Thursday, December 30, 2021

Meet the new mandates, same as the old mandates


 Eyewitness News

 Mayor-elect Eric Adams held COVID news conference unveiling his plans to combat COVID in New York City as he prepares to take office this weekend.

He was joined by current Health Commissioner Dr. Dave Chokshi and incoming Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan.

Adams said the plan is to, "Keep our city open. That's the goal. We can't shut down our city again."

As for existing mandates regarding vaccines and masks, they will stay in place with a few changes and adjustments.

The private-sector employee vaccine mandate will stay in place with a focus on compliance, not punishment. A dedicated unit will work with small businesses, stakeholders, and the mayor's corporate engagement committee to help implement the mandate, foregoing fines if employers engage with the city to help get their workers vaccinated.

The city will study the need for an "up to date" mandate program to require booster shots for all New Yorkers currently covered by the vaccine mandates and engage with unions, the business community, and other shareholders. The data shows that booster shots are extremely effective against Delta and earlier COVID strains, but the city says it does not yet have definitive data on omicron.

The city will set a deadline of this spring for a decision on whether or not there should be a vaccine mandate in schools for the fall of 2022. The decision will be based on expected COVID risk in city schools and vaccination rates among students.

All other current mandates stay in place, including for masks.

"We are going to get through this," Adams said. "New York will lead the way for this entire country to follow."

As for New York City Schools, they will fully reopen on January 3, and they will implement the Stay Safe, Stay Open plan.

It includes doubling surveillance testing and adjusting the Situation Room and quarantine protocols. Sending home millions of rapid at-home tests for students and educators.
They will also strengthen mitigation measures including higher quality masks and better ventilation.

 Incoming-Mayor Adams says they will surge resources to the Health + Hospitals system to ensure enough capacity to address new hospitalizations from omicron. Ambulatory care will be shifted to virtual when possible to shore up nurse staffing levels and other measures.

He also plans to improve safety in congregate settings like jails, shelters, and nursing homes at high risk by supporting rapid isolation and quarantine. They will also provide ready access to vaccination and testing.

As far as COVID testing efforts for the city, the Adams administration plans to increase testing with more sites and mass-access to rapid tests.

The city says it will provide clear testing protocols for specific settings, including in the private sector.

The city will also surge resources to the Health Department, including more than 250 staff, to keep the public health infrastructure strong and at adequate capacity.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully he will actually enforce the rules. At least have on the spot fines for no masks in indoor public places. Three offenses, and send them to Randall's Island.

Anonymous said...

Mandate? Isn't that when Barack and Michelle go to the movies?

Anonymous said...

All that bullshit hasn't worked for almost two years but let's keep on being ridiculous just because.

Don't bother trying to keep NYC open because until sanity shows up by some miracle it should just close down and stay closed.

NPC_translator said...

Il Fauc-o, May 2021: “vaccinated people become dead ends for the virus and cannot spread it”

Hmmm. Oh yeah, he was lying, and he knew it.

The Great Walensky, April 2021: "Our data today suggests that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick, and that it's not just in the clinical trials but it's also in real-world data."

Hmm. Oh yeah, she was lying, and she knew it.

The ghastly Rachel Madcow, March 2021: “Now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person… The virus does not infect them… It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to get more people.”

Hmmm. Oh yeah, she was lying, but she's an imbecile, and she probably didn't know it.

There are thousands of other examples. You have been lied to all along about every aspect of Covid, particularly about masks, vaccines and potential treatments that were suppressed so Big Pharma could keep minting new billionaires (about 40 or so to date, cha-ching! Meanwhile, you lost your job, peasant.) The Fauci Prick has killed tens of thousands at a minimum, probably far more than that.

All the mandates are a façade, a scam, a mind-game to get you to comply. We live in a world awash in lies. I'm not expecting too much from Adams and his new Chocolate City administration, but he might be a tiny bit better than Kaiser Bill. Meanwhile, Herr Hochul is just a stupid, batty old woman who should be put out to pasture, long, long past her sell-by date. 2022 is gonna be ggggrrrrreeeeeaaaatttt!!

Anonymous said...

Eric Adams like all NY Democrats is a stooge for the anti-christian American ruling class.

Anonymous said...

I hope the left does not change their tune, for even the entitlement crowd will start seeing that there's not going to be no freebies for them any more eithier.

Anonymous said...

Don't the Sheeple know that the WHO has withdrawn its support for the use of the PCR test! The CDC is next...

Anonymous said...

Nowhere is the quality of life lower than in huge dirty cities like NYC, full of crime and miserable people pretending they’re happy.

Anonymous said...

Lock'em all up. Let Covid sort them out!

Anonymous said...

Will NYC shorten quarantine period to 5 minutes for those making over $400,000 per year ?

Anonymous said...

Is this why AOC is in Miami Beach for 'taste of freedom' as New York sees record number of Covid cases ?

Anonymous said...

So Brandon's plan for covid was to keep doing what Trump was doing?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Get your shot today, folks.
Joe Biden Denies Monoclonal Antibody Treatments as States Experience Shortages !

Anonymous said...

@"Eric Adams like all NY Democrats is a stooge for the anti-christian American ruling class. "

Not just Eric Adams and the NY Democrats. Everything about the USA has been anti-Christian since its inception. Nothing Christian about stealing land. Wiping out native populations just for a land grab. Nothing Christian about slavery. Nothing Christian about the death penalty. Nothing Christian about gun toting buffoons. Nothing Christian about harsh penal laws. Nothing Christian about using "Christian" holidays as commercial opportunities. Nothing Christian about dropping bombs on civilians around the world. The list could go on ...
When was the USA ever Christian? Never was and never will be.
Check it out in the New Testament if you believe that kind of stuff.

Anonymous said...

@"Nowhere is the quality of life lower than in huge dirty cities like NYC, full of crime and miserable people pretending they’re happy."

It could be worse. Could be stuck in outer suburbia or some soulless town in Texas, Indiana, Ohio etc. I'd rather Queens than NJ, Florida or anywhere else in the USA except California.

NPC_Translator said...

Oh no!! It's death!! Death everywhere!!!!


Anonymous said...

If you live in a free red state you can live your life. If you live in a commie blue state you must obey. Simple as that.

Anonymous said...

Glad that I left that sinking town ten years ago.

Anonymous said...

We're getting rid of one punk-ass coward and trading him for a new punk-ass coward only difference is the fucking new guy has a gun permit....

Anonymous said...

Rachel Maddow’s Non-Stop COVID Lies have brainwashed too many Sheeple !

Anonymous said...

Never take medical advice from people who believed Juicy Somolette.
Just saying...

Disgruntled Citizen said...

I do not have much hope for a leader who resembles both Alfred E Numen and Charlie McCarthy, the ventriloquist dummy.

Anonymous said...

Eric Adams like all NY Democrats is a stooge for the anti-christian American ruling class.

Yep. Make the the Globalist Cult ruling class, really about 1500 assholes, about 1000 corporations and 10000 young Global Shapers.

No wonder they are afraid of (almost) 8 billion people who they the have been fucking over as long as history can go back.

Talk about conspiracy reality.

Anonymous said...

Other Symptoms of OmicroOn
1. Mild hunger between meals
2 Feeling cold outside in winter when not wearing a coat.
3. Tiredness at night
4. Thirsts after long periods of drinking.
5. Heart burn after 3 am Chilli.
6. Difficulty looking directly into the sun.
7. Sweating while exercising.
8. Dizziness while hanging upside down.
9. Inability seeing in the dark.
10. Water feels wet on your skin.

Anonymous said...

@“ If you live in a free red state you can live your life.”

So why not pack your bag and go there . Don’t bother coming back, even when you get bored with Walmart ,Taco Bell, and Texas two step classes.

Anonymous said...

@Nothing Christian about stealing land. Wiping out native populations just for a land grab. Nothing Christian about slavery.

Typical commie nonsense. Any complaints talk to the Royal family in England.

NOTHING prevents you from leaving this country and go somewhere better.

Adriatic Hillbilly said...

To the "anonymous" idiot opining on "anti-christian"
#1. Slavery is acknowledged and indeed sanctioned by the Koran, Torah, and Bible.
#2. EVERY pre-industrial human society had slaves. Deal. It's not a "evil Whitey" thing.
Grow up, numbnuts.

Anonymous said...

@“ NOTHING prevents you from leaving this country and go somewhere better.

Yeah, the truth hurts doesn’t it ? Spoils you usual right wing narrative.
Nothing stopping you leaving NYC either. Nothing!
NY, love it or leave it!

Anonymous said...

The ghost of mayor Dinkins smiles in recognition.
Let's Go Eric !

Anonymous said...

With more COVID deaths in 2021 than 2020, when does Trump get his apology?

Anonymous said...

AOC was caught in a crowded bar with no mask in Florida. Can we please get back to normal now?

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