Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Can we not make everything about race?

From the NY Post:

Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city would be wise to “reassess” the ranked-choice voting system if evidence suggests there were racial and class disparities in how voters used the instant runoff during the June primary.

“I like it if there was relative equality in how people utilize their ballots. In other words: if in more privileged and less privileged communities you saw consistent voting one through five, or as close to that as possible, everyone maximizing the power of their ballot.”

“If it turns out, conversely, that we see a real skew, then I think it’s time to reassess, because what I don’t want to see a system that enfranchises some people and not others,” de Blasio said.

Black and white voters made full use of ranked-choice voting at about equal rates, according to exit polling conducted on primary day. Forty-five percent of white voters used all five spots while 43 percent of black voters did, according to the good government group-commissioned survey.

But the poll also found that 25 percent of black voters cast ballots that voted for just one mayoral candidate — more than double the 10 percent of ballots cast by white voters that ranked just one candidate.

Of the 17 percent of New Yorkers who picked just one candidate, 65 percent told pollsters they were settled on one candidate in the race; just 28 percent of the group said they were unfamiliar with ranked-choice voting.

Ah, we see what you did there, Big Bird. It's the old "Black voters are too dumb to understand" trope. Black voters overwhelmingly voted for and participated in RCV and frankly, this "concern" is insulting. They also voted overwhelmingly for Eric Adams and only Eric Adams because he was the only person running that they identified with. Period.

It's completely logical to only vote for one candidate, not because of a misunderstanding of RCV, but because the other candidates are so awful, you don't want to rank any of them. Why progressives believe that RCV is only successful and legitimate if all 5 bubbles are filled in is a bit disturbing. People are free to vote for as many or as few candidates as they wish. The problem was not the way RCV was conducted, but rather the way the results were tabulated and released. It was, and continues to be, a freaking clown show.


Anonymous said...

Poor uber-educated, ultra-sophisticated UWS whites. They know Wiley would've been the better choice. What's left to do but criticize the process or question the intelligence of black and brown outer borough voters who chose Adams?

Anonymous said...

And he's going to get the racial identity of each ballot's caster and thr content of the ballot how? Just pretend that there is no law guaranteeing the confidentiality and anonymity of the vote?

Anonymous said...

I love how it’s POC/ black and brown thing until you throw the Asians / South Asians in the mix. Then they get call flustered. Can’t say an Indian or a Pakistani, who are as brown as they come, can rise up in this evil racist society within one generation of arriving here, passing many evil whitey’s along the way.

Anonymous said...

They will just blame white people for them not being able to understand how to fill in bubbles. Everything is always white peoples' fault anymore even though whites now make up for less than half of the population in nyc. Actually, truthful fact, the world in general is only made up of like 15 percent of "white people" but the media will never admit to it ever just so they can sell news stories and "minorities" can keep complaining even though they are the "majority" in this world in general. But of course the media will forever hate white people because their countries are way more civilized and wealth gets spread much better than those in "minority" countries. How many trillions of dollars over the years has "white countries" given to Africa? and yet the government officials never handed the money down to the poor people who live there. The media here in the usa will never make that a "highlight" in their news broadcasts. I wonder why black people don't ever seek "reparations" from African countries since that is where most black people are getting ripped out of any type of wealth. Not even the armies in Africa have money for weapons to defend themselves in wars which is fucking sad.

Anonymous said...

When is somebody going to stand up to all this race baiting. It's insulting for blacks and whites.

Lee Kuan Yew said...

“In multiracial societies, you don’t vote in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion.”

Anonymous said...

All these progressives will drive more and more people to republicans. Democrats talk about fighting for our democracy, but also don't like democracy when they can't force woke cancel culture on people.

Anonymous said...

I’m so glad I’m gone. City is screwed.

Anonymous said...

C'mon on man, no more mean tweets and dogs are back in the White House again, even if they bite you. It's all good now because the MSM told me so.

Anonymous said...

This in not done by accident. This is what you call gaslighting.

Anonymous said...

The Marxists cannot deny...its culture.

Anonymous said...

American government is an intentionally flawed system of monstrous fail that continually 'feeds off' of the human misery that government bought henchmen dutily reinforce and perpetrate against the very citizenry whom they purport to help and propagate, when in fact they are paid to plant the seeds of division, separation, racism, disparity and civic unrest. That's because their government salaries depend on pitting Black against white, rich against poor, young against the elderly to keep the maelstrom in perpetual play and motion.

Until the rank and file punch back - TWICE AS HARD! - there will never be any meaningful change over the course of the next decade, or even the next century. In fact, I have already resigned myself to expect nothing to 'ease my passage' under THIS criminally debauched administration before the end of my natural life span. That way, it makes it much easier to fight back with more personally directed power, and to find new and inventive ways to game the system that government ironically fights so hard to protect - eeepecially when it's their OWN government salaries that are instrumentally reliant on the dehumanization with which they foist so effortlessly on everyone else, with accepted impunity to cement even deeper wells of profligate, wanton waste and mismanagement.

Anonymous said...

American government is an intentionally flawed system of monstrous fail that continually 'feeds off' of the human misery that government bought henchmen dutily reinforce and perpetrate against the very citizenry whom they purport to help and propagate, when in fact they are paid to plant the seeds of division, separation, racism, disparity and civic unrest. That's because their government salaries depend on pitting Black against white, rich against poor, young against the elderly to keep the maelstrom in perpetual play and motion.

Until the rank and file punch back - TWICE AS HARD! - there will never be any meaningful change over the course of the next decade, or even the next century. In fact, I have already resigned myself to expect nothing to 'ease my passage' under THIS criminally debauched administration before the end of my natural life span. That way, it makes it much easier to fight back with more personally directed power, and to find new and inventive ways to game the system that government ironically fights so hard to protect - eeepecially when it's their OWN government salaries that are instrumentally reliant on the dehumanization with which they foist so effortlessly on everyone else, with accepted impunity to cement even deeper wells of profligate, wanton waste and mismanagement.

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