Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Blaz has made the comptroller's office irrelevant


Impunity City

Now that his disastrous mayoral campaign is over and 30% of registered voters chose Eric Adams to be the Democrat nominee for Mayor, NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer has gone right back to full-time work and dad gum it he is not going to take it anymore.

 Stringer brought his stump back out and announced that Mayor de Blasio has held onto the city’s emergency powers and control of budget spending way too long, so he’s decided to take the Blaz to court to get them rescinded so he can manage the city finances again for the remaining 5 months of his term.
But for all the grand gesturing and authoritative shit talking, Stringer is just frontin’ like a punk, establishing once again why he got easily destroyed in the primary. Because the wimp allowed the Blaz to enact those emergency orders to control spending on a day one and did not say a peep about it knowing full well the mayor’s history of profligate wasteful and political patronage derived spending throughout his abominable two terms, enabling the Blaz to embark on a chronic gambler spending spree while exploiting his new authority throughout the pandemic.
What’s worse about Scotty’s sudden display of balls is that he hasn’t even literally got in the Blaz’s face about his chronic abuse of the emergency powe, which he revealed quite pathetically during a brief questioning from a  NY Post reporter who mockingly asked Stringer why it’s taking him so long to use his position as the city’s accountant to reclaim the reins of the city budget again from the unaccountable mayor’s idle hands.

Comptroller Stringer: “We have to come back time and time again to demand accountability and a court action is a last resort, common sense is a first resort, and we haven’t seen that in this administration and we are coming back with a court action because we have to get to the bottom of this”
NY Post: “have you actually spoken to him and (snicker) asked him if he (Blaz) was going to restore the actual safeguards that didn’t exist before?
Comptroller Stringer: “We gave him documentation and sent him no less than 4 letters and we can provide them”
NY Post: “But have you personally (chortle) spoken to him and asked him?
Comptroller Stringer: “I don’t have to speak to him to ask him by letter to do the right thing.”

NY Post: “But you haven’t spoken to him”

Comptroller Stringer: “No, I haven’t spoken to him personally”

Holy calamafuck, the NYC Comptroller never once confronted the NYC Mayor face to face and eye to eye about his repeated malfeasant emergency power grabs, which he reinstated 100 FUCKING TIMES  while spending 8 billion dollars on lousy contracts and financing dubious services that weren’t necessarily essential to the city during the “perfect storm of COVID19”. (Like open streets and bike boulevards)
For the last 16 months since The Blaz mimicked Governor Cuomo by assigning himself emergency powers, Stringer took pussy to a new level, letting the Blaz make his government appointed job irrelevant and sat there and watched him piss away the city coffers from the start of the pandemic and even this year in our alleged recovery now that andemic restrictions have been rescinded by the state and national levels and in the five boroughs by the mayor himself.

NY Post 

City Comptroller Scott Stringer attempted to block an $890 million contract for the takeover of a school bus operator once owned by a major donor to Mayor Bill de Blasio — only to have City Hall quietly override his veto, The Post has learned.

Stringer’s office tried to nix the deal after the Department of Education refused to provide key details about the takeover of Reliant Transportation and its 1,000 school buses, including the total purchase price or the startup costs for the new city-run nonprofit — NYC School Bus Umbrella Services — set to operate the fleet.

The DOE also refused to provide Stringer with any details about its independent appraisal of Reliant’s financial health, which found the company has just $16.6 million in assets while carrying $18.6 million in pension liabilities. 

 "The DOE has now chosen to skirt accountability once again and push through this nearly $1 billion contract without addressing numerous issues raised by my office, including the lack of details about long-term costs to New Yorkers,” said Stringer in a statement. “Students, teachers, parents, and school staff deserve far better fiscal responsibility and transparency from the DOE.”

It’s the latest entry in the months-long stonewall by the de Blasio administration — which once promised to be the most transparent in history — in response to questions from the press and government watchdogs about the deal.

Officials have repeatedly claimed they are unable to provide the price tag for the Reliant buyout and other key details because they have not yet finalized the takeover. 




Anonymous said...

Stringer was born and raised in a NYCHA apartment house and will be on the public dole till he dies. What a waste of a “public servant”.

Anonymous said...

I never though I could say “you can’t make this stuff up” so many times. It’s a daily exercise for a few years now.

Anonymous said...

The Western world needs a crash course in authoritarianism and totalitarianism. Most people’s understanding of oppressive regimes stops at 1945.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful switcheroo!

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

The Peanut Gallery here always look FIRST to mock, attack and retreat when I point to certain historic findings—like how the The Roman Empire dragged on for a staggering 250 years before it finally collapsed—much like the lethally dangerous, ‘Cause & Effect’ sideshows foisted on society by failed bureaucrats Bill de Blasio AND Scott Stringer (‘String-along Stringer’) both of whom painfully illustrate only the reasons behind why governments fail in total decay that largely explain the history of the Roman Empire’s malingering delay for centuries before it finally collapsed in the first place—firmly buttressed by political GRAFT and arrogant power grabs with other people’s hard earned lives, youth (that has been robbed), time and money. The ancient playbook never changes its mission of failed, but empowered leadership.

Hence, if anyone listening out there still wonders why New York City & New York State are dirtier than a gas station toilet, one needn’t look any further than the crippling, gridlocking, monstrously self-serving actions by these two terminal road blocks to government accountability, when they refuse to even meet in a face-to-face meeting to unburden the majority of the soon to be exiled taxpayers to rapidly escape this totally rusted, archaic behemoth of never-ending bureaucracy that has continually benefited the highest levels of an untouchable, intensely incompetent, government elitist minority of failed politicians who reinforce profligate, wanton waste and mismanagement at the obscene and insane expense of an entire, languishing constituency that has intentionally been left to rot—until extinction prevails—exactly like the Fall of the Roman Empire itself—and, the public be damned!

“ALL tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud has been exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.” —George Orwell

“The welfare of humanity is ALWAYS the alibi of tyrants.” —Albert Camus

“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it.” —H. L. Mencken

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Historically, politicians have never paid a price for being wrong—only the societies in which they were integral in destroying—to present day effect!

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