demand a waiver which is a flagrant abuse of the laws that were designed to keep abuses of privilege like this from occurring in the first place.

The new breed in city government is very much part of the OLD breed. It always seems to be a power struggle between Blacks and Jews who now dominate throughout local, regional and statewide government terrain. The fed up and disgusted white population, many of whom who used to be qualified through the application of civil service tests have long ago been phased out through attrition, and the new generation of unqualified, vastly overpaid hustlers who now ubiquitous, don't believe in taking (and PASSING) civil services tests), regardless of how they would rather walk on heated glass than to actually get their buffed and manicured fingernails dirty. It's the greatest 'Empire-Racket' of them ALL!

Anonymous said...

“Government IS NOT the solution to OUR problems.... Government IS THE PROBLEM”
Ronald Reagan

Anonymous said...

Did you ever met a Democrat that didn't lie steal or cheat ? LETS GO BRANDON !

Anonymous said...

Same circus, same clowns. No one is that exalted to demand a waiver which is a flagrant abuse of the laws that were designed to keep abuses of privilege like this from occurring in the first place.

The new breed in city government is very much part of the OLD breed. It always seems to be a power struggle between Blacks and Jews who now dominate throughout local, regional and statewide government terrain. The fed up and disgusted white population, many of whom who used to be qualified through the application of civil service tests have long ago been phased out through attrition, and the new generation of unqualified, vastly overpaid hustlers whom are now ubiquitous, don't believe in taking (and PASSING) civil services tests, regardless of how they would rather walk on heated glass than to actually get their buffed and manicured fingernails dirty. It's the greatest 'Empire-Racket' of them ALL!

Anonymous said...

Leave it to Queens Crap commenters to take a case about a residency waiver and make it a racist rant against blacks and Jews.

Anonymous said...

When do the taxpayers get refunded ?

Anonymous said...

Aren't we all Americans? One nation under God and all that kind of stuff?
Prove me wrong ...

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous said...
"Leave it to Queens Crap commenters to take a case about a residency waiver and make it a racist rant against blacks and Jews."

It was 'made' racist by the system itself——inherently, and from WITHIN! And I should know: For years, I was passed over for promotions as a white, FULLY qualified, civil service test passing employee (Administrative Staff Analyst) because my Black boss (intensely unqualified, and hired through Affirmation Action, NOT meritocracy) preferred to promote his crony pals within an entrenched, Black majority department, yet it was I who ironically passed a civil service test with a 95% score, and THEY got scared on the day of testing, saw a test booklet and bolted for the exit! Meanwhile, it is I who inherits ALL of their daily workloads that have to be rechecked by ME, for accuracy, yet my boss won't give me a better performance evaluation than the dolts whom he hired, because he insists on keeping a dim bulb like himself in the limelight (this is not an isolated incident throughout NYC government).

For your information, I am in contact with every single, former white person who used to work in my division, and every single one, without exception, has cursed the Affirmative Action system for destroying standards in excellence, not to mention the work ethic that had always been carried by conscientious white workers in the first place (they led by example). Now, that same agency is crawling with Affirmation Action appointments, and most, if not all of that workforce is missing in action. I am in contact with the sole white supervisor of a large minority division who tells me that his mostly Black workforce requires constant, remedial attention, they are late for work repeatedly (that's when they bother to show up), and his Black bosses tell him to 'let it slide.'

So you wanna talk racism, neo-liberal? Let's talks about the REAL racism that divided and separated a once great, accountable system that DEMANDED a work ethic that was not negotiable, and treated everyone the same, regardless of the color of skin——if you were late while being white, brown, yellow or purple——your were docked an hour's pay, even if your were junior management (no exceptions). That fair and honest way of life has now gone the way of wire corsets.

IN FACT, the racists are the ones who refuse to work an honest day's pay for a living——and then they rely on a fictionally played 'race card' whilst crying racism to get what they never earned, much less deserved, as evidenced by this latest taxpayer scam that indulges waivers to live outside of NYC regarding jobs for (mostly) minorities and Jews that obscenely pay six figures for what amounts to 'lunch-and-a-manicure' as a stressful day at the City Council. So, what about my neighbor's waiver? He doesn't make $240K on the city payroll (doing what, at that highly inflated city salary, is a great mystery!) but he also doesn't want to live in Bay Ridge anymore, he wants to upgrade to North Salem in Westchester——but he CAN'T, because of the rules, remember THEM?

If this corruption is allowed to pass the smell test——then we are ALL doomed——exactly like how NYC is forever doomed. What an outrageous tragedy that this once great, able bodied city will never be the same when intolerant extremists and apologists keep running it deeper into the ground, and below six feet under. The criminally insane (and unpunished) de 'Blass-hole' administration transformed NYC into a welfare state that is beyond the point of control, much less all pretense of law, order and stern discipline measures for the lawless and corrupt (beginning with the lofty corridors of City Hall henchmen themselves)!

Get outta this virulent cesspool of corruption, graft and lawlessness while you STILL can——the whole bleepin' city is a PADDED CELL!

Anonymous said...

TrumpTurds will get angry over anything.
Prove me wrong …

Anonymous said...

Funny, it was no problem when TrumpTurd got all his cash from China, Russia and Saudi Arabia.
One law for Trumpanzees, and another for everyone else.

Anonymous said...

"TrumpTurds" Please seek help for your #TDS ! It is really said to read your comments here.
I always wonder why JQ lets this happen ?

JQ LLC said...

@Anon re: happen?

Because this is an open forum. As much as I find it annoying (and believe me I do) People have every right to say played out corny shit like Trump turd or Trumpanzee just like the played out corny shit #TDS and "prove me wrong".

Anonymous said...

Ahh, yes, Adrienne Adams, that bastion of hypocrisy: Feigning concern for her Queens, wage slave earning peons of abject poverty throughout councilmanic District 28, whilst simultaneously arranging and supporting waivers for her useless, six-figure earning, payroll padding staff members of color who live outside of the city in Valley Stream (Nassau County). What does anyone on the city council's payroll DO for $245K a year, I shouldn't wonder? If there is any justice left in this filthy, hyper-corrupt city of bloodsucking parasites (like Chief Financial Officer Tanisha——I'm guessing that she's Black——Edwards), then this obscenely high salary earning waiver nonsense will be immediately rescinded. And WHAT, in the name of ALL that is holy, is a business title like CFO doing in the public sector? That's a title for private sector accountability; there are no chiefs in failed public service——that's why we have a Controller/Comptroller position that has already——and long ago——failed monstrously for all soaked, NYC taxpayer-slaves!

Rise up, peasants, and be heard: Banish waiver abuses forthwith!

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