Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Communties are sick of the restaurant shanties



 CBS New York

 The city’s plan to make outdoor dining permanent is meeting a lot of resistance from local residents.

They say noise, rats and lack of space are just some of the problems, CBS2’s Aundrea Cline-Thomas reported Monday.

Residents in the West Village sounded off to the community board that is tasked with providing input on what will be the regulations for the new law. They said they want to support their local businesses, but when the pandemic is over the outdoor dining structures should be gone, too.

The structures have been a lifesaver for restaurants. They are so popular, the city is making the pandemic additions permanent.

But some residents say they have become a nuisance.

“These sheds are creating a vermin habitat like we’ve never seen before,” Lee Arntzen said.

“Noise comes with this and it shouldn’t be on this street, certainly not on a narrow residential street,” Stu Waldman said.

“It’s like a bandshell pointing at your bedroom. That’s the kind of noise,” Leslie Clark added.

Cellphone video shows how the neighborhood transforms, especially on the weekends — music blasting as large crowds dance outside, structures leaving little room to walk on the sidewalk, and the mounds of trash left behind that residents say attract rats.

“I have to walk on the subway grates and with my cane it makes me fearful,” Dorothy Green said.

In a statement, the mayor’s office said in part, “Outdoor dining saved 100,000 jobs. A stance against outdoor dining is a stance against this city’s recovery. It’s here to stay.”

That’s a sentiment city leaders tried to reinforce during Monday’s presentation to Community Board 2.

“The program has been a massive success and in April the City Council voted overwhelmingly in favor of the bill to make it permanent,” the Department of Transportation’s Judy Chang said to boos from the crowd.


Anonymous said...

They are here to stay, not because they help the restaurants, but because they take away parking spots. That is the ultimate goal. The geniuses that run the city think that less parking means less cars. But unfortunately it does not work that way in the real world.

Anonymous said...

In Forest Hills, Austin St and 79 Rd are smeared with grease and foodstuff on sidewalks and in the streets. Rats everywhere!!

Anonymous said...

This is great.
Mayor jackass, Governor gargoyle and Captain turncoat are sure to seat Sliwa !!!

Anonymous said...

"Communities are sick of the restaurant shanties"

The Rats and the Homeless Drug Addicts are not sick of them. They love their new homes to breed in.

Anonymous said...

There is no debate, at the presentation it wasn't even referred to as a proposal. The D.O.T. has decided for us, And who knows better than a bunch of pencil necked out of town geeks what's best for New Yorkers? Remember the D.O.T. They're the asswipes that fuck up every job they're given, remember Woodhaven Boulevard?. Those presentations are about as full of shit as the commissioner is. The only reason they do them is so they can say they have asked for community input, then they ignore it and proceed as if they listened and care. Welcome to Hipster NYC. You voted for it.

Anonymous said...

I think they should end it. Its been ok for the pandemic times when we didn't have a vaccine, but now its time to go. I dont know how they can say it was truly successful when all the idiot protestors just made it bad and so do the idiots who plowed into them with their cars. Not to mention the parking spaces they are taking up now. Sorry, but its time to go after this summer.

Anonymous said...

How to get back to normal:
1) End “enhanced unemployment” effective immediately.
2) Stop entertaining lockdowns.
3) Cut taxes on small businesses and encourage benefits/grants based on hiring new people.
4) Take a “my body my choice” stance on vaccines and end any notion of vaccine passports.
5) Promote American industries making the goods we’ve relied on China to make for decades (medicine especially).

Anonymous said...

The Demorat professional managerial class are no friends to working class people.

Anonymous said...

They are here to stay because they annoy community residents and NYC can't vote for anything but a democrat. Enjoy!

I hate streetsblog said...

These white progressives pushing this garbage don't understand that the city doesn't revolve around them. If they aren't happy with the MTA, they can afford to splurge on Uber because they live with roommates or boy/girlfriends. Even their narrative about immigrant bike delivery workers is so that there's an underclass there to serve them. These dipshits are trying to impose their values on the rest of New York City. They need to go suck off.

Anonymous said...

Does the Dept. of Buildings inspect the shanties? Wait until there's a serious accident and a vehicle wipes out a bunch of people or a big storm knocks down these flimsy structures and injures someone. It is also not fair for all restaurants, many don't have access to curb space.
Maybe the gov't thinks there will be more lockdowns in our future and outdoor dining will be required again. When I see people sitting at a table with their families and I'm thinking these people are sitting in the street and there are cars, trucks and busses whizzing by them,
inches away I shudder.

Anonymous said...

Just more whining socialists complaining about the job creators and trying to enforce more regulation on the restaurant business.

You don't like New York? Go live in Ohio!
I hear they have an excellent McDonalds just of route 80. If you don't like it, I'm sure there's another one 90 miles away.

Anonymous said...

"These dipshits are trying to impose their values on the rest of New York City. They need to go suck off."

Quote of the day!

Anonymous said...

This is the city now. Best to live outside of it and visit if you want. Starve the city of income tax!

Anonymous said...

Played all New Yorkers like chumps...
​The media is scripted just like the movies.

Anonymous said...

And enjoy your higher property tax bill

Anonymous said...

Biden should just supply every American citizen with their own money printing press, so everyone could be a billionaire and never worry about a shortage of money.

Anonymous said...

Yet more unintended consequences brought to you by liberalism.

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