Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Daily News cheerleading congestion pricing

From the Daily News:

Far from curing the congestion crisis on our roads, COVID made matters worse, prompting lots of commuters to get off the commuter rails, subways and buses and into their cars.

The way to solve this problem is also the way to generate $1 billion in new, sustainable, annual funding for public transit that is the region’s lifeblood: charge vehicles when they travel into Manhattan’s central business district.

Okay let's break this down for the News since they don't seem to understand what went on here. More vehicles are congesting Manhattan roads because:

1) Cuomo led us to believe that the NYC subways and buses were COVID superspreaders.
2) The subways are full of maniacs that came from prisons where doors were flung open due to COVID. Hell, even on the street you aren't safe.
3) People were told to isolate and are getting more deliveries at home.
4) The City decided that road space should be geared toward bikes and not trucks so that transplants don't have to ride the subway.

What we have here is the government mindfucking the public so they can turn around and walletfuck them when the public reacts as expected. And the media is cheering them on from the sidelines.

All congestion pricing will do is make the goods the average joe (DN readers) buys more expensive. Instead, institute a Transit Tax on new skyscrapers which lead to more congestion. Problem solved.


Anonymous said...

This should have been done 20 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Someone at the Daily News had a difficult time getting to work in their limousine, and the NYP press spots in front of the building were all taken up by police and other emergency vehicles. So this becomes an issue now... What bullshit. BTW I've actually seen that scenario occur. Guy get's out of a town car and argues with a Traffic Cushman Vehicle about parking.

Anonymous said...

Yeaaaaaah! And it's about time.

Anonymous said...

The so called media is doing its job quite well here and has been for a long time. It's called agitprop.

Anonymous said...

Most other cities are trying to find ways to expand their roads or build new ones. This dumb ass city is taking away lanes for stupid bus and bike lanes 5 people a day use and everyone is surprised there is congestion.

Erik Baard said...

Congestion pricing is overdue, and funds should be used to improve mass transit.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how all the lib bike enthusiasts commenting here decided not to address the main point of this post: that levying a tax on truck delivering goods is going to hurt poor people the most. It's because they pay lip service to low income causes but don't really give a shit.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you just stop overbuilding and over crowding every single area of nyc? Its like shame on any place in nyc that is actually a green space! Also, why don't you just inconvenience the rich idiots who live in parts of long Island and actually build a freaking bridge from long Island to Connecticut so trucks won't have to drive through the queens or Manhattan to get to long Island? And that will help the freaking traffic on the bridges going towards the Bronx too. Also, we need to stop all these dumb uber and lyft cars. Whatever idiot judge that was who denied us to cap the uber and lyft cars was a complete idiot who should have been fired. All of this shit is contributing to all the shitty traffic in this city but the politicians are too stupid to understand this.

Anonymous said...

@" that levying a tax on truck delivering goods is going to hurt poor people the most"

Sorry, but less private car traffic means that trucks can make their deliveries faster and get less parking tickets. Trucking companies are the ones who will do well from this. Quicker delivery times, labor cost reduction and diesel cost reduction.

Anonymous said...

Add a higher gas tax too while you are at it !

Anonymous said...

If this results in less private car traffic - enough to make a noticeable reduction - then that's less revenue for the MTA, which negates the whole point of this. Plus making deliveries faster isn't going to change labor cost - these drivers are mostly Teamsters, the cost of gas is only going up and, oh yeah, you're taxing them to drive into Manhattan. All this will do is shift some of the traffic around to avoid driving through Midtown, meaning the burden will be on other communities. We literally implemented measures to SLOW TRAFFIC DOWN in Manhattan and now the same idiots that pushed for that are pointing to slow traffic as a reason to implement congestion pricing. It's so incredibly asinine.

Anonymous said...

Hey Eric and the other Bike and Waterfront Nuts.

Environmental, eh? So why the hell are you ignoring the Staten Island wetland grab? Afraid your funding will get cut?

Yes, the threat of shifting funds to the ever-growing popular trans-chef series at QBPL is the sword over all your little green heads.

Or is it something that impacts the 'Little People' below your radar?

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is; What does the "Quotation Drone Guy" think about all of this?

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