Monday, July 12, 2021

The Blaz keeps mask mandates going for schools as he promotes restaurant weeks where masks don't apply as infections spread



New York City doesn’t have plans to change its current mask-wearing policy in schools and adhere to recently updated guidelines from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday. 

In a major policy shift last week, the CDC called for the full reopening of schools across the country even if doing so meant dropping its three-foot social distancing requirement and recommended only unvaccinated adults and children wear masks while inside school buildings. 

The New York State Department of Health is currently reviewing the amended guidelines and their decision on whether to relax mask wearing requirements in schools could impact whether the DOE adopts the new CDC recommendations. But for now New York City public school families should expect that teachers, staff and students regardless of vaccination status will need to face coverings in classrooms this fall, according to de Blasio. 

“There will be a lot of communication before school and once it begins for now assume we are wearing masks,” de Blasio told reporters during a morning press conference. “ But that could change as we get closer…we will be driven by the data and see what the science has to say.” 

The CDC guideline changes come amid a national push to boost slowing vaccination rates across the country. De Blasio started off his Monday press conference touting New York City’s vaccination rate stating that 4.4 million city residents are now fully vaccinated against the virus.  

According to the CDC, about 4.9 million New York City residents are fully vaccinated against the virus and 5.4 million, or about 64% of the city’s population, has received at least one dose of the vaccine which falls just a little below the nation’s overall rate.

 NY Post

New York City diners will be able to enjoy temporarily discounted meals at more than 500 restaurants for five weeks this summer, in a lengthened Restaurant Week aimed at helping struggling restaurants recover from the pandemic, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday.

The newly extended tourism and hospitality industry promotion will start on July 19 and end Aug. 22, the mayor said at his daily press briefing.

“Restaurant Week is launching next week, in a new, amazing form,” de Blasio said, boasting of more than a month of “great discounts, great specials” across the five boroughs.

“This is going to be amazing,” he said. “Think about restaurants you’ve always wanted to go to. Here’s the opportunity to experience them, and it’s a wonderful, super Restaurant Week that’s going to be really inviting again for New Yorkers and a special opportunity to come out and celebrate for folks who are not from around here.


Anonymous said...

Funny how follow the science has flipped against the far left. They refuse to shake the masks even though science says you can. Lolz

Anonymous said...

And just threw a ticker tape parade with no social

Anonymous said...

"we will be driven by the data and see what the science has to say.”

Lol! The idiot progressive Mayor says "science!" which he is incapable of understanding. The science, in fact, says that children are and have always been at zero risk from Covid. Putting them in masks is flat out child abuse. If the worthless NYC teachers have to wear masks, what do I care? They are largely a gang of Progressive dolts, so let them live with the monster they've created. But for goodness sake, let the children breathe.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Make the necessary sacrifices, and HOMESCHOOL YOUR KIDS!!!

Anonymous said...


"A group of parents sent their kids' face masks to a lab for analysis. Here's what they found...."

Anonymous said...

Reply to Anonymous #5

YES! Thank you!! Did you know that since the U.S. was originally an agrarian society we kept our kids home to help farm the land and so they were homeschooled? The government realized "Uh oh we're loosing control; let's create public schools!" As one of the original 13 colonies, NYS was the first to have a public school; it opened in 1853.

Great resource for HOMESCHOOLING:


Anonymous said...

Teachers unions are a cartel, a Democratic voting bloc that manipulates corrupt politicians and sucks tax payers dry. And for what? America has fallen precipitously in rank with other countries. Our education system is expensive and it stinks.

Between prolonged closures, draconian mask mandates and critical race theory, the average citizen is now driven to take action, firing their Boards of Education and withdrawing their kids from public school.

Home schooling will explode.

Anonymous said...

They're still not giving the vaccines to children under age 12, right? So until the vaccines are approved for kids, the only protection young children have are masks and social distancing.

Anonymous said...

They aren't doing this to protect kids. They're doing this because teachers don't want the vaccine.

Anonymous said...

@“Home schooling will explode”

Hopefully under your I’ll informed ass!

Anonymous said...

Are most UFT Teachers delivery tools of CRT ?

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