Sunday, February 27, 2022

D.O.T. makes red light steadier on Cypress Ave


The Department of Transportation (DOT) acted quickly Tuesday afternoon, installing safety measures at a notoriously dangerous intersection in Glendale after a gruesome video of a pedestrian being run over not once, but twice, went viral.

The pedestrian, a 57-year-old man, was struck on the corner of Cypress Avenue and Cooper Avenue Saturday, Feb. 12, when he fell to the ground survived being slowly run over by an SUV. The video was uploaded to Twitter last Monday and has already gotten over 625,000 views.

DOT installed an “all-pedestrian phase”— meaning all cars stop and pedestrians walk at the same time — at the intersection of Cypress Avenue and Cooper Avenue, Tuesday evening just after local elected officials gathered at the intersection calling for action. DOT also installed “delayed green” signage, meaning the light will not immediately switch green after the crosswalk signal turns red.

 A video taken by resident Mollie Lauffer shows the progress at the intersection.

 “The new crossing has nearly eliminated the constant honking there,” Lauffer said. “You can hear birds chirping. Cities aren’t loud; cars are loud."

Seems Ms. Lauffer doesn't mind ebike and moped riders running the longer red lights, but at least it'll be quieter when pedestrians get hit.  



Anonymous said...

Mollie Lauffer, another recent arrival from the Mid-west. I wonder when sh'e's going to run for office?

She's a fool

Anonymous said...

The DOT is still too soft on these car totalitarian murderers. Block off all these roads. Why do my taxes have to pay for their tanks. Send them to Ukraine. Help them defend their nation from Russian Imperialist Trumpanzees.

Anonymous said...

Vote with your feet

Anonymous said...

Better idea, put TA commie, the bike Nazi there with a STOP sign in his little hand.

Anonymous said...

@The DOT is still too soft on these car totalitarian murderers. Block off all these roads. Why do my taxes have to pay for their tanks. Send them to Ukraine. Help them defend their nation from Russian Imperialist Trumpanzees.

Above is the prime example of some nutjob smoking CRACK.

Anonymous said...

Yeah we need more crap lanes….everyone on 2 wheels

Anonymous said...

It amazes me how Trump is still the focus of conversation by the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) crowd, but not ironically a spotlight on the two-party-machine-failed duopoly CULT system that created an urgent need for a political outsider like Trump, in the first place. Biden has failed to lead by example; a desperate, lethally dangerous despot who has obliterated flag and country with impunity, while foisting deeper levels of chaos and anarchy onto a deeply struggling nation of stymied enablers who keep fueling the oppressors who continue to hasten their demise.

Case in point: We’re buying over 600,000 barrels a day of crude oil from Russia. Every barrel of oil that we buy from Mother Russia funds their war against Ukraine.

We used to be energy independent but, because of Joe Biden, we’re handing over millions of dollars to a tyrant——an unresponsive, neo-fascist, neo-liberal, corporate obedient, despotic tyrant.

Joe said...

I lived 3 blocks from this on Seneca, as kids we would ride the mini-bikes and home made go-carts through the cemetery and Highland Park.
It used to be a Safeway Gas station and some used car and hubcap shacks. It was never a problem, this is because of all the shitty drivers. Mostly slob immigrants who are think they are back home in their lawless shit country's.
Recently every time somebody pulled a driver out an upside down SUV not one spoke English or had a drivers license. The bastards also always said thank by throwing punches attempting to run.
Even 40 years ago the 104 pct was useless, when you needed them it would take an hour and the wouldn't leave the air condition car most the time. My grandfather would sit in his chair on the stoop and shout "the retirement home" "buma" "grasso barboni" "pigrizia disgrazia" LMAO !!


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