Saturday, July 24, 2021

Deadbeat Wiley


NY Post

 As a mayoral candidate, Maya Wiley famously said she’s “been black all my life” — but that’s cold comfort to her failed campaign’s unpaid vendors, who are owed nearly $1 million, including a black-owned business that now has to lay off employees.

“This could break my business,” the vendor told The Post, speaking this week on condition of anonymity because he signed a contract with the campaign that bars him from speaking to the media.

“That was revenue I was waiting for to be able to pay my staff. It means I have to make some cutting decisions when it comes to staff,” he said about his five-figure invoice.

The business owner said he’s looking at two to three layoffs.

Wiley owes 28 individuals and companies a combined $999,664.51, including over $500,000 to GPS Impact, a Des Moines, Iowa-based political communications company for ads and fundraising; $40,320 to Bumperactive, an Austin, TX-based company for campaign merchandise; and $211 to the United States Postal Service for postage and a P.O. box rental, according to Campaign Finance Board records. 

She was also $4,000 in debt to Shams DaBaron, a formerly homeless man now living in a Harlem apartment, for “policy and field” work but paid him on July 13 — a day after the CFB filing was due, according to her spokesman Eric Koch.

DaBaron told The Post he was unbothered by the late payment.

“I’m Maya for life. I do what I do for the people that’s what matters. I don’t it for the money,” he said.

But another vendor, a consultant who’s waiting on a significant sum, called Wiley’s million-dollar campaign debt “straight up malpractice” on the part of her campaign managers.

“Some debt is OK,” the vendor said. “It’s not OK to owe $1 million. For me, I was more disappointed than anything else because it makes her look bad. This is obviously a worst-case scenario.” 

Wiley couldn't find these contractors in the city she was trying to run? 



Anonymous said...

Lock Her up !

Anonymous said...

The amount of people perfectly comfortable with this is actually scary to me....

Anonymous said...

no worries she is good for

Anonymous said...

Reverend' Harris LOL! cRackle cRackle cRackle...

Anonymous said...

Black people ripping other black people out of money. This is nothing new. They cry that white people are "the racists ones" but I think they should take a long good look in the mirror to see who is really the ones who are holding black people back. Let's look at the facts, wanting to defund the police forces where many black people had made their careers and wealth from, tipping very poorly when they get their hair and nails done, the co founder of blm who just took money and never gave anything back, the billions of dollars in aid that was sent to Africa that never got handed down to the poor people, the high rates of black on black crime, the "peaceful protests" they have where they break into stores that hard working black people own, etc, etc. Lets start looking more closely in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Now, I've said the following too many times before, to the point of losing count!

Anything, or more specifically, any delinguent political monies and AMOUNTS owed can be justified, ironically in a doomed, 'Bonfire of the Vanities' race of what epic government fail looks like. This is what happens when extremely unqualified, party-machine-failed sycophants of the (MOSTLY) DemonRat-entrenched platform throughout New York State, are propped up and supported in a crowded race of profoundly incompetent leadership (that has NEVER led example), in which voting ironically has never worked in the first place (EMPHASIS ADDED).

ATTENTION: ALL voting 'SHEEPLE'-slaves of indoctrination, I IMPLORE YOU: Look at, and REVISIT, the tainted money trail: Dark money in politics, super PACS, super-delegates, lobbyists and special interists (more commonly known as bribers and extortionists), gerrymandering, electioneering, election and voter fraud, cronyism, nepotism, etc., etc., etc. Any single ONE of these egregious transgressions would be more than enough to decertify and/or nullify any number of political contests, and we New York City and New York State apologists, suckers and conformists (to a systme that works exclusively to hasten We, the People's demise!), have got it ALL working against democracy, with impunity!

That's why the vicious, malicious cycle of perpetual allegiance (and extreme, openly practieded and unapologetic loyalty to the two-party-machine-failed duopoly DISEASE-CULT) has NEVER worked, except of course to continually raise your obscene, 'Taxation WITHOUT Representation' taxes overload (a virtual 'Tax and Spend' loop——and custom, built-in LOOPHOLE that hemorrhages 'OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY'——IN PERPETUITY), all of which has continually diminished the remnants of a New York quality of life experience (which disappeared shortly after the Watergate scandal), and to progressively replace a system of ACCOUNTABLE checks and balances throughout our erstwhile egalitarian lifestyle that has now imploded by, and folded into Third Worldism, never-ending handouts of socialism gone awry (for which everyone else pays), and a rapidly decaying system of societal collapse that has betrayed ALL pretense of social contract, social trust, public integrity, ethics, accountability and transparency, that it now DEVALUES honesty itself——to pathologically high treasonous, traitorous and tyrannical effect!

And, the ever languishing public be eternally duped, bilked, scammed and damned! Nothin' ILLEGAL 'bout THAT! What? WHAT?? THIS IS NEW???

❝It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.❞ —―Thomas Sowell

❝Terrorism, first and foremost, is an instrument of statecraft.❞ ——Neil Kramer

❝Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure.❞ ——Robert Le Favre

❝It's dangerous to be right——when government is wrong.❞ ——Voltaire

❝The inability to grasp the pathology of our oligarchic rulers is one of our gravest faults.❞ ——Chris Hedges

❝The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth, or to evade truth——not to reveal it.❞ ——John Kenneth Galbraith

❝Yes, friends governments in capitalist society are but committees of the rich to manage the affairs of the capitalist class.❞ ——James Connolly

❝Laws are created to be followed by the poor. Laws are created by the rich to bring some order to exploitation of the poor. The poor are the only law-abiders in history. When the poor make laws——the rich will be no more.❞ ——Roque Dalton García (1974)

❝Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state becomes lawless and corrupt.❞ ——Mahatma Gandhi

❝It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.❞ ——Jiddu Krishnamurti

Anonymous said...

NYC was saved when she lost.

Anonymous said...

JQ is blocking many of my comments on Queens Crap !

Anonymous said...

To last Anonymous:

❝NYC was saved when she lost.❞

Let us hope and pray that Wiley's rightful demise follows yet another 'FAUX-gressive' racist who laughably passes as leadership (that has never led by example): Eric Adams. If Curtis Sliwa doesn't wipe the floor with that Broolyn cockroach, then you can bet that ALL of the (mostly) comfortable White residents who relocated in April, 2020 to their country homes (in Litchfield County, Connecticut, the Hudson Valley, the Hamptons and BUCKS County, Pennsylvania) will stay exactly where they are until the massacring, exclusionary cabals of Demonrat-entrenched corruption, graft and monstrous, lawless greed are completely wiped out of City Hall AND Albany from their breeding points.

Otherwise, the BLM marxists will completely destroy themselves——and, New York City (and beyond)——from WITHIN! And, just in time for the next rebirth of another attempt at shabby, primitive, revisionist American civilization.

❝Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences——stupid people already have the answers.❞ ——Socrates

Anonymous said...

Taking a page out of Reverend Al's play book. He owes taxes. Too bad she's screwing the vendors. Just like Obama did. He put the DNC in the red for Hillary.

Anonymous said...

Chuckles is the most UNLIKEABLE PLACED POLITICIAN , not 1 single positive attribute.

Anonymous said...

Lovely and intelligent women. Wish there were more women like that in my area.

Anonymous said...

Cackles and Sleepy Joe are an national embarassment.

Anonymous said...

The reality here is that Hiden Biden and Crackle Harris are utterly unequipped to lead the nation.

Anonymous said...

DOJ Refuses to Indict Trump or Charge Him With Any Crime Despite Commission !

Anonymous said...

To the last three Anonymous posts:

ALAS, ALL filthy, hyper-corrupt, entrenched, corporate obedient and establishment-rigged politicians (NOT public servants) of the two-party-machine-failed duopoly 'CULT-DISEASE' are a global embarrassment to primates!

ALL politicians are members of exclusionary elitism circles of extreme WEALTH (that determines WORTH); an entrenched cabal of 'Monetary Locusts' who unapologetically live out their government paycheck collecting lifestyles of 'PRIVATE SPLENDOR'——versus, 'PUBLIC SQUALOR,' with impunity——COMPLIMENTS of the dumb/dumbed down, brainwashed, loyal American taxpayer (all of whom ironically don't receive the same defined pensions that their publicly unauthorized monies fund for the politicians who continually hasten their demise)!

Do you honestly expect any high level accountability from government agencies to impose honest, ethical, transparent and swift investigations of Hidin' Joe Biden (a/k/a BIDET), his San Francisco 'HO,' Kama Sutra Harris (who slept her way to the bottom), City Hall's most disgraced traitor, Bill de BLASS-hole, Albany's eternally resident Gargoyle Andy CUOMIGULA (who promptly decommissioned The Moreland Commission several years ago——at the EXACT moment in time when they were preparing to investigate his OWN loop of corruption, graft and sloppy, greedy shenanigans), much less any transgressions committed by President TRUMP?

Face the reality that you've ALL been duped, PLAYED, bilked, scammed and damned out of your purported freedoms and democracy. The ONLY place where freedom and democracy still exist is the place where they have ALWAYS existed: The corporate boardrooms of AMERIZUELA.

You hobbled flock of 'DEEP-in-DENIAL SHEEPLE' are expecting a different result by doing the same thing over and over again, to which I correctly refer as: 'DEATH by the INSTALLMENT PLAN!' So, isn't that the very definition of INSANITY?

❝You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.❞ ——R. Buckminster Fuller

❝ALL tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud has been exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.❞ ——George Orwell

❝Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.❞ ——Voltaire

❝Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure.❞ ——Robert Le Favre

❝A nation of sheep soon begets a government of wolves.❞ ——Edward R. Murrow

❝Everything the state says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen.❞ ——Friedrich Nietzsche

❝The truth that survives is the lie that is pleasantest to believe.❞ ——H. L. Mencken

❝Belief is the death of intelligence.❞ ——Robert Anton Wilson

❝Believe nothing——until it has officially been denied.❞ ——Anonymous

❝In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.❞ ——Franklin Delano (Deficit) Roosevelt

❝“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” ―—Benjamin Franklin

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