Saturday, September 4, 2021

Current mayor's climate event and emergency plan will take 2 more years to complete

 NY Post

 City officials were well aware of the death traps that basement apartments would become in the event of a flash-flood emergency like the one that drowned at least eight New Yorkers living below grade Wednesday night — yet they did nothing to warn them.

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Stormwater Resiliency Plan, released in May, includes an initiative that would “develop notifications for basement dwellings to keep residents out of harm’s way.”

The plan required the Office of Emergency Management to “pre-draft messaging regarding potential dangers for residents living in basement dwellings to be used for outreach and notification in advance of forecasted extreme rain events.”

Completion date? 2023.

“There are multiple initiatives, all that are very pressing and important, that are currently underway,” City Hall spokesman Mitch Schwartz said.

Leave it to Mayor Big Slow to draft a plan to make basement dwellings part of the city's housing program first and then come up with an emergency plan for them over a year later. What a stupid fucking idiot. 



Anonymous said...

This is only an excuse to go after people warehousing empty space because a lot of people fled NYC. Remember what Boss Tweed said in 'Gangs of NY?'

So they go after people with empty space to in good neighborhoods to make them not so go neighborhoods and have old space new space for all the 'new Americans' that are coming across the border and getting airdropped since Biden got in office. As long as they expand the footprint of communities that vote 'right.'

It is so funny seeing all the usual suspect pols saying "basement apartments? - I'm shocked!" and getting away with it by not being the butt of jokes from the rest of us. Old New York would have had a picnic over their fake Charade.

rikki said...

I stared seeing this over 10 years ago in prices got so freakin high you had no choice but to create illegal apartments to pay the mortgage.....people blocked in garages and put a picture window in made a studio. cut into the foundation and put a door in under the porch to the basement apartment

Anonymous said...

Why isn't the Fake News calling deBozio out on this ?
How many more lives will be lost ?
America basically has state run media like China or North Korea at this point.

Anonymous said...

DeBlasio has been mayor for 8 years, and Bloomberg mayor for 12 years.

What did these 2 do to make basement dwellings legal and convince state officials and federal officials that hurricanes, tropical storms, heavy rainfalls are causing severe damage to peoples' homes and too many people have drowned in their basements.

Instead, they focus on protecting illegal immigrants, building luxury condominiums, defending violent criminals rights, and shove unwanted, useless bike lanes down our throats.

And yet they never face investigations on wasteful spending and shortchanging the citizens of NYC.

Anonymous said...

"Two more years"
It's a complicated world, Sheeple can't handle the truth.

Anonymous said...

Moe said..
Anger levels should be appropriate to this problem.
Lives were lost and more will die in these death trap basement apartments.

Anonymous said...

Cleaning the sewer system, drains, etc does not take years.
Can be maintained yearly, have inspectors check them.
Plenty of people at the DEP.
My sewer bill is more expensive than the water bill. For what exactly?

Where the sewer system needs an upgrade, then fucking do it.
Want a smart city on 1900's infrastructure (in some places)?

Anonymous said...

Basement apartments have been there for years. Long before DeBlazio, and will be for long after.

You can blame him fo many things as that is your agenda, but this one has been around too long to be his only. Not so easy to dump thousands of people out on the streets.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to thank the Supreme Court for handing the mid-terms to the Democrats, and for turning Texas blue.

Anonymous said...

Whattya on about? Trump fixed all this kind of stuff. Everyone was talking about what a great job he did on infrastructure. Everyone!

Anonymous said...

"Not so easy to dump thousands of people out on the streets".

Actually it is. It is called "Bail Reform".

That is why the city is in the mess that it is in now.

Too many politicians focus on giving too many freedoms to violent, repetitive criminals and ignore the problems like chronic flooding, homeless problems, high crime, high rents, gang violence and illegal basements.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No more mean Tweets ! LOL...

Anonymous said...

@“ Anonymous said...
Thank you for letting us know that you are here”

Anonymous said...

Call Texas what you want. Just get the lefties out. Hahahaha.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, some people can only afford to live in someone else's basement and will continue to do so, whether it's legal or not. Some would choose to live in a phone booth or a Fotomat booth, if either still existed.

Anonymous said...

@Whattya on about? Trump fixed all this kind of stuff. Everyone was talking about what a great job he did on infrastructure. Everyone!

Are you brain dead? When was Trump Mayor or Governor here in NYC or NYS for that matter?
Call Acosta from CNN and have a good time with him about Trump if you are so obsessed with him.

Anonymous said...

“house prices got so freakin high you had no choice but to create illegal apartments to pay the mortgage“

Or…people could just buy something else they could afford. When I was looking to buy I knew why I could afford. At the time it was only a 1BR co-op in Jackson Heights (not the historic buildings). So that’s what I bought. When my income improved and I had more savings and a spouse, we bought a house that we could afford. Did we want to live in richer areas? Sure. But we couldn’t afford it. Nobody HAS to buy in an area they can’t afford. Especially if it means that you chop up your house and create unsafe conditions for you and your tenants and neighbors all so you can afford what you want.

Guess what? If nobody wants to buy then the price will come down. Keep propping up prices with these converted apartments and the prices of the house will only keep going up.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations if you voted for this Mayor and are now affected by his and Dems policies!
Hope you eyes are open now!

Anonymous said...

Do they really think they're gonna do something? They're all talk and most of it's lies..

Anonymous said...

The catch basins don’t get cleaned often enough. The last time I saw them cleaned was eight years ago.

Anonymous said...

MIA Ocasio-Cortez blames climate change. You can't make this shit up...

Anonymous said...

Trust the plan !
Mayor Big Bird de Boasio’s Stormwater Resiliency Plan LOL...

Anonymous said...

@"Are you brain dead? When was Trump Mayor or Governor here in NYC or NYS for that matter?"

When was De Blasio president. When did De Blasio promise to fix Americas infrastructure and "Make America Great" instead of turning it into a dump, like Trump did.
You are the brain dead one.

Big Hairy Balls said...

Anyone ever hear of a water detector? It's kind of like a smoke detector but has a sensor that lays on the floor. Immersing the sensor in water sets off the alarm. I had on back in the 80's in my illegal Brooklyn basement apartment. That's what I could afford back then.

Anonymous said...

House prices are high because of the free market economy. The Right Winger Dream come true.

Anonymous said...

"Do they really think they're gonna do something? They're all talk and most of it's lies."

This perfectly describes DeBlasio, AOC, Jumanne Williams, Eric Adams, Chirlane McCray, Comrie, Eric Ulrich, Addabo, Schumer, Gillebrand, and every city council member who ignore real problems NYers have to deal with everyday.

Most of them love being in front of the cameras making false promises to problems that suddenly occur and feign ignorance pretending they did not know of it beforehand. Even though many people in the media point out these problems to them years before anything bad happens.

Vote in November to show them we are not blind and we are not going to accept their "ignorance and lies" anymore!!!

Move Forward, not Backwards!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@When did De Blasio promise to fix Americas infrastructure and "Make America Great" instead of turning it into a dump, like Trump did.

Want me to quote? You are fucking brain dead, apparently my city taxes and state taxes fix nothing.
Care to tell me where my money is going? Apparently the feds have to step in and send money for the damage caused by the floods due to neglected SEWER systems in some areas.

If you want to talk federal level, do tell us where exactly 2.3 Trillion dollars disappeared in 20 years of Afghanistan?
Wait, Trump was still the darling of the American MSM back then. Actually they loved him until 2016. From Oprah to the grand chiefs of NBC were all sucking up to him.

You need help for your serious illness called TDS, but even worse you are denying reality which pretty much is documented.

Anonymous said...

@House prices are high because of the free market economy. The Right Winger Dream come true.

You must be living in an alternate reality or universe.
Technocracy, bug business merged with politicians is not a free market system.
UN coordinating every day life and business is not a free market system.
WHO mandating face masks and vaccines is not a free market system.
Is called Central Planning - Politburo style.
The system you referring to was replaced by GLOBALISM for at least 30 years.
Pretty sad state of affairs when you don't even know what system is in effect right now.
See, you are the prime example of the failed public education system.

Anonymous said...

For all the ignorant folks, totally irrelevant if you have water detectors, legal or illegal basements, the fact to the matter is they were killed by water from their own drains.

A friend was pulled the last minute form 9' of water in his house, the water came in so quick from the footage I have seen from his home cam, no water detector would have made a difference. Check valves failed, pumps failed, some were snapped like a toothpick.

2021 and 4" sewer pipes still exist?

Why? Who is responsible?

Anonymous said...

"Why? Who is responsible?" #BLUEANON says POTUS 45

Anonymous said...

Why do we have building codes if we aren’t going to enforce them?

Anonymous said...

Illegal crowding in Queens has helped spread COVID too ! Just saying...

Anonymous said...

New York’s "FAKE" progressives voted for this Crap !

Anonymous said...

"Legalizing" long-term illegal immigrants is the end game for the Demorats !

Anonymous said...

Like the Commiecrats give a damn about ANYONE's life. All they care about is money and power-even the brainless sheeple that never stop voting for them mean nothing to them.

And yet those same sheeple keep voting for them thinking that they actually care about them.

Anonymous said...

@"Anonymous said...
Like the Commiecrats give a damn about ANYONE's life."

What are Commiecrats? Is it a new type of food?

Anonymous said...

@“ What are Commiecrats? Is it a new type of food?”
Yes, you can have them with fries, grits or potatoes. Not sure why that wing nut character is so obsessed with them though?

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