Friday, July 9, 2021

Fauxgressives need not apply

NY Post

The Democrats have a problem: They have run away from their core voters. And they are beginning to notice and worry.

Lefty blogger Kevin Drum noted this recently. He observes that Republicans have moved slightly to the right, but Democrats have moved way, way to the left on social issues.

Drum says he is “personally happy” about the Democrats’ move left. But he is worried, because while the Democratic Party has moved hard left, the voters it relies on to attain power haven’t.  

Thus, in the 2020 election, former President Donald Trump — despite being called a white supremacist and a Hispanic-hater by all the mainstream media — picked up black and Hispanic votes.

One reason for this is that racial polarization went down, but “education polarization” went up. The Democrats are increasingly the party of the college- and graduate-school-educated white gentry class. The Republicans are increasingly the party of the working class, which includes a lot of . . . blacks and Hispanics.

Just look at the issues the Democrats are pushing: defunding the police, which hurts mostly poor and working-class neighborhoods; critical race theory, which mostly interests woke white activists (and rich-and-guilty Dem donors) but which actually sends a message of inferiority to minority youths; gender ideology, which plays less well among the more traditional and more religious working-class minorities; environmental policies that produce higher gas prices and lower employment, while pushing food prices up; open borders that drive down wages for downscale workers; and so on.

Donors and activists love this stuff. They live in neighborhoods that are mostly insulated from urban crime and disorder. Their kids will still be privileged, regardless of what theories on race are popular. Transgender issues make them feel hip and cutting-edge. Higher gas and food prices won’t affect them. And illegal immigration makes sure they don’t have to pay too much for a nannies and gardeners.

For a long time, the Democrats were able to have it both ways, pretending solidarity with the working class while promoting policies that undercut it. But they have overdone things, and now people have noticed.


Anonymous said...

As one of the working class, it’s plain as day that the Democrats no longer represent my interests, and these upscale progressives have complete disdain for the working class

Joe said...

Democrats may get their ass kicked in November then blame the board of elections. They are going to be in shock, dumbfounded in tears like what you saw with Hillary Clintons people leaving the Javits center.

Here is the latest corrupt dirty bullshit:
Place all available police in midtown and theater district to protect summer actors & tourists that don't vote in NY elections and allow NYC's own people get murdered in the streets and pushed under trains?
Are they crazy?

Q:- Why not allow all those theatres, Hard Rock, Planet Hollywood, Disney company, CBS, NBC, VIACOM (who have 100x more $$$ then NYCs coffers) and pay for their own private security ? (Note how its all media & entertainment company's)

Answer:-Its one of the kickbacks from "The Mayors office of Media & Entertainment" for playing nice.


Don Quixote said...

That picture looks like Washington Square Park has become a giant shit show! A bunch of 'progressives' standing around engaged in a live action role play (LARP) game in which they battle their imaginary foes: Donald Trump, corporations, racism, defund the police, homophobia, transphobia, etc.

Fighting the power while staring at their iPhones!

Anonymous said...

JFK would be considered a right wing nutjob if he were to give one of his speeches today.

The democrats are so taken over by radicals, anyone slightly to the right of Fidel Castro they call a fascist.

Anonymous said...

Communism is fair, everyone got access to the gulag !

Anonymous said...

We are living in a sick society currently run by thieves and liars.

Anonymous said...

Bravo Joe! You nailed it.

Joe said...

"defund corporations"
Yea its seems only select corporations get defunded as others get free police, easy subway access, metro cards, bridge & tunnel transponders, building & signage permits.
Why not let Disney or Sony put a LED panel completely across 42nd St 500 feet high with a little mouse holes for Mickey Mouse, Dopey, Naked Cowboys, Spiderman and all the little ground people.
The amount of bullshit tower insanity, criminal activity & racketeering with this city's government beats Boss Tweed and everything Jimmy Hoffa, Al Capone, Tony Spilotro and every MAFIA has done in the past 120 years put together.

I was Vivid today looking at Manhattan from LIE highspot by Maspeth 69st-Greenpoint ave.
My once favorite view since a teenager with first car (red 68 Plymouth Satellite 383 with CB radio & 8 track)


Anonymous said...

20 years of brain washing our children made this happen.
CRT is like a hammer and everything looks like a nail. If you ever meet a “teacher” RUN I WILL HELP ANYONE OUT
It's time to abolish public employee unions, especially teacher unions. Public employee unions used to be illegal. It's time to make them illegal again.

Anonymous said...

Equity is fascism ! Prove me wrong...

Anonymous said...

It's too simple an assessment. Something like 90% of black and Latino voters votes against Trump. Conservative older Hispanics from countries like Cuba and Venezuela supported Trump more. The Democrats are a strange coalition where you can have Bob Holden and Joe Biden on one end and AOC on the other.

Anonymous said...

You sound like a socialist!

Anonymous said...

The Sheeple are fooled easy !
Intelligence agency busted for blatant Photoshop job on cover of diversity report !
United States of America is on fire and our top special agents at the FBI are playing with Legos..

Zoë said...

Joe a Socialist?
Everyone’s entitled to say something stupid once in a while, but holy shit you really abuse the privilege.
Please just tell me you don’t plan to home-school your kids.


Anonymous said...

The Internet:

Once in a while we just have to stand back in awe of our government.

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever – to 46 million people.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Dept. of the Interior, asks us to “Please Do Not Feed the Animals.” Their stated reason for the policy is because “the animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.”

Anonymous said...

"Please just tell me you don’t plan to home-school your kids"
A deaf dumb blind person will do better than the CRT UFT ! Prove me wrong...

Anonymous said...

The most privledged generation in human history is oppressed. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

The left definitely “woke” everyone up to their nonsense !

Anonymous said...

@"Say something stupid"
I think the Zoe and Joe show is probably the dumbest one on the planet. Two clowns who obviously took too much LSD back in the 70's, not to mention all the lead you slurped up when going to school.
You cry about socialism and communism, then complain about over-development. Over development is free market capitalism. To complain about it, or any other form of regulation makes you a socialist. If in doubt watch Fox TV. If you hate over development, move to a socialist country. Sweden seems nice in wintertime. If you hate restaurants setting up shanty shacks, move to a socialist country. Germany or Switzerland would never allow such setups.
If you hate government funded education, there are plenty of third world countries you could move to where only the rich can get educated. Bangladesh may be a good option for the two of you, and take that retarded Sheeple quotation guy with you while you are at it. He really od'd on all that lead.
The three of you are socialists who complain about socialism.
New York! Love it or get the fuck out.


Anonymous said...

"distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever – to 46 million people"

Not food stamp's but these NY State EBT and SNAP electronic benefits cards now

I seen them and get this.
I'm at the gas station, An inner city woman perhaps 350 lbs in what looked like a lime green & pink neon spandex bathing suit plops out a brand new SUV. Could not buy beer with the EBT card. Instead she goes to the ATM 5 feet away withdraws 90 cash and buys two 12 packs and tells the attendant "give me the change in lottery scratch tickets"

That's how they are doing it, these 3rd party ATM machine somehow cash & wash these EBT cards for a fee of $7 or so per transaction.
The attorney general needs to investigate these new electronic techniques that cheat the welfare system.
EBT cards are for food and diapers, not booze, cigarettes & lottery tickets.

Anonymous said...

"Over development is free market capitalism"

Not when special interest government dictates where its goes, who gets to build it, who gets locked out, how much must be "affordable" and a long list of other shit. Including what unions, how many, creed, color and section 8 you MUST take on once its built.
Cuba and Russia has all of that.
Now add all the schmoozing, bribery, closed door discussion, spot zoning and block busting techniques the public has no say in.

Anonymous said...

"New York! Love it or get the fuck out." Ok Nazi ...

Joe said...

"Two clowns who obviously took too much LSD back in the 70's"

Not quite
I took a stamp of acid once on the L train going to the Black Sabbath concert on the L train. Many from Ridgewood were going a cup of little paper stamps with a dot on them was passed around the train car. You placed under the tongue.
I had front row seats for that and it was VERY interesting but quite harmless.
I remember the exact day and what newspaper people were reading on the train. New York Post "Howard Hughes dead" April 5, 1976.

2nd time in summer 1976 didn't go so well:
It was in the Cemetery, we hung out by the railroad tracks by Christ The King Highschool often in this tunnel. The usual play the radio, drink a little. Somebody we knew (A RAT) said "this was once a pond and all sacred Indian ground" once called the Ponds
He knew we were all doing acid and after telling us history story's had his friends at CKs drama department all ready dressed up like Indians with headdress, arrows, spears. They appeared as silhouettes of a huge mob at the other end of the tunnel by 69st, charged us making noises, and ran us out all the way to Otto ave in Glendale.
We were all scared 1/2 to death, after that no more acid, no more mushrooms.

Anyway everybody was doing acid, mushrooms & coke back then. I don't smoke pot it make me feel spaced out, stupid and nauseous. I hate smell of it, cant be in the same room with anybody doing it. I haven't a clue why so many people like feeling like that.

Final: Having seen what drugs do to people first hand, including deadly heart attacks I will not be one of them.
I am not a stoner!!

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