Sunday, March 13, 2022

AOC does some good

Queens Post

The lawmaker secured nearly $7 million in funding for 10 projects — eight of which are in Queens — as part of an omnibus bill the House passed late Wednesday night. The massive bill was passed to keep the federal government funded and open.

The funding secured by Ocasio-Cortez will support renovations at Elmhurst Hospital, multiple educational and vocational training programs, the repair of two public piers in Flushing Bay and the placement of family support counselors in two Queens high schools, among other initiatives.

“From reducing maternal mortality and youth violence, to training a new generation of green labor, I know these projects will be deeply impactful to our families throughout Queens and The Bronx,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a statement. ”

She secured $3 million for Elmhurst Hospital. The hospital will use the money to renovate its obstetrical inpatient facilities so that expectant mothers can deliver and bond with their new babies in private rooms, which Elmhurst Hospital doesn’t have.

She secured another $2 million for Chhaya Community Development Corporation, a Jackson Heights-based organization that provides housing assistance to residents primarily from the South Asian community. The money will help the nonprofit procure a bigger building for its headquarters and create a community space that will allow it to serve 3,000 more clients per year.

The congresswoman also earmarked $225,000 for Queens Community House, an organization that provides many services including offering alternative high schools for students who have either dropped out of school or fallen substantially behind in credits. The funds would be used by QCH to hire additional family support counselors to support students in two schools it operates in Corona and Elmhurst. Currently, QCH has just one counselor who supports students across five schools.

Ocasio-Cortez allocated funding for a second health care facility, in addition to Elmhurst Hospital. A local health center in Corona, Plaza Del Sol Family Health Center, will receive $96,150 to expand and upgrade its telehealth technology to serve more patients.

The lawmaker got approval on two funding requests for Sunnyside Community Services as well.


Anonymous said...

Very upbeat news. I like it.

Anonymous said...

Worthless politicians in NYC and NY State we Need to fire them all.
NYC is a disaster right now saying she did some good Oooooooh... is so bad for my blood pressure. Our city has become unlivable !

Anonymous said...

When added up, these projects amount to a fraction of what Amazon would’ve brought to the pockets of Ocasio’s residents.

Anonymous said...

What, no "Free" electric cars for the sheeple ?

Anonymous said...

Amazing where our taxes are spent.

Anonymous said...

AOC not doing to bad herself, sure has upgraded her wardrobe.

Anonymous said...

Yup, she's Good at spending other people’s money.

Anonymous said...

Can she explain why you and your colleagues deserve a 21 % Raise while regular people have to make do with a minimum wage of 7.25 $ per hour? How is she fighting for the people ?

Anonymous said...

Her enormous govt spending creates more inflation.
At this rate she will make up for single-handedly costing your district Amazon and it's 50k high paying jobs - in about 600,000 years.

Anonymous said...

Politicians get credit for "securing" funds for their pet projects, but no mention is made that it is actually the taxpayers who pay for these projects.

Anonymous said...

Us she up for reelection? Why couldn't this have been done earlier on?

NPC_translator said...

Since I am the NPC translator, let me translate for the NPCs.

"renovations at Elmhurst Hospital"


"multiple educational and vocational training programs"

Useless make-work for the politically connected.

"the repair of two public piers in Flushing Bay"


"the placement of family support counselors in two Queens high schools"

Useless make-work for the politically connected.

"From reducing maternal mortality and youth violence"

Those things won't happen.

"to training a new generation of green labor"

Genuinely delusional.

"Chhaya Community Development Corporation...that provides housing assistance to residents primarily from the South Asian community"

A South Asian grift. They are very, very good at gaming the system.

"Del Sol Family Health Center, will receive $96,150 to expand and upgrade its telehealth technology to serve more patients."

That's a lot for a couple of new laptops.

TrumpTurds ToiletBowl said...

I thought I did that?

Anonymous said...

Buy an electric car. That’s your patriotic duty, duhhhhhhh.

Anonymous said...

She is playing the ‘Washington game’ to get re-elected !

Anonymous said...

Seems to me the Sheeple are having a major case of Voters remorse.
NYC is full of typical DemoRats who like to blame everything on everybody else but themselves.

Anonymous said...

I’m 3.5 weeks away from leaving NYC and cannot wait. Couldn’t pay me enough to live in this city again.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame AOC for her nutcase communist politics.
I blame AOC's father for not putting a damn condom on when banging her mother away.

Anonymous said...

"AOC does some good" Not exactly...
News: Americans are feeling the pain.
Green New Deal: Oh goodie!!!
Someone tell her Trucks, trains, planes and cargo ships all need fuel. You also need fuel to run power grids to charge electric cars. Imagine cutting off your own natural supply of energy, without having another source. Even people that are clueless understand at this moment in history we have the wrong president and party in power to deal with this crisis. I have talked to several people that openly admit voting for Biden instead of Trump was the worse mistake they could have made and I couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

Could you imagine getting rid of the water line to your house and ordering shipments of water to go green?

Anonymous said...

Let’s say AOC decided to go full solar on her home and cut the electrical line from the power company, then she starts getting upset at the clouds when they block her new chosen power supply and putting all the blame on the clouds.

AOC most likely would:
Step 1. blame Trump
Step 2. blame Putin
Step 3. never take accountability for her actions

Anonymous said...

Please stop stroking politicians. They are not your friends. Holding them accountable is all we should be doing when mentioning their names.

Anonymous said...

I bet the usual QC Incels won't be too pleased with this article....

Anonymous said...

She secured $3 million for Elmhurst Hospital. The hospital will use the money to renovate its obstetrical inpatient facilities so that expectant mothers can deliver and bond with their new babies in private rooms, which Elmhurst Hospital doesn’t have.

Oh wonderful now the illegals will have better maternity wards. Wonder how much medicaid pays to these hospitals for these private rooms? Illegals can now have babies in comfort now. Wonderful.

Anonymous said...

She secured another $2 million for Chhaya Community Development Corporation, a Jackson Heights-based organization that provides housing assistance to residents primarily from the South Asian community.

Racist. Of course she will do EVERYTHING good when illegals and foreigners are involved.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but I see nothing good being done at all. All she's doing is funding things that benefits illegals and foreigners. Then again thats all most of Queens is made up of anymore anyway. Her fellow dumbocrats pushed the actual citizens out of nyc a while back.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the comments, you can be sure that you cannot please Queens Karens.

Anonymous said...

Is Putin the New Trump? "Elites" BLAME RUSSIA For Everything!

Anonymous said...

Good job sheeple. Queens Crap needs more conversations like this.

Anonymous said...

She should secure more funding for mandatory vasectomies', and removal of ovaries for all the illegals and criminals in this city.

Overcrowding in schools will go down, and Crime will go down too.

Start with all the career criminals in Rikers prison and the mental hospitals first.

Anonymous said...

Do some good and reform the NYS Bail Reform Bill !
Another ‘appalling’ attack on Asian woman 67 years old. Fucking Punk...

Joe said...

AOC needs to see what's going on with City Island, The access road in is like driving on the moon. Literally a 1/2 mile of 8 inch deep crater potholes and sunken manhole covers for the past 3 years. deBlasio let it happen on spite because people here booed and cursed him out. deBlaz was bitching the 90% white Italian, German Island needs more diversity suggesting some rezoning for public housing and how home owners should stop being raciest and take in some section 8 cases.

The Pelham bay drawbridge is also a disaster, when it gets stuck in the up position you gotta wait for these guys to come with sledge hammers to fix it. The shit going on here is straight out of 3 stooges movie.
I don't complain to much, Its still far better and nicer people then living in Manhasset or Ridgewood.


Anonymous said...

What’s so great about throwing all that money away? Would be better spent deporting the pregnant woman and the men who are responsible back to South America and Asia.
With the exception of the few dollars thrown at the pier, the lions share benefits illegal aliens.
Since the majority of illegals scam on taxes, not paying any, this is criminal. AOC does nothing for her constituients.

Ned said...

Posh maternity wards for illegals when the streets are filled with our own homeless Americans. Unfriggan believable, what unemployment benefits and free rent for illegals next?
United States Bootdello !!


Anonymous said...

I'd rather watch a Nature documentary about Caterpillars then read about her.

Anonymous said...

Calling posters "QC Incels" "Turds" "Right Wing" is getting old.
I remember the "True"Left use to believe in free speech and supported other folks whether or not you agreed with them. Times sure have changed.

Anonymous said...

Imagine how deranged people must become if they watch MSNBC all the time.

Anonymous said...

She and the Sheeple that voted for her have the combined brain power that could power a small kazoo on Broadway.

Best Friend of Disgruntled Citizen said...

Ned , not all our homeless are Americans or American Military Veterans. 46th Street/Bliss Subway Stop - under the el is an encampment of Colombian and other mystery meat who have occupied the once lovely seating area for maybe over 3 years. They’ve turned it into an outdoor petting zoo for the mentally ill.
No one seems to mind the stench of their urine and feces. Do you think it’s strange that their country men’s only regard for these unfortunates is to keep them ensconced at 46th Street outside in all kinds of weather, The only time illegal aliens do something for anyone but themselves is for the few minutes a reporters camera is on them.To contact the City about these homeless is considered a racist move by an Americana Karen. Pretty stupid, right?
Why during a health pandemic is this woman with piles of her garbage allowed to turn this place into her own third world? Go to Jackson Heights & Woodside where the illegal alien day laborers set up shop living in sidewalks openly urinating as they lounge about dead drunk.
Make no mistake these are the foot soldiers of an invading force, the shock troops. Their mission is get you, American citizen, to accept disgusting and dangerous conditions, lowered government and municipal services and establish third world type bribery payments to get a civil servant to do their job. Ultimately it’s to get you to accept that you are being misplaced.
AOC panders to illegal aliens, it’s all for them, nothing for you, America citizen. You can pay for it all with your taxes.

Ned said...

Well put, 100% correct best Friend of Disgruntled Citizen.
Personally I think this AOC may have mental issues.
I'm not sure her 3 or so years in that shit liberal Boston college could have done that damage and brain washing like that. Something else is going on, the mayor is a wackjob also.
We were discussing e-vehicle battery fires at the firehouse
I like to put AOC in an electric car and send her a simple 20-30 miles in the western desert.
Let her see how good electric cars are when you need to run air conditioning.
You wont get far before needing a long time consuming slow charge (hot battery's)or risk a quick charge battery fire or becoming stranded roasted buzzard feed.
I would then grab a bucket kit (Roadside Basic Emergency), water and rescue her. I am not an animal.
The Tesla and other e cars manuals say the battery's in these cars can not be left stone dead drained condition more then a few hours before costing you $12,000 or more to replace. This is what's driving the black-market non OEM cheap counterfeit lithium rechargeable cell packs through the roof with fires as all these E-Wheelers age or go beyond 300 charges.
The greenheads and E-Nuts running around NYC streets with electric available every 10 feet never talk about tech this and haven't a clue how and electric car actually works, what amp hours continues full duty and battery capacity means.

The schools culled all the important science, physics and math so what you have is a bunch of idiots repeating some bullshit some college professor, salesman or politician told them. All 3 of the latter are actually one in the same. That is nothing more then bullshit artists trained to sell you on something.


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