Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Long time Astoria blog closing down 


 I'm writing to announce that this website will be closing down on December 31st.

It's hard to believe this forum is over 17 years old. It all started in 2004 when a small group of us realized there wasn't really a good online forum to share information about some of the great spots in Astoria and just talk about the neighborhood we loved. At first it was just a few of us posting on here, but as the "Freeze Peach Cafe" (managed by my partner Meesh and I) opened and the community around the cafe grew, this online community also grew bigger and bigger.

For many years was the most active community discussion site in the community, and it thrived with lots of active posts, and some awesome volunteer moderators that kept all of us relatively well behaved. Lots of people met here (some even got married!), and we talked A LOT about a lot of stuff.

But here in 2021 it feels that there are more options than ever for discussing community issues online, and that the time for a site like this has largely faded. The activity level on the site is much lower than it was at its peak, and it's a significant struggle to try and keep things going and fend off spam (which admittedly I haven't done a great job of for a long time). Rather that let it get taken over by spammers and hackers I've decided it's time to put the site to rest. All good things come to an end.

Many thanks to all who have made this site possible and giving it life all these years:
Moderators or major contributors: mcdirk, daisy, AJTNYC, Astoria Luv, 28Grand, megc, wasabisam, jayme and others

And of course; thank you.

I'd love if you took a moment to share a memory or two about how the site was useful to you through these years, or maybe a memory from your interactions with the people here.



Joe said...

"discussing community issues"
That's pretty much the key words.
Astoria no longer has a community but a mish mosh of transplants that have no clue of what Astoria, NYC was all about let alone sense of "community"
Its become some oddball Balkanized mess.
What were Astorians have been run out of town or grown to old to give a shit.
The root of all this sits in repeated bad voting habits.
Wasn't the Steinway Mansion and many other detrimental debacles a good hint of what these people were asking for over 15 years ago?
Apparently not..-They repeatedly voted for the same shit and now the have it.

The Politicians these people elected created the "change" and destruction that destroyed Astoria. The same shit happened in Flushing, Aubindale then Bayside and now spreading east from Douglaston to Port Washington.
Its peoples duty to get out and vote to stop this, not get "loaded" and watch World Series baseball on election night.
Both Nielsen and Live Plus calculated a representative sampling a approx 2 million on Verizon, Optonline and Spectrum top boxes watching baseball and other sports on election day and night.
That's in my guess is 2 million fat, lazy white bastards sitting home as almost every registered person of color got out and voted for Addams AKA deBlasio 2.0 And that's an understatement because Addams compounded by a possible black progressive democrat governor will mean 10X more abuse, socialist bullshit, communism and change for the WORSE then we currently suffer now.


Adriatic hillbilly said...

Uncle George's has been closed for years, so what's the use of Astoria anymore...

Nick Zieminski said... also closing down at the end of the year.

Anonymous said...

Steinway Mansion? Insiders making money off the community?

Instead of Lang Lang they got Curtis Sliwa showing up at a recent event there!

Instead of a music school, they got an adult Halloween Party there!

Astoria Values!

And if they could, if those responsible for this could run for office in Astoria yet again they would get reelected in a heartbeat!

Anonymous said...

This blog was in decline for over 10 years. Even in 2010, it was a place for people to get into a pissing contest. Only 50 people regularly read that blog in 2010 after Whyleaveastoria became a thing and that too is gone.

Anonymous said...

The Vallones will never win an office in Astoria ever again. Astoria is now Socialistia.

Anonymous said...

Wow, it looked like a half decent site too. Not full of fascist pigs like this one.

cuomigula agonistes said...

@ last anon "not full of fascist pigs"
Maybe you should go back to listening to your woke circlejerk at NPR or huff post then??

Anonymous said...

We all need our personal wisat, dear Elon Musk