Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Curtis Sliwa locks up Republican nomination for Mayor


 SI Advance

 Curtis Sliwa has declared victory in the Republican mayoral primary Tuesday night.

It’s one of the first races to have a winner in this primary season, because with ranked-choice voting and only two candidates appearing on the ballot, the counting process was easier than some of the more crowded races.

Sliwa, originally from Canarsie, has been a presence in the five boroughs for more than 40 years. He founded the Guardian Angels patrol group in 1979, and has been a talk radio presence since the 1990s — his program has been on hiatus since March due to his mayoral run.

At 11 p.m., Sliwa led opponent Fernando Mateo, a business owner and activist, with 69% of the vote, according to tallies from the New York City Board of Elections (BOE). More than 40,000 votes had been counted with 88% of precincts reporting.

On Staten Island, 10,727 votes were counted for Sliwa by 11 p.m., and 4,425 for Mateo. Those more than 15,000 votes were the most cast in any borough for the Republican mayoral primary.

Sliwa will face off against the winner of the Democratic mayoral primary, and Staten Islander Bill Pepitone, who is running on the Conservative Party line.

With all the shit talking that's going to go down between Sliwa and likely Adams combined with the continued rise of felonious crimes, this is going to be the most volatile #SummerofNYC of all time.


Anonymous said...

Curtis, the Macdaddy, keep the truth coming brother !

Joe said...

No surprise how all the media gives Sliwa near zero coverage and claims he has no chance of winning the mayoral election in a city where democrats outnumber republicans 7 to 1.
We will see about that after a couple hundred more civilians are murdered this summer, this as defunded police are forced sit in thumbscrews by a piece of shit police commissioner.
Midnight street football, counseling, prison reform and social programs stop crime?
Most democrat voters have seen the hardcore proof how well that that worked out.
The city needs a good enema of these progressive idiots, voters will have had enough by end of summer.
All the media in NYC 5 Boroughs is run remote control via Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment.
They are all fulla shit or forced to be biased to keep their permits and press access to operate in this city.
Bloomberg created this primarily for movie & TV shoots however **now** the Mayors Office expanded its grasp to near everything, including deciding who gets press credentials and who doesn't. Much like how press & all media is regulated North Korea.
I think Sliwa will take this in a landslide.


Anonymous said...

You're apparently not a fan of Curtis Sliwas, Crappy! But never mind,you can't stop the train!

Anonymous said...

Did you ever think that some police might be deliberately holding back and letting crime get out of hand in an attempt to head off attempts to cut their budget and reform the NYPD? Doesn't it seem strange that the crime wave skyrocketed just as the "defund the police" movement started to hit the media? Could it be that some interest groups like the PBA and the SBA see high crime as good for their business model?

Anonymous said...

It's not the police, its the DA's and bail and sentencing reform. Oh and emptying out Rikers didn't help.

Joe said...

"Did you ever think that some police might be deliberately holding back"

They are, and this was all engineered.
Here are the facts the media refuses to talk about from my NYC PO next door.
In this shitty defunding deal Qualified Immunity of police was revoked.
Meaning, police can be personally sued just like a civilians
City Council passed legislation to encourage thugs and assholes to sue them if they get detained or arrested. No a cop must have eyeball video proof to make a detainment or arrest to cover their ass. Something that's near impossible to do unless you know the time and place a crime is going to happen..

Qualified immunity was a decades-old legal doctrine that shielded police officers in cases of force or search and seizure. The newly-passed legislation allows the thugs to bypass these former qualified immunity standards.

Meanwile deBlasio, city council members, judges, DAs and that murderer Cuomo II (who killed my whole family visiting my father in a nursing home) kept their Qualified Immunity. Now, a police officer is on their to buy expensive lawsuit insurance on a shitty $40K salary. Especially if they own a home or anything of value. If not they could lose everything to some thug "who don't want to be arrested" and fights with them and gets hurt, heart attack, whatever.
The bastards and DA fucked these poor cops good.
Most don't make detainments or arrests because they can not afford lawsuit insurance and don't want to lose their homes if they get sued.

It was engineered that way, along with the media blackout courtesy of libs & progressives controlling the AP, every Print, TV & Radio station news and "The Mayors office of Media"


Anonymous said...

I bet those Sunnyside Soyboys would look so cute in those little red outfits. Get em boys!

Anonymous said...

@"Did you ever think that some police might be deliberately holding back".

No, they are just lazy and overpaid. Get rid of their smartphones and they may actually do something useful.

warp10 said...


What is your definition of "defunded"? The NYPD still has either around 5 or 10 billion dollars, depending on who you ask and if you include pensions and overtime.

I agree the mayor and this whole sympathy for criminals / "the perpetrator(s) must have a really good sob story" mentality is not helping. But, we would not be here if it weren't for the abuses of the police which only really starting being taken sort of seriously after video proving it became ubiquitous.

Regarding press credentials, you make it sound like it's a new thing for government to grant press credentials. It isn't, the NYPD has been doing it up until recently. Press credentials have little to do with law enforcement, therefore that was one change that made sense. The press could always file an Article 78 in State Supreme Court or a Federal first amendment action if the Mayor's office denies them credentials, or takes other adverse action.

Anonymous said...

Police who aren't doing anything wrong and are acting in good faith aren't violating anybody's rights and therefore don't need qualified immunity.

Anonymous said...

abuses of the police
What part of "put your hands up" "sit down your only being detained" or "stop resisting" do these stupid criminals not understand ?

George Floyd was passing counterfeit money and didn't like getting arrested, he killed himself resisting arrest. He was a career thug. This is almost every case when one of these inner city poster boys of color ends up dead during arrest or during a chaise.
Its not the police fault most people getting arrested for committing crime and resisting are black.
Most white people do not behave like this so of course ending up dead are black.
What's next, blame it on poverty ?

JQ LLC said...

@Anon Re: not a fan crappy.

My name is JQ, not crappy.

And yes I'm not a fan of Sliwa, but that's not why I chose that picture (I assume). I chose it because Sliwa is going to get pounded by corporate local news, elected shitlibs, and fauxgressive twitter for the next 5 months. But he will still persist, ergo the shit eating toothless grin on his face there.

BTW, this is not an endorsement. This is an observation based on how de Blasio has destroyed progressive values and has damaged the city Democrat party beyond repair.

Your welcome.

Anonymous said...

"police who aren't doing anything wrong and are acting in good faith aren't violating anybody's rights and therefore don't need qualified immunity"

100% Wrong
Cop does his or her job makes an arrest and some lousy DA drops or balls up the case. Charges dropped crook get pro-bono activist lawyer and sues cop.
Cop must foot the bills for defense or offer a settlement.
Go back to law school

"press credentials have little to do with law enforcement, therefore that was one change that made sense"
Place the elephants in charge of the peanuts and the security ?
Are you nuts ?

"file an Article 78 in State Supreme Court"
That's a joke right?
It takes YEARS to get your case to the bench in both State or federal Supreme Court
..Sometimes longer then most political term limits.

Warp10 are you a "gamer" or on drugs ?
Stick to gaming.

Anonymous said...

Free Cement Facials would reduce crime ! Just saying...

Anonymous said...

Cop must foot the bills for defense or offer a settlement.

You've swallowed the propaganda from Patrick Lynch and Ed Mullins. They're the ones who are responsible for the surge in crime. Be sure to thank them for the violence on the streets.

Anonymous said...

As a NYPD Police Officer, anyone that can retire is retiring.

Anonymous said...

God bless our police, I pray for their protection.

Anonymous said...

Did you ever think that some police might be deliberately holding back and letting crime get out of hand in an attempt to head off attempts to cut their budget and reform the NYPD? Doesn't it seem strange that the crime wave skyrocketed just as the "defund the police" movement started to hit the media? Could it be that some interest groups like the PBA and the SBA see high crime as good for their business model?

The high crime rates started when this shit bail reform took effect. And the mayor nor the idiot governor (who is too busy flirting with women) want to admit that THEIR SHIT BILL is NOT GOOD!

Anonymous said...

Will cops have to wear that silly red outfit and beret when he gets elected? If so, I'm voting for him.

Anonymous said...

Bail Reform is the root cause for the uptick in all crimes ! Just saying...

Anonymous said...

Yeah Baby said...
Silly red outfits are hot !
You know they go well with The Little Red Book.

Anonymous said...

Why is this guy dressed like a communist cadre ?

Anonymous said...

Go Curtis go !

Anonymous said...

Better clean his teeth before he starts cleaning up the city.

Anonymous said...

Who won the DeMoRat Primary ?

Anonymous said...

Curtis seems to have issues with the Jews. Funny that he criticized Jews for "making babies", when he had no problem "making babies" with Melinda Katz.

Anonymous said...

In a cesspool of politically failed pigs, dogs, shameless sycophants and low-life, low IQ troglodytes, Curtis and his Red Beret, for all of his foibles and recently questionable love interests (with a certain arrogant, power grabbing, tyrannical, former QUEENS borough president), JUST may prove himself to be a more plausible example of what 'controlled opposition' looks like, instead of the usual models of all previously controlled opposition, ALL of which have continually 'legitimized' the corporate obedient control that has ALWAYS been in fervent play.

Tragically, New York City has been so completely ravaged, tonsured and obliterated, that my chaste bet is that Karmic Curtis will resonate with the 'Useful Idiots' (i.e., the voting public——voting has never worked to ensure democracy for the hoi polloi) in more demonstrative ways that will likely buttress and bring some order to the illusion of leadership that leads by example. But, fool NOT yourselves, you invisible, silent herds of hobbled 'SHEEPLE': It's the RULING CLASS——ALWAYS the elite, 'Shielded-and-Protected' ruling class that controls the entire 'Smoke & Mirrors' sideshow. You will never see a Rothschild, DuPont or Rockefeller namesake at the 'Three-card Monte' Ballot Box, but these oligarchical, tired vultures (and, entrenched, dynastic 'Monetary Locusts') STILL control the entire money-laundering Ponzi scheme (it was DESIGNED that way!)——and, the ever languishing public be eternally duped, bilked, scammed and damned!


❝The truth that survives is the lie that is pleasantest to believe.❞ ——H. L. Mencken

❝I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides——the pig LIKES it.❞ ——George Bernard Shaw.

Anonymous said...

"Silent herds of hobbled 'SHEEPLE" With "Smart" phones !

Anonymous said...

❝The inability to grasp the pathology of our oligarchic rulers is one of our gravest faults.❞ ——Chnris Hedges

warp10 said...

Re: "It takes YEARS to get your case to the bench in both State or federal Supreme Court"

Maybe the Federal Supreme Court, but the state Supreme Court isn't as bad, less than a year for many decisions, depending on which county and their caseload. Keep in mind NYS Supreme Court, unlike the federal supreme court, is a "lower" court, the NYS Court of Appeals is the highest court in NY.

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