Thursday, September 16, 2021

Redeploy the police to calm traffic


Manhattan Institute 

In the race to reform policing, a few advocates and politicians have recommended that New York City police be removed from traffic enforcement. State Attorney General Letitia James, for example, concluded that the NYPD should cease conducting noncriminal traffic enforcement in her review of the department’s handling of the George Floyd protests. Brad Lander, a member of the city council and erstwhile safe-streets advocate, proposed “removing NYPD officers from routine traffic stops” for infractions such as speeding. He suggested that they “only enforce driving behavior that visibly and immediately endangers public safety (e.g., drag-racing, visibly erratic, aggressive, intoxicated, or road-rage driving).” Others have recommended assigning the traffic-enforcement function to a new, unarmed enforcement agency, or have suggested increasing the use of automated enforcement tools like speed cameras to replace police.

These ideas are ill-considered and dangerous. Police traffic enforcement saves lives, reduces street disorder, and plays an important role in criminal investigations. The events of 2020, which disrupted the NYPD’s traffic enforcement, laid these facts bare.


The primary purpose of the NYPD in enforcing the traffic laws is to reduce crash-related injuries and fatalities. Before the pandemic, the department held regular “TrafficStat” meetings to ensure that its 77 precincts focused on this goal. These meetings, modeled after the department’s CompStat management accountability system, required precinct executives to meet with department leaders at police headquarters and explain their precincts’ responses to traffic safety problems. At these meetings, department bureau heads asked pointed questions to precinct executives about their enforcement at collision-prone locations, drunk-driving arrests, and approach to safety education and outreach. This forum ensured that officers enforce the right violations in the right places while focusing on the overarching goal of the department’s traffic strategy: injury reduction on the roads.

This process has been effective in focusing enforcement on violations that endanger road safety. In 2019, the department wrote 747,343 tickets for moving violations. Of those, 90.4% were for “hazardous violations”—offenses such as speeding, texting, and failing to yield to pedestrians. These are the violations that elevate the risk of crashes and injuries, according to department data. Equipment violations, which reformers often argue function as pretexts for police harassment, [5] accounted for just 3.1% of the tickets issued. These violations include minor infractions such as nonfunctioning lights. Given limited time and resources for traffic enforcement, it’s a department priority to concentrate its efforts on offenses that will reduce injuries.

This focus matters. There is considerable evidence that police traffic enforcement reduces crash injuries and fatalities. When the City of Fresno Police Department increased the staffing of its traffic division from 20 to 84 officers in 2003, officers wrote 229% more traffic citations between 2002 and 2004. Injuries from collisions dropped 9.3%, and fatal collisions fell 42%. In the surrounding county, enforcement dropped 6%, while rates of injury collisions and fatal collisions did not change. Research published in The Lancet showed that traffic convictions reduce drivers’ relative risk of a crash in the period following their conviction. Another study showed that after 35% of the Oregon State Police were laid off in 2003, the subsequent drop in enforcement led to 11% and 17% increases in injury and fatality crashes, respectively.

This is consistent with recent experience in New York City. In March 2020, the department shifted resources after the onset of the pandemic. A substantial percentage of officers also fell ill to Covid-19. Traffic enforcement plummeted. In April, officers wrote 14,290 tickets for moving violations, 85.2% fewer tickets than the 96,559 tickets they wrote in April 2019. In May, the department redeployed officers as a result of the protests following the murder of George Floyd. The agency did not return to regular levels of enforcement for the rest of the year.

From March 12 to December 31, 2020, the NYPD wrote 52.9% fewer tickets than it did during the same period in 2019. During that same period, fatal crashes spiked 16%, resulting in 31 more traffic deaths, compared with the previous year. In the first quarter of 2021, traffic enforcement was down 37.2%, when compared with the same period the previous year—and fatal crashes were up 9.7%, compared with the first quarter of the previous year. The change in traffic dynamics, however, confounds any analysis of this correlation. Mode share (travel by public transportation, automobiles, bicycles, and ferries) changed, vehicle miles traveled fell, and motor vehicle speeds increased. The increase in fatal crashes argues for more enforcement of dangerous driving behavior, not less.

The contemporaneous increase in street disorder in NYC reinforces this point. There have been several anecdotal reports of increased reckless driving and other road incivilities. Complaints of drag racing, in particular, increased during this period. After March 12, 2020, 911 and 311 complaints involving drag racing spiked 226%, with 8,450 total complaints for the rest of the year, versus 2,587 during the same period in 2019. All these behaviors demand police traffic enforcement.


Anonymous said...

How do you think drunk drivers get caught? It’s usually driving without a headlight on or rolling through a red light. Or should they just wait for them to!crash?

Anonymous said...

You mean they’ll actually have to get out of their cars?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you Queens Crap readers can agree that traffic stops and tickets are Racist.
I feel terrible about all the police brutality against black people.
If NYC white liberals want to walk the walk, they have to do more.
Like me, you probably voted for Barack Obama, were outraged by the verdicts in the Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases. I work hard to check my white privilege at the door when going to a #blacklivesmatter protest march.

Anonymous said...

Do you F"N people up there know what the Hell you're doing or talking about? Cluster Psychosis?

Anonymous said...

That sounds racially motivated, since most drag racing, gangs of reckless motorcycles, etc tend to be black or Hispanic. Sure let them do whatever they want.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that NYPD are so badly trained that they are unable to enforce traffic violations without shooting someone or beating them up.
Not only that, they don't even understand or follow the basic rules of the road. They park where they please, bike lanes, bus lanes, driving lanes no problem. Their personal cars are souped up with extra loud ""mufflers"" etc.
To put it quite simply, most of them are just totally incompetent and unemployable by the private sector.

Anonymous said...

DEFUND THE POLICE. We don't need them according to the Liberals.

Anonymous said...

Redeploy them to protect the Sheeple at Philippe Chow on East 60th Street & Madison Avenue.

Anonymous said...

When you're a Demorat getting away with crime is as easy as a mostly peaceful protest.

Anonymous said...

"The problem is that NYPD are so badly trained that they are unable to enforce traffic violations without shooting someone or beating them up.
Not only that, they don't even understand or follow the basic rules of the road"

I'm a Nypd cop and I have gone over 10 years enforcing the law without killing anyone. Amazing right?

I'll give you the comment about the personal cars, I can't defend that. It's kind of like a job perk. Right or wrong every job has perks, it's just reality. However everyone who drives in this city parks all over the place, its not just the cops. Try to drive down one street where theres not a double parked car, a blocked hydrant cars on sidewalks etc. When you have people shooting and robbing other people and getting out of court the next day, with dismissed cases, do you think anyone is going to take illegal parking seriously?

Our training isn't great, we can agree there as well. We do have incompetent people, especially in upper management positions, another area where we agree, but you get what you pay for. You pay wages that are tens of thousands less than the comparables in neighboring cities and counties, plus dealing with nonsense all day, not many people are becoming cops anymore, so you get lower quality people. That's just basic economics.

The main issue on why most cops don't bother with traffic enforcement is because of the traffic court system. Here's a common scenario. You give a guy a red light ticket. You get cursed out at the stop and maybe the guy makes a bs complaint against you. The ticket gets rescheduled 3 or 4 years down the road before you see the guy in court. All along the way you have to get the summons out, go to court, and wait numerous times for the motorist not to show. If a cop doesn't show once the summons is dismissed most times, and if you don't have a good reason for not showing, you are getting a vacation day taken away. But the motorist can reschedule numerous times. I have people for tickets I wrote 7 years ago rescheduling. I think we can all agree thats ridiculous. That's not an exaggeration either. Then a majority of the judges dismiss the case if you don't recite every single fact, or make any error. Most times if the motorist seems nice they give the benefit of the doubt to them. You are then scrutinized by a supervisor on why you lost. So traffic enforcement becomes pointless to do.

Don't believe me? Go to any traffic court and watch. It's all open to the public. Watch case after case be dismissed for complete nonsense after the cop testifies. All that does is empower the motorist who committed the wrong act to keep doing it because he beat the system.

So like any other government worker it just becomes easier to sit back and do the minimum. Thats life and human nature for you. You get the same pay regardless of writing no tickets or writing loads of them. Most people anyways seem to think all we do is beat up and kill minorities anyways so whats the point of going above and beyond? And thats the real reason traffic enforcement is the way it is in this city.

Anonymous said...

Where are these Marxist ideas deriving from ?
Young Sheeple are “radicalized by lies” starting in school thanks to the UFT and PSC Unions.

Anonymous said...

@"That sounds racially motivated, since most drag racing, gangs of reckless motorcycles, etc tend to be black or Hispanic."

I guess you never saw an Italian with a souped up noisy Camaro? Or some old white fart who can barely walk driving a Harley and setting off car alarms all over the place?

I guess not from inside the walls of some Southern federal prison.

Anonymous said...

Illegal Dirt Bike Riders are rejoicing in NYC!!!

Wait for more people to be run over and killed, then they will change their mind!!

Zoë said...

The black community needs the reform, not cops !!
. No one wants to live around grown adults who are in a perpetual state of infantilism. Blacks dont have bad encounters with police because police dont like the color brown. Blacks could reform. Theyve had nuclear families and most have been good citizens in the past.
Fueled by jealousy, most are fat, ugly, nasty, bitter, perpetually unhappy creatures who are angry at those whom they think have it better.
Its starts in the household with the TV. As long as kids grow up idolizing drug dealers and rappers instead of doctors, engineers and lawyers, shit won’t change.
It also doesn’t help we give extra government assistance for having children you can’t afford to raise properly

Every single one of our cities having issues are Democratic run and most are run by black people. Dumb fricks are bitching when their own kind is in charge of making reform.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps you Queens Crap readers can agree that traffic stops and tickets are Racist.
I feel terrible about all the police brutality against black people.
If NYC white liberals want to walk the walk, they have to do more.
Like me, you probably voted for Barack Obama, were outraged by the verdicts in the Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases. I work hard to check my white privilege at the door when going to a #blacklivesmatter protest march.

If you do something wrong, you should be pulled over no matter what race you are. Its wonderful to see a dumb comment like this while living in a city whose police force is non white dominant. Do you realize that if you CHOOSE to defund the police, the black poverty rates will increase because alot of black people have used government jobs like becoming a policeman to actually lift them out of poverty. So in actuality, if you defund them then you are sending the black poverty rates and unemployment rates up higher. Boy you idiots never stop with your idiotic shit. And FYI, I had a best friend who was black who told me that the black cops actually treated him WORST than the white cops he ran into. So you can twist this shit anyway you want, but in reality, the cops are not the enemies. Do cops need to be retrained in certain fields? Yes. Do they need to be defunded? Absolutely not. And NO, I will not "Apologize" for being skin color was as much as the choice as any other races' skin color was. I will not Apologize for anything that people did many years ago especially when it was people I never even knew! So no, I dont Apologize and no, I dont check any "privileges" others "think" I have. And you do realize that white people only make up not even 15 percent of the world, dont you? Which means 85 percent of this world is made of non white people. And guess who is worst to black people? Other black people! Look at the black on black crime rates and look at all of Africa who we donated billions of dollars to over the years and yet the people who live there still live like shit because their fellow black politicians STOLE all the money and never passed it down to the poor people in these countries.

Disgruntled Citizen said...

A law should be passed about this endless Anonymous posting on Kweens Krap. I can’t refute all the Anonymous’s. Copper and Zoe are about it- well he called himself Anonymous too but I’m naming him Copper.
I agree with Copper. , the role of the police officer is to interpret and apply the law. A LEO gets to decide, usually under fire in challenging circumstances, how to apply the law. Do your time, watch your six and go home alive.
Anything Letitia James ( White American hater) proposes is useless hogwash that she will use in her drive to be NYS Governor. Can’t wait for her can O’ worms to be revealed.
The idea that we wait for yet another fatality by someone with a suspended license, no license or
A long list of traffic or criminal priors is cruel and thoughtless. Let NYPD do their job, stop villianizing and criminalizing them. We need way more police not less.
In the meantime I am assigning monikers the Anonymous thing is suspect.

Zoë said...

Traffic stops ?
I had traffic stops for tail light out, seatbelt and the police have always been nice. Even helped change a dumb bulb in the trunk.
When I see these black people stopped when walking or by some accident they raise all kinds of hell "FU I aint showing ID, insurance or nothing, you talk to my lawyer"
"FU I aint blowing no breathalyzer"

Driving is a privilege not a right and if your an asshole on the road with a ATV or 4000 pound piece of steel using it like a weapon you need to be dealt with.
Black privilege my ass!


Anonymous said...

Bike zealots want to decarcerate unless car drivers get into accidents not crashes.

Anonymous said...

@When I see these black people stopped when walking or by some accident they raise all kinds of hell

100% right. I have been stopped a few times, the police are doing their job, in one instance it was not right, but I was still polite, handed over the documents, got my ticket and went to court and won.
People forget, don't talk to the police, you talk in court. Apparently some don't understand even the basics of the country they live in.
FU storm will get you nowhere, just escalating a simple traffic stop into something more serious.

Anonymous said...

For once I agree with Zoe even if she’s a bit on the racist side. That NYPD guy had a lot of very good points too.
This is much better than that QD guy ranting on about Xiden and Bolsheviks .

Auntie Freeze said...

Hey! You calling me racist? Then you and me , we’re even. You hate White People.

Disgruntled Citizen said...

Poor QD guy, does he really think anyone reads his boring rant-o-logs? They’re not profound, they’re endless.

Anonymous said...

"Ranting on about Xiden and Bolsheviks"
Do you know what type of world you live in ? You suffer from manufactured ignorance.
The ignorance I run into every day in this country is astounding.
Neither party actually gives a damn about the sheeple.

"A society with too few independent thinkers is vulnerable to control by disturbed and opportunistic leaders. A society which wants to create and maintain a free and democratic social system must create responsible independence of thought among its young."
John Dewey

georgetheatheist said...

Zoë racist? Nah, she's a sociologist. It is what it is. The Blacks? They are what they are. Examine the sociological facts.

Anonymous said...

""just escalating a simple traffic stop into something more serious""

Yup, Ever since this Black Lives bullshit it seems these people deliberately escalate stops in a barrage of resistance, obstruction and countless FUs expecting the police to back down and let thing go.
That is until the usual scumbag refuses to give his or her name, refuses to get out of a car for detainment pending true identification & warrant check, a brawl happens resulting in a heart attack, tazed or shot.
Then POLICEs FAULT, Al Sharpton with 4000 people protesting, mass looting, riots.

The UFT and other loony's are actually encouraging young blacks and wiggers in school to do this. Civil disobedience as in "F_ the police" "what's yours is mine" as reparation" "I deserve to have the same things too"
Literally walk into a grocery store and take $20 of beer and shit off shelves, toss $2 over the counter telling the owner "price was too high, that's the correct price you been paid and walk out" -Its happening everyware now

Most the black community seems to forget George Floyd is dead because he didn't want to be detained for investigation or arrested for passing counterfeit checks (with a long rap sheet for stealing) and fought with the police.
Floyd knew he would go back to jail for long time for violating early release parole and didn't like that.

The scumbags are getting real brazen !
People better think and vote the right way in November because or all this and more nasty felonious violet shit will be coming to your homes under more Democrat, Liberal and Marxist leadership. Not just roadways, bodegas and stores but TO YOUR HOMES !!!

Anonymous said...

Why aren't black people labeled Racist, when they use intimidation, threats to steal your iphone, your money, especially against South Asian, Asian/island pacific people and people who are not the same color as them?

Why aren't they called Racist when they punch and knock Asian people down in the streets or in the subways?

Why are they resistant to abide by law enforcement when asked to pull over and show identification? Or when they are ask to show what is in their pockets when they are standing on the street corners and are caught selling drugs to teenagers and other drug addicts?

Because most black people feel they are above everyone else and the laws of this country and society do not apply to them.

Zoë said...

Thank you George !
And to the clueless who may call me racist know your facts first !
Always down. Always out. Always complaining that they can't catch a break. Notoriously poor about doing anything to better themselves without taking, scamming the system, stealing. Constantly demanding better leadership but completely inept and incapable to follow in any direction that's navigated by hard work, self-reliance and pride. They love hard criminals as roll models. And though they smoke weed and drink and procreate their way onto welfare doles and WIC lines, blacks will yell kick and scream their state of being is no fault of their own.
And that's a fucking fact!!
1-They are not responsible for their near 7% percent incarceration rate of their entire US population
2-They are not responsible and their 9.2 percent unemployment rate
3-They are not responsible for the 11.8 percent high school dropout rate.
4-They are not responsible For the 69.3 percent of births they create out of wedlock and repeat all the above cycles.

I just did some quick research, and its WORSE then anything I said.
The figures from 2020 onwards have yet to be released by the FBI and the Department of Justice, but data so far shows the following:
In 2019, the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) listed a total of 5,625,156 known criminal offenders,
53.9% of whom were WHITE.
27.4% of whom were BLACK.

Blacks treated unfair by the police is 100% made up BULLSHIT, they literally getting away with murder!!
All of the above are FACTS not racism!
Like said "They are what they are" examine the sociological facts.


Anonymous said...

@The scumbags are getting real brazen !

What you are describing is part of the communist cultural revolution, the intended target is the take down of this country. If one studies history, the same methods were used in Russia in 1917, then turned into a civil war until 1923.
There are plenty of other examples.

BLM only exists, because

1. Is allowed to exist in spite of the Patriot Act

2. Financed by the global oligarchs to accomplish their goals.

Race has nothing to do with it, instead race is being used to ignite sensless violence and break down the police, law enforcement all around the country.

Anonymous said...

@" Anonymous Anonymous said...
@The scumbags are getting real brazen !"
Who is financing the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and Three Percenters? Is that the global oligarchs too?

Anonymous said...

@"The UFT and other loony's are actually encouraging young blacks and wiggers in school to do this. Civil disobedience as in "F_ the police" "what's yours is mine" as reparation" "I deserve to have the same things too""

At which school? My kids go to school and don't get any of this? Is this something you got from Tucker or Hannity?

Do you believe everything you see on Fox and read on the NY Post?

Anonymous said...

"Do you believe everything you see on Fox and read on the NY Post?"
No ! Newsmax and RT.

Anonymous said...

@Who is financing the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and Three Percenters? Is that the global oligarchs too?

Funny, the footage shown by mainstream media was all BLM.
Seems you are one of them. Proud product of the globalists.

Anonymous said...

Zoe had a few good points, but just looking at posts from The Zoe And Joe Show, a lot of it would fight right into the KKK playbook. As would yours.
Maybe you’re all part of the same Klavern?

Anonymous said...

@ Nypd cop

Spot on. The system is messed up, Traffic Violation Bureau in itself is a joke.
Regular court, regular judges, not administrative judges is the answer, but then the lawyers who make a good living out of getting people off traffic violations.
Lets face facts, we have more lawyers per capita than any other nation.
Congress, Senate are both loaded with lawyers.

With the advent of cameras, private-public taxation via citation makes the police enforcing traffic rules a moot point. According to the geniuses in charge.
Always follow the money.
Just like any small, medium, large organization there are always bad apples, is understandable.
Police needs to be separated from the politicians' control, they should be police, not the enforcement arm of political hacks who are hell bent advancing their careers, looking good in the news, saying one thing then doing exactly the opposite.
You have my respect, is a though job, I for one would never do it.

Anonymous said...

@ Is this something you got from Tucker or Hannity?
@Do you believe everything you see on Fox and read on the NY Post?

Who are these people you are referring to?
Fox is in the forest.
NY Post is one of the oldest newspapers in America, but not really relevant in the age of the Internet.

You must be watching "mainstream media card carrying members of the DNC", but they really just the propaganda arm of the Davos crowd.

Like Mika, who's daddy was the darling of the globalist cult.

You know the sickos who think too many useless eaters on this planet, the sickos who behave like some self appointed Gods of this planet.

Zoë said...

Says: At which school? My kids go to school and don't get any of this?

And its blind ignorance and trust like this is exactly part of the problem.
It is going on in a way you wouldn't be aware of, the people pushing this shit are using social media apps. Include this new Discord app your likely unaware off. You think your kids don't have alias Twitter, Facebook, Skype, Discord and Blogger accounts? Your a fool and lousy parent if you do.
A local teacher was bragging how she encouraged some of her students to get involved in activism. What she did take her students to a Louis Farrakhan speech and a Bernard Sanders rally.
The school was notified but didn't give a shit because they saw nothing iniquitous because it wasn't arranged in the classroom. And get this, the teacher and her so called husband (also a NYC School teacher) are both WHITE females known around the neighborhood for activist problems!! The bad thing is the UFT and the school system gives teachers more protection then a sitting United States president and the students.
The whole UFT must be loaded with fucked up people like this, the worst of the worst, holding the keys of our children future on a mission to brainwash and impose socialism. Some people with big $$ have to be pulling the strings, paying the lawyers ect!

"My kids go to school and don't get any of this"
Are you friggan kidding me?
Holy shit do some of you people need to wake up !!!!


Anonymous said...

@“ A local teacher was bragging how she encouraged some of her students to get involved in activism.”

Seems like a good idea to me. Perhaps you would have preferred a local KKK rally.

Anonymous said...

@Perhaps you would have preferred a local KKK rally.

Check with Biden, Hillary, GWB or Barry. They should help you out, after all Robert Byrd was their hero.

Anonymous said...

@"The whole UFT must be loaded with fucked up people like this, the worst of the worst, holding the keys of our children future on a mission to brainwash and impose socialism. Some people with big $$ have to be pulling the strings, paying the lawyers ect!"

Yes, its George Soros. He's everywhere now. In the schools, in the streets, in the playground, on television, under peoples beds, on Titter and Facebook.
I'm sure I saw him walking down Queens Blvd. last week brainwashing all who would listen.

Always Soros, Soros, Soros with the Right Wing Nuts!

Anonymous said...

@Seems like a good idea to me.

Of course activism is a great idea for an activist.

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