Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Mario's Son Governor Cuomo has resigned


That's all folks. 


georgetheatheist said...

Hochul will manage Covid better than Cuomo?

Anonymous said...

Cue up the next lunatic lefty!

Adriatic Hillbilly said...

Addio, figlio di sfacim'

Anonymous said...

Andrew in his best Ahnold accent: "I'll be back". Randy Andy ain't going away that easy.

Anonymous said...

Bye, Bye Andy Boy

Anonymous said...

Resign no charges will be brought against him. Demorat protected at the highest levels.

Anonymous said...

Thank God! But it's too late. He has already caused irreparable harm to our state.

Anonymous said...

Bye stronzo!

Anonymous said...

They Finally Flattened The Perv. Next.

Anonymous said...

What he resigned? He didn't look for four more years like Trump? Democrats are too soft.

Anonymous said...

"Cue up the next lunatic lefty!"
Good one , made me laugh...

Anonymous said...

Next stop, CALIFORNIA....

Anonymous said...

Ron Kim is the man !

Anonymous said...

And his replacement is? Nancy's step-sister? R.I.P. New York. You have 14 days to get out. RUN WHILE YOU CAN!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully this is the first domino to fall.

Anonymous said...

And next will be Gretchen.....

Gino said...

I just opened a bottle of Sambuca
Bye Bye, faccia brutta stronzo number one !!

At least 6 month of peace till his replacement is sworn in, and be much worse.


Anonymous said...

After Cuomo Queens NY will continue its slide into woke tyranny. The new woman Gov Hochul like Whitmer in Michigan will bring on the lock downs and Vaxx passports snitch hotlines house arrest and BLM anarcho-tyranny. The NY of the libtards.

Anonymous said...

Lefty phobia abounds here.
Luv Guv Cuomo or a George Pataki type?
Dems or GOP . No fuckin diff!
Albany has been a bandits roost since the civil war. Great place to hide out.

Anonymous said...

Will they now change the name of the Mario M. Cuomo Bridge back to the Tappan Zee Bridge, just to spite him? It would involve a lot of signs and some money, but they should do it anyway.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that the newly "woke" right wing nuts will suddenly become "un-woke" again.
Ah well, I wish I could say it was nice knowing you.

Anonymous said...

NY Post: Will the Tappan Zee Bridge get its name back after Cuomo’s resignation?

Anonymous said...

Too many registered Democrats have NO idea exactly what their party is now standing for.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Resign no charges will be brought against him. Demorat protected at the highest levels.


AND what about Trump, all of his sexual misconduct and all the other criminal acts he did while using the White House as his own piggy bank. That guy is still running around free. If any of you did half of what trump did, what the hell would happen to you.

At least Cuomo resigned, trump caused an insurrection.

Bottom line, there are scum and crooks on both sides, yet for trump, it is still business as usual, but that is because the party he high jacked has no spine and lives deep in trump's anus.

But face it, to be a Senator, Congressman, etc, no qualifications are needed, not even a high school diploma and then if you can hold on to the job it is yours for life with great pay, connections, the best health insurance, a pension and really, what work do they actually do. That is how you get people like Comrie, Meeks, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan, etc.

Anonymous said...

To 12th Anonymous from top, re: 'Ron Kim is the man!'

Not so fast! I would hold off on celebrating Ron Kim's sudden break from his decades long trail of deep governmental silence. Case in point: Way, way back in 2010, I personally forewarned Mr. Kim when he worked for Cuomo in the Attorney General's Office, specifically the 'Public Integrity Unit.'

On one of the few times that Kim actually answered his telephone at work, I provided him with evidentiary documents via facsimile, that thoroughly outlined multiple, on the record examples of his boss's openly practiced corruption, graft, abuse of power, unprecedented harassment, sloppy cover ups, and outright violations of federal and state laws that Ron Kim's delicate sensibilities were not ready to accept, much less challenge.

So what does this delinquent lackey do? He retreats into silence, and stops returning my regular, weekly telephone calls, altogether. When I complained to others in his Public Integrity Unit that my calls to investigate the governor were not being returned, the equally petrified staff members would continually feign to take messages, and assured me each and every time that someone would call me back, and naturally those calls never came.

Then, shortly after, the telephone numbers to the Public Integrity Unit that I had been accustomed to dialing for several months, were actually changed so that my calls would not go through, thereby completely blocking me from the urgent help and accountability that my valid complaint demanded――THAT'S the kind of exalted power that Cuomo (and, his obedient henchmen) wielded while he headed the completely biased and selective attorney general's office.

Fast Forward to 2021: Now the press is quick to crown Kim as a local hero. If only the press knew about how many times that I reached out to him when he was a nobody, and working under Cuomo at the AG's office, then just maybe the purportedly 'free press' would reevaluate their position to glorify a 'See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil' coward who had the public responsibility to return my calls, as I was indeed a constituent, and by merely obeying the rules of his state paid, public service salaried job, then all of the governor's future abuses of power, privilege and UNJUST ENRICHMENT could have been correctly addressed and vanquished WELL before the now disgraced-and-disloyal governor reached his erstwhile level of higher power and position that resulted in dozens of sexual misconduct complainants who finally broke their silence, in the first place.

So please don't slap Kim on the back anytime soon, LEAST of all for his alleged courage, and abrupt brush with anything remotely connected to bravery: He is an insubordinate, feeble, sneaky, disloyal, self-serving coward, whose willful inaction had immediately silenced ALL of my previoualy (and strenuously) attempted 'red flag' warnings, all of which have now tragically come full circle, eleven years later, to shamefully include the ruined, damaged lives of others of whom the soon to be former governor embarrassingly continues to ascribe blame and punishment to everyone else but himself.

And, now it will take at least that long to repair, rehabilitate and restore a profoundly dysfunctional state government (of UNACCOUNTABLE, unresponsive, top level government tyrants, all of whom are an integral part of why and how there is zero social contract, and zero social trust in government bureaucracies), and the irreparable, irreversible damage that has been left in their wake that has finally crescendoed with the toppling of a grade A coward, and cognitive dissonant sociopath named Andrew Cuomo――THE Colossal Disgrace of New York State!

❝You have to be armed to have power, you see.❞ ——Fred Hampton

❝You see what power is: Holding someone else's fear in your hand——and showing it to them.❞ ——Amy Tan, 'The Kitchen God's Wife'

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Too many registered Democrats have NO idea exactly what their party is now standing for.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The ones that don't need to be disenfranchised for being too stupid to vote.

The ones that do need to be disenfranchised because they obviously love destructive tyrannical

Anonymous said...

AND what about Trump, all of his sexual misconduct and all the other criminal acts he did while using the White House as his own piggy bank. That guy is still running around free. If any of you did half of what trump did, what the hell would happen to you.


Yeah-trying to make America great was SUCH a terrible crime. Thank God Beijing Biden was installed via election fraud to implement MASAP-Make America Shitty As Possible. So far, so good, right?

Anonymous said...

No matter the breadth and depth of Democrat corruption, the wokistanians bark "Trump Trump Trump, Trump Trump Trump."

Reminds me of this German Shepherd I once had. Every time we let her out she'd bark at the same lamp post "ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff."

At least she was useful in that she intimidated trespassers. Wokistanians have no use at all.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Will they now change the name of the Mario M. Cuomo Bridge back to the Tappan Zee Bridge, just to spite him? It would involve a lot of signs and some money, but they should do it anyway."

I guess they could rename it the "Donald Trump Infrastructure Week Bridge". They'd have to spend some cash painting it black and gold, but it would be the greatest bridge ever. Everybody would be saying it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Too many registered Democrats have NO idea exactly what their party is now standing for.

WAY TOO MANY registered Republicans have no idea that that party wants to end democracy in this country LIKE THE RIGHT TO VOTE, something my father and uncles fought for. What the hell has happened to the Republican party. An egomaniac sociopath from NY, trump. So if Republicans cannot win elections, well then let's change the rules like making voting (A US RIGHT) as hard as possible.

CUE the clueless now. I guess you can move to Russia or any other dictatorship country if that is what you want. ME, I like our democracy, while not perfect, you can have something like a Queens Crap. Don't think there is a site in Russia, called Russia Crap.

Anonymous said...

At least Cuomo resigned, trump caused an insurrection.

What a bold faced lie.

Ask the FBI and Nancy who created the mayhem on January 6. Release the footage, nothing to hide right? CNN, MSNBC said so....it must be true then.

Cuomo resigned, because sick activists lined up to claim "sexual harrasement", basically convicted him in the media - typical play form George Soros' book.
Not a chance at court, he is guilty as charged.

The very dead seniors at the nursing homes are a much bigger scandal, but hey sex sells.
Sad state of affairs when sex becomes more important than human lives.

I never voted for either Trump or Cuomo and I'll bet you any money, the socialist, communist activists are salivating at the chance to place one of their own up there as the Governor. We all see how the Mayor of NYC worked out.

All on good old George's money.

Anonymous said...

@"What a bold faced lie.
Ask the FBI and Nancy who created the mayhem on January 6. Release the footage, nothing to hide right? CNN, MSNBC said so....it must be true then."

Good one Mr/Miss Q. The footage was already released. No need for CNN or MSNBC, this bunch of traitors was so dumb they videoed themselves. Dumb is as dumb does, and you don't get dumber than a Trumpanzee.

Anonymous said...

To 12th Anonymous from top, re: 'Ron Kim is the man!'

Not so fast! I would hold off on celebrating Ron Kim's sudden break from his decades long trail of deep governmental silence. Case in point: Way, way back in 2010, I personally forewarned Mr. Kim when he worked for Cuomo in the Attorney General's Office, specifically the 'Public Integrity Unit.'

On one of the few times that Kim actually answered his telephone at work, I provided him with evidentiary documents via facsimile, that thoroughly outlined multiple, on the record examples of his boss's openly practiced corruption, graft, abuse of power, unprecedented harassment, sloppy cover ups, and outright violations of federal and state laws that Ron Kim's delicate sensibilities were not ready to accept, much less challenge.

So what does this delinquent lackey do? He retreats into silence, and stops returning my regular, weekly telephone calls, altogether. When I complained to others in his Public Integrity Unit that my calls to investigate the governor were not being returned, the equally petrified staff members would continually feign to take messages, and assured me each and every time that someone would call me back, and naturally those calls never came.

Then, shortly after, the telephone numbers to the Public Integrity Unit that I had been accustomed to dialing for several months, were actually changed so that my calls would not go through, thereby completely blocking me from the urgent help and accountability that my valid complaint demanded――THAT'S the kind of exalted power that Cuomo (and, his obedient henchmen) wielded while he headed the completely biased and selective attorney general's office.

Fast Forward to 2021: Now the press is quick to crown Kim as a local hero. If only the press knew about how many times that I reached out to him when he was a nobody, and working under Cuomo at the AG's office, then just maybe the purportedly 'free press' would reevaluate their position to glorify a 'See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil' coward who had the public responsibility to return my calls, as I was indeed a constituent, and by merely obeying the rules of his state paid, public service salaried job, then all of the governor's future abuses of power, privilege and UNJUST ENRICHMENT could have been correctly addressed and vanquished WELL before the now disgraced-and-disloyal governor reached his erstwhile level of higher power and position that resulted in dozens of sexual misconduct complainants who finally broke their silence, in the first place.

So please don't slap Kim on the back anytime soon, LEAST of all for his alleged courage, and abrupt brush with anything remotely connected to bravery: He is an insubordinate, feeble, sneaky, disloyal, self-serving coward, whose willful inaction had immediately silenced ALL of my previoualy (and strenuously) attempted 'red flag' warnings, all of which have now tragically come full circle, eleven years later, to shamefully include the ruined, damaged lives of others of whom the soon to be former governor embarrassingly continues to ascribe blame and punishment to everyone else but himself.

And, now it will take at least that long to repair, rehabilitate and restore a profoundly dysfunctional state government (of UNACCOUNTABLE, unresponsive, top level government tyrants, all of whom are an integral part of why and how there is zero social contract, and zero social trust in government bureaucracies), and the irreparable, irreversible damage that has been left in their wake that has finally crescendoed with the toppling of a grade A coward, and cognitive dissonant sociopath named Andrew Cuomo――THE Colossal Disgrace of New York State!

❝You have to be armed to have power, you see.❞ ——Fred Hampton

❝You see what power is: Holding someone else's fear in your hand——and showing it to them.❞ ——Amy Tan, 'The Kitchen God's Wife'

Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
At least Cuomo resigned, trump caused an insurrection.

What a bold faced lie.

Ask the FBI and Nancy who created the mayhem on January 6. Release the footage, nothing to hide right? CNN, MSNBC said so....it must be true then.

YEP, the CLUELESS & ILL INFORMED - right on cue.

Find all the videos, that Jan 6th mayhem was all trump supporters, egged on by him and his speech, but there is no talking to STUPID who gets his info from the asshole pillow guy.


Wait, I think Santa Claus riding on a unicorn created the mayhem.

Anonymous said...

Fredo is about to learn the meaning of "What goes around, comes around".

Anonymous said...

"That guy is still running around free"

So is Bill Clinton, OJ Simpson and Bill Cosby buy nobody talks about it.
Only slam Trump !! The leftists and ANIFTA terrorists dressed up in Trump and NRA clothes caused that insurrection. Why do you thing most arrested were from California, Seattle, Boston, Kingston and Detroit.---Hardly Trump or republican territory.

Anonymous said...

Narcissists don't make mistakes, they're perfect. Just ask any one of them.

Adriatic Hillbilly said...

CUOMIGULA is merely in exile on Elba. He will be back, just like Napoleon. 18 million in the kitty he can cause all sorts of trouble

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"That guy is still running around free"

So is Bill Clinton, OJ Simpson and Bill Cosby buy nobody talks about it.
Only slam Trump !! The leftists and ANIFTA terrorists dressed up in Trump and NRA clothes caused that insurrection. Why do you thing most arrested were from California, Seattle, Boston, Kingston and Detroit.---Hardly Trump or republican territory.


Yep, you are clueless. Simpson & Cosby served time. Clinton did not cause an insurrection on the capital or our democracy. AND Bill was impeached,

Learn facts and real history.

Anonymous said...


Calling people names, labeling them is a favorite pastime of the commies, socialist.

Provide proof pal. Talk is cheap. Let the DA-s take them to court. Release the 14K hours of recordings.

In rest spare us from your diatribes, pretty boring stuff, CNN, MSNBC garbage.

Anonymous said...

@Good one Mr/Miss Q. The footage was already released. No need for CNN or MSNBC, this bunch of traitors was so dumb they videoed themselves. Dumb is as dumb does, and you don't get dumber than a Trumpanzee.

No it wasn't. Stop spreading the lies, provide the link instead!

You, bored with the fascists, are back to the trumpanzee crap, actually you are a pathetic fascist and if this *administrator* the best our country has to offer we are in pretty big trouble.
Go ask for your money back, the education system failed you big time.

Anonymous said...

And, now the latest (in a series of egregious, New York State government transgressions) from crony blubberhead, Carl Heastie and the self-imploding DemonRat SCOURGES of epic government fail:

The impeachment proceedings were dropped against Andrew Cuomo by the 'jackassinine' Asssembly today, Friday, August 13, because the former governer, a disgraced, sexual molester (and overall government law violater/ anarchist) already resigned, thereby protecting, shielding and guaranteeing his unearned & undeserved, taxpayer funded pension.

So, if anyone STILL isn't 'White Hot' with anger over this latest public scam, then you deserve pity for your staggering complicity which reinforces more brazen levels of corruption to prevail. Why would anyone in publicly elected office get to CHOOSE what happens to them after serious charges of misconduct and sexual molestation have already been leveled and proven? How about a ZERO tolerance policy for top tier government resignations in the wake of serious violations that call for impeachment, followed by instant impeachment proceedings themselves by an order of immediate, 'step down' edict as a safety net to protect We, the People from further harm and profound government waste? So, the disgraced victimizer gets to skulk around the untouchable corridors of the Executive Chamber of Horrors for another lethally dangerous two weeks——to do WHAT exactly?——and, more importantly——WHY?

Who the hell does this 'Ugly Beastie-Heastie-Heifer' coward think he is? We, the People ARE GOVERNMENT! Freedoms and democracy are OURS to employ and demand! No publicly caught abuser deserves a government pension——LEAST OF ALL the shamefully soiled governor himself!——and if this arrogant coward and public payroll hustler gets to keep a pension that ironically isn't offered to any of his ever languishing constituency, then all bloody pandemonium should break out with an imploding vengeance!

In closing, I don't hold any trust for EITHER of the two-party-machine-failed duopoly diseased Republican parties (one that salutes their unwavering allegiance to ACTUAL blood-red scripts of exaltation and exclusion; the OTHER taking form as a right of center Republican Party-loyalist dupe, draped in the DemonRat, 'Tidy Bowl' flushing color blue (that transparently embrace neo-feudalism, neo-fascism, neo-Bolshevism and neo-liberalism), with a vengeful impunity that remains unprecedented, to date (EMPHASIS ADDED).

But if We, the People take this one on the chin, and look the other way on this travesty of fiscal injustice, then brace yourself to be at the endless mercy to continually pay for the political sins of an entirely false, fake and failed, CULT-PARTY system of indoctrination-innoculation apathy and unrivaled indifference that will never stop bleeding (hemorrhaging) the rank and file――until the DOA cadaver known as New York State government will leave nothing but the bones and marrow for the bottom feeding buzzards to finish off.

Are New York residents REALLY satisfied with paying the lifetime pension contributions to a disgraced, bloodsucking maggot like CUOMO, and his dynastic CRIME WAVE family of parasitic worthlessness? Likewise, for the mangy sewer rat that infected City Hall, Bill de Blasio (who should have been impeached RIGHT AFTER he accepted hefty bribes a few years ago that resulted in jail sentences ONLY for those who MADE the bribes; not the one who ACCEPTED THEM). This is how revolutions commence!

❝The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.❞ ——George Orwell (1903-1950)

❝The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.❞ ——George Orwell

Anonymous said...

"CNN, MSNBC said so....it must be true then" Bingo !!!
You can't help these brainwashed idots in a post or talking for a few hours.
The are all indoctrinated for years watching the Marxist agenda in all media and print !
We are fighting a well-trained, well-organized, and ideologically indoctrinated guerrilla army. They start with your children in pre K and will never stop !

Anonymous said...

"I have spent all my life under a Communist regime, and I will tell you that a society without any objective legal scale is a terrible one indeed. But a society with no other scale but the legal one is not quite worthy of man either"
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Calling people names, labeling them is a favorite pastime of the commies, socialist.


That is actually trump's only move. Yes, STUPID IS STUPID. You made my point and describe trump without even knowing it. Too many idiots on this site.

Anonymous said...

That last Anon posting with several paragraphs and states : :I don't hold any trust for EITHER of the two party machine" is one of the most intelligent and objective comments I have read on this site. The problem with too many folks on this site and folks in general, they pick a side and never see beyond that or criticize those in the camp when they do wrong.

And what an ending with George Orwell quotes that speak VOLUMES in this day and age of misinformation, disinformation, the tossing away if FACTS & SCIENCE, creating a false history, etc, Our American society has become like the dark ages thinking of the world is flat and burn witches mentality. We have devolved and as opposed to evolving.

❝The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.❞ ——George Orwell (1903-1950)

❝The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.❞ ——George Orwell

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