Friday, July 2, 2021



Queens Post

 Former US President Donald Trump has blasted the New York City Board of Elections handling of the Democratic primary mayoral vote, labeling it as “an embarrassment and total mess.”

Trump, in two separate emails sent out to his supporters Wednesday morning, ripped the Board for revealing overnight that more than 135,000 test ballots were included as part of the count – thereby plunging the vote into disarray.

The Queens native pounced on the confusion as justification for his own claims – and those of many of his supporters – that the 2020 Presidential Election was a “scam and a hoax.”

“Just like in the 2020 Presidential Election, it was announced overnight in New York City that vast irregularities and mistakes were made and that Eric Adams, despite an almost insurmountable lead, may not win the race,” Trump wrote in his first email.

“The fact is, based on what has happened, nobody will ever know who really won.”

Adams led Maya Wiley by around 9 percent and Kathryn Garcia by around 12 percent in the first-round tally results released last week in the crucial primary. The tabulation was based on the number of voters who had ranked each candidate first on their ballots.

The vote was thrown into chaos Tuesday when the Board of Elections released its preliminary results – only to yank them five hours later. The count was supposed to allocate ranked-choice votes and saw Garcia leapfrogging Wiley into second place and narrowing Adams’ lead in the process.

However, that count included thousands of test ballots that should not have been tallied.

The Board of Elections attributed the discrepancy to a technical error caused by a test run of the ranking system that had not been cleared from its computing system before the latest tabulations, according to The City.

Nevertheless, Trump was quick to take advantage of the controversy and ridiculed the city’s election process.

“Watch the mess you are about to see in New York City, it will go on forever. They should close the books and do it all over again, the old-fashioned way, when we had results that were accurate and meaningful,” Trump wrote.


Anonymous said...

"They should close the books and do it all over again, the old-fashioned way, when we had results that were accurate and meaningful..."

Right again, in more ways than one.

Rob in Manhattan said...

Why bother even quoting this sick bastard. He presided over the most corrupt administration in modern times.

He is over. Forget him. Let him rant, only morons believe him now.

Rob in Manhattan

Anonymous said...

They are not after Me, They are after You, I am simply in the Way - President Donald J Trump 2019

ron s said...

Trump is a demented lying moron. He lost-bigly. He should STFU.

Anonymous said...

I don’t wanna hear anyone question the winner once decided by the MSM. To do so, would be racist and an attack on our democracy. / sarc

Anonymous said...

Not a surprise. NYC has been the "Base for Communist Operations" in America forever. It's one Party. (Left Wing Democrat Marxist.)

Anonymous said...

Can't wait until the AZ audit results are released.

Heard through the grapevine it will be a humdinger.

WH said...

And why shouldn't he "take advantage of it"? The whole thing is a colossal case of gross ineptitude. I'll never trust "the system" again, not after 2020. This only confirms that my distrust is fully justified.

Anonymous said...

Breaking News ....Supreme Court Sides with Trump on Mueller Probe Obstruction Ending Democrats Attempt to Indict.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the voting process, it's absurd that in this digital age of 'so much superfluous' technology, that this deeply flawed-and-dysfunctional system now reverts to paper ballots. The old lever machines, in fact, made more sense—assuming that the elections themselves were conducted with the highest levels of ethics, integrity, accountable leadership (that leads by example) and full disclosure and transparency—SHOCK ALERT!—they aren't. Even more insane is the fact that election results aren't available until weeks later.

But, all of that aside is marginal compared to what the voting public pretends to not exist in the FIRST PLACE, which ends up irreparably tainting the entire voting process itself: Dark money in politics, Super PACS, super-delegates, lobbying and special interests (more commonly known to the REST of the world as bribery and extortion), gerrymandering, electioneering, cronyism, nepotism, election fraud, voter fraud, and an overall system of election rigging that is now openly practiced, without censure.

Now, any ONE of the above-mentioned transgressions would be tantamount to serious misconduct, enough to warrant an electoral de-certification—but, We, the People are burdened with ALL of the ABOVE—yet, STILL no one officially questions ALL pretense of freedom and democracy, neither of which exists in THESE ever lenient times of totally rigged electoral rackets of epic government fail! Certainly there are no special investigations SO ORDERED by the corrupt politicians themselves, much less any and all required steps to ensure honest and fair elections will ever prevail, because that is exactly what these voracious, predatory and rapacious thieves of the electorate EXPECT, INSIST and DEMAND for their ancient, Babylonian 'Empire Rackets' to propagate to exclusionary levels of PRIVATE SPLENDOR for themselves (whilst collecting a government paycheck!), versus PUBLIC SQUALOR, adversity, beggary, obscurity, quiet desperation—and, PUBLIC SQUALOR for everyone else who continually pays the ULTIMATE, soul-crushing price within the rank and file! President DONALD J. TRUMP is RIGHT!

Anonymous said...

Truth is not welcome said...
The thought free NYC Sheeple are everywhere.

DearLeader said...

I won, I won, everybody says so, everybody loves me. Everybody’s saying it, I won, I just need to twist a few arms here and there. I’ll be inaugurated in August. Fake it till you make it!

Anonymous said...

Why are the demorats so desperate to turn us in the the failed mainland Europe?

Anonymous said...

The shenanigan road is getting narrower.
In 6-3 Decision SCOTUS Allows Ballot the Harvesting Ban !

Anonymous said...

Is this is how Joe “won” Arizona ?

Anonymous said...

Heard through the grapevine it will be a humdinger.

Was that Newsmax, OAN, or Mike "My Pillow" Lindell?

Anonymous said...

Some people say they will be happy once they put the elected president back into office. Not the puppet potato.

Anonymous said...

The Constitution basically says elections are up to states.

Anonymous said...

Minneapolis was the epicenter for ballot shannagins.

Anonymous said...

The hypocrisy of the Demoncrats is maddening! So glad the Supreme Court backed him up finally.

Anonymous said...

@Rob in Stinky Milk Manhattan
Yes and no more mean Tweets !

Anonymous said...

Being on my 8th POTUS of my life, I am staggered that this clown Hiden is our president. How are the Dems so proud and blind to the obvious complete disconnect this admin is and we are only 7 months in???? I have never had less confidence in our future than today. It is just un settling to say the least. Cant believe that the Dems can play like all is well, just un freaking believable!!!

Anonymous said...

"Why bother even quoting this sick bastard" People need to investigate the reason Kamala Harris is always cackling !

Anonymous said...

Love the look in his eyes ! Makes me tingle ...

Sheeple said...

I'm voting for that guy.

Napa John said...

The Orange snot bucket and his dopey demented minions parade their ignorance with a boldness known only to the truly stupid. Who cares what the world's biggest loser thinks?

Anonymous said...

Regarding the voting process, it's absurd that in this digital age of 'so much superfluous' technology, that this deeply flawed-and-dysfunctional system now reverts to paper ballots. The old lever machines, in fact, made more sense—assuming that the elections themselves were conducted with the highest levels of ethics, integrity, accountable leadership (that leads by example) and full disclosure and transparency—SHOCK ALERT!—they aren't. Even more insane is the fact that election results aren't available until weeks later.

But, all of that aside is marginal compared to what the voting public pretends to not exist in the FIRST PLACE, which ends up irreparably tainting the entire voting process itself: Dark money in politics, Super PACS, super-delegates, lobbying and special interests (more commonly known to the REST of the world as bribery and extortion), gerrymandering, electioneering, cronyism, nepotism, election fraud, voter fraud, and an overall system of election rigging that is now openly practiced, without censure.

Now, any ONE of the above-mentioned transgressions would be tantamount to serious misconduct, enough to warrant an electoral de-certification—but, We, the People are burdened with ALL of the ABOVE—yet, STILL no one officially questions ALL pretense of freedom and democracy, neither of which exists in THESE ever lenient times of totally rigged electoral rackets of epic government fail! Certainly there are no special investigations SO ORDERED by the corrupt politicians themselves, much less any and all required steps to ensure honest and fair elections will ever prevail, because that is exactly what these voracious, predatory and rapacious thieves of the electorate EXPECT, INSIST and DEMAND for their ancient, Babylonian 'Empire Rackets' to propagate to exclusionary levels of PRIVATE SPLENDOR for themselves (whilst collecting a government paycheck!), versus PUBLIC SQUALOR, adversity, beggary, obscurity, quiet desperation—and, PUBLIC SQUALOR for everyone else who continually pays the ULTIMATE, soul-crushing price within the rank and file! President DONALD J. TRUMP is RIGHT!

Anonymous said...

Poor, delusional, propagandized, 'DEEP IN DENIAL' Napa John, whose snarky, arrogant tunnel vision can clearly see the forest disappearing——while the ax is ironically right in his own hands.

The 'dopey, demententd minions' are the intensely incompetent DemonRat scourges themselves, ALL of whom have paraded and propagated their willfully feckless ignorance with a relentless, jackhammer style, state of propaganda lies, deniability and corporate obedient control since this filthy nation was created as an oil company with a totalitarian, police state military. And, the clueless, public accomplices to the crimes against humanity (that have continually hastened their OWN DEMISE) be damned!

Don't blame President DONALD J. TRUMP: He only had four incomplete years, versus 150 hyper-corrupt, dynastic, entrenched, corporate controlled, establishment-rigged years of 'Delay, Deny——And, Hope That You Die!' If you think that a 47-year puppet-stooge of oligarchy like Joe BIDET has produced anything useful for anyone but himself (while becoming a millionaire on a government paycheck! - what product was HE selling?), then you're more delusional and certifiably insane than the counterfeit stooges who are presently SQUATTING in The White House, with impunity!

❝Biden is worse than TRUMP. TRUMP inherited the system; Biden was its architect.❞ ——Chris Hedges

❝Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will.❞ ——Joseph Goebbels

❝The truth that survives is the lie that is pleasantest to believe.❞ ——H. L. Mencken

❝The system cannot be fixed by the system.❞ ——Tom Morello

❝Believe nothing——until it has been officially denied.❞ ——Anonymous

❝In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.❞ ——George Orwell

❝He who dares not offend cannot be truthful.❞ ——Thomas Paine

❝He who allows oppression shares the crime.❞ ——Desiderius Erasmus

❝The oppressor would not be so strong if he did not have accomplices among the oppressed themselves.❞ ——Simone de Beauvoir

❝The self-righteous rule out the possibility that THEY are what has gone wrong.❞ ——Mason Cooley

❝The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly.❞ ——Robert Anton Wilson

❝The Forest was shrinking, but the Trees kept voting for the Ax, for the Ax was clever and he convinced the Trees that because his handle was made of wood——he was one of them.❞ ——Turkish proverb

Anonymous said...

To terminal Knucklehead Napa John (whose ignorance and incompetence does not warrant personal comment of disgust from me, mainly because he isn't even interesting enough to make me sick [credits to CHER, from 'The Witches of Eastwick']):

❝One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.❞ ――Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

Anonymous said...

Two Americas said...
I vote blue no matter who say the Sheeple !
You know them as the Corporate America lobbyist front group...Prove me wrong.

Anonymous said...

I feel sick looking at Trump.

georgetheatheist said...

Will Trump like Giuliani endorse Sliwa? Wise for even Sliwa to covet Trump's blessing? What say youse all ?

Anonymous said...

To terminal Knucklehead Napa John (whose ignorance and incompetence does not warrant personal comment of disgust from me, mainly because he isn't even interesting enough to make me sick [credits to CHER, from 'The Witches of Eastwick']):

❝One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.❞ ――Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

Belief is the death of intelligence, Napa John. But, if you believe NOTHING ELSE from President DONALD J. TRUMP, believe what he said in 2019:

❝They are not after ME, they are after YOU――I am simply IN THE WAY!❞

Anonymous said...

Would you buy a used car from this guy?

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July PRESIDENT TRUMP

Anonymous said...

"Why bother even quoting this sick bastard" People need to investigate the reason people watch CNN !

Anonymous said...

Back in the old days they hung traitors, nowadays they threaten to run for president again.

Anonymous said...

Trump may be over, but Trumpism is far from over. G-d Bless DeSantis. Long live the unequalled, universal Yankee nation.

Anonymous said...

Hey, that looks like a real live version of “Florida Man”. Did they not go extinct 2 Million years ago?

Anonymous said...

To administrator JQ:

There is never an excuse for stupidity, but political slavery, mental laziness and online bullying run DEEP. And this thread contains all three!

I fear that many of these cowardly, self-serving 'Anonymous' types above are nothng more than shills for the DNC (Does Not Care - about democracy - as evidenced by the latest BOE screwup). The same people who tell them which side to butter their gluten free, lackey breadcrumb treats!

Anonymous said...

“Teflon-Don” is right. The Presidential 2020 election was rigged, and it would not be surprising if the DNC does not want Eric Adams to become the next mayor, who would use the race card for anything when he would not get his way during his future potential mayorship. This is a sign of an insolent imbecile, who is willing to screw over the citizens of NYC for his own personal gain.

Not that Sliwa is any better, as he owning 15 rescue cats in an ~ 300 square foot studio on CPW to lower his blood pressure does not foretell of a future Republican mayor who is capable of handling the real stresses of the mayorship.

In summary, we need a mayoral candidate who does not BS around with NYC citizens, focuses on safety, does not cater to the woke/communist mob, and reins in the debt that the current City Council has brazenly ballooned without shame.

If the bedrock of NYC had the limestone composition of Florida, then Manhattan would deserve to sink into the ocean. But since Manhattan has among the strongest bedrocks out there, it tells that the land is tough as nails. Thus, its citizens should behave similarly and make efforts to take care of our city.

Anonymous said...

@“I fear that many of these cowardly, self-serving 'Anonymous' types above are nothng more than shills for the DNC (Does Not Care - about democracy - as evidenced by the latest BOE screwup).

Says cowardly self-serving Anonymous RNC type who cares nothing for democracy..

Anonymous said...

He looks like one of those guys who scam old ladies out of their life savings.

Anonymous said...

Who cares what a one term loser thinks.

Anonymous said...

@"Back in the old days they hung traitors, nowadays they threaten to run for president again. "

What are you? A socialist?

Anonymous said...

Who cares what a one term loser thinks.

That's "twice-impeached, one-term loser" to you, pal.

Anonymous said...

To the genius who asked: ❝Would you buy a used car from this guy?❞

The obvious question that I present right here to HIM is (and the stinking, giant elephant turd in the middle of the room): Why did HE just buy a broken down, rusty Edsel, ironically from a cradle-to-grave, BrainWashington, DC 'puppet-stooge of oligarchy' (who became a millionaire――whilst collecting a government paycheck!), from the decrepit, cognitively disabled guy who openly squandered 47 years as a low life, corpoorate obedient, government grandstanding 'racist, rapist' hack (Joe BIDET'S 'SELECTED' VP Kamala's own publicly stated words!)――the SAME crusty used car salesman who opened up the Edsel dealership, eons ago?

❝No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.❞ ――Mark Twain

❝Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.❞ ――George Carlin

❝It always amazes me how stupid people are.❞ ――Frank Zappa

Politicians are the entertainment division of the military industrial complex.❞ ――Frank Zappa

❝It's easier to fool a person than to tell them that they've been fooled.❞ ――Mark Twain

❝You can fool ALL of the people SOME of the time, and if you do it just once――it lasts four years.❞ ――Alfred E. Neuman

❝The gentle art of politics is getting votes from the poor, and campaign funds from the rich――by promising to protect EACH from the OTHER.❞ ――Oscar Ameringer

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