Wednesday, June 30, 2021

...and now there's not


Anonymous said...

Can’t wait to see what lame excuse Mike “ the ballots were wet” Ryan comes up with this time

Anonymous said...

Can we stop proving Alex Jones right?

Anonymous said...

Trump Proven Right As New York Mayoral contest is in disarray After Demorats are unable to Use basic math !

Anonymous said...

Didn’t seem to be any issue with the Republican primary for NYC mayor. just saying....

Anonymous said...

Trump knew and stated many times that mail in votes are a rort.

Anonymous said...

It's part of the PLAYBOOK of how they install who they want.

Anonymous said...

@"Didn’t seem to be any issue with the Republican primary for NYC mayor. just saying...."

Counting up to 10 is easy.

Anonymous said...

Election engineering NYC style.

Anonymous said...

Who’s the brute between the ages of eight and eighteen who dared to breath the name Alex Jones?
Hush now.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like DemoRats are “fortifying” elections against themselves as well.
I wonder how many 'test' ballots were cast for Biden in the presidential election...

Anonymous said...

The Democrat's and Uncle Joe Stalin's creed: "It's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes."

Anonymous said...

Are the DemoRats literally proving Trump right with this NYC voter fraud ?

Anonymous said...

❝Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who COUNT the votes decide EVERYTHING.❞ ——Josef Stalin

As an inspector for the Board of Elections, the overal consensus is that voting doesn't work, and it never really has (only 100 people showed up to cast their votes in the Primary at P. S. 377, over the span of 15 empty hours). Case in point: Walking corpse Joe BIDET was MIA for nearly a year throghout 2020, and hiding in his basement, ostensibly because of the 'SCAM-demic.' And, even the RAREST of occurrences, when he poked his decomposing head out of his hedgehog hole, there were three people in the audience (exactly like Bull$hitlary and her rallies——and, then she lost a RIGGED election that was ironically RIGGED for her 'FAUX' victory, monarchy rule——you CAN'T make this shit up!)! Then, BOOYAH: Die Hard 'RED' states magically turn 'Tidy Bowl, DemonRat 'BLUE' overnight, and Casper Joe is in (under the cover of a few hours of darkness, when TRUMP was leading by a solid margin, only HOURS before)!

And, THIS is why the lowest voter turnout in PRIMARY history just keeps getting intentionally ignored and disregarded by the minute!

Anonymous said...

❝Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who COUNT the votes decide EVERYTHING.❞ ——Josef Stalin

As an inspector for the Board of Elections, the overal consensus is that voting doesn't work, and it never really has (only 100 people showed up to cast their votes in the Primary at P. S. 377, over the span of 15 empty hours). Case in point: Walking corpse Joe BIDET was MIA for nearly a year throghout 2020, and hiding in his basement, ostensibly because of the 'SCAM-demic.' And, even the RAREST of occurrences, when he poked his decomposing head out of his hedgehog hole, there were three people in the audience (exactly like Bull$hitlary and her rallies——and, then she lost a RIGGED election that was ironically RIGGED for her 'FAUX' victory, monarchy rule——you CAN'T make this shit up!)! Then, BOOYAH: Die Hard 'RED' states magically turn 'Tidy Bowl, DemonRat 'BLUE' overnight, and Casper Joe is in (under the cover of a few hours of darkness, when TRUMP was leading by a solid margin, only HOURS before)!

And, THIS is why the lowest voter turnout in PRIMARY history just keeps getting intentionally ignored and disregarded by the minute!

Anonymous said...

❝Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who COUNT the votes decide EVERYTHING.❞ ——Josef Stalin

As an inspector for the Board of Elections, the overal consensus is that voting doesn't work, and it never really has (only 100 people showed up to cast their votes in the Primary at P. S. 377, over the span of 15 empty hours). Case in point: Walking corpse Joe BIDET was MIA for nearly a year throghout 2020, and hiding in his basement, ostensibly because of the 'SCAM-demic.' And, even the RAREST of occurrences, when he poked his decomposing head out of his hedgehog hole, there were three people in the audience (exactly like Bull$hitlary and her rallies——and, then she lost a RIGGED election that was ironically RIGGED for her 'FAUX' victory, monarchy rule——you CAN'T make this shit up!)! Then, BOOYAH: Die Hard 'RED' states magically turn 'Tidy Bowl, DemonRat 'BLUE' overnight, and Casper Joe is in (under the cover of a few hours of darkness, when TRUMP was leading by a solid margin, only HOURS before)!

And, THIS is why the lowest voter turnout in PRIMARY history just keeps getting intentionally ignored and disregarded by the minute!

Anonymous said...

The system is rigged against you, taxpaying peasants! And, as long as you still live in this padded call of a city (that holds no publicly electeds accountable), then THEY will never pay the price (of continually being wrong), not to mention their never-ending loop of corruption, graft and out of control, counterproductive greed (much less the ever delayed reality of a single day incarcerated). YOU, however, will ALWAYS pay——IN PERPETUITY!——until your last dying day (and from beyond the grave).

So, there are REALLY ONLY two choices: MOVE OUT——or, BE DRAGGED!

❝The system canot be fixed by the system.❞ ——Tom Morello

Anonymous said...


Regarding the voting process, it's absurd that in this digital age of 'so much superfluous' technology, that this deeply flawed-and-dysfunctional system now reverts to paper ballots. The old lever machines, in fact, made more sense——assuming that the elections themselves were conducted with the highest levels of ethics, integrity, accountable leadership (that leads by example) and full disclosure and transparency——SHOCK ALERT!——they aren't. Even more insane is the fact that election results aren't available until weeks later.

But, all of that aside is marginal compared to what the voting public pretends to not exist in the FIRST PLACE, which ends up irreparably tainting the entire voting process itself: Dark money in politics, Super PACS, super-delegates, lobbying and special interests (more commonly known to the REST of the world as bribery and extortion), gerrymandering, electioneering, cronyism, nepotism, election fraud, voter fraud, and an overall system of election rigging that is now openly practiced, without censure.

Now, any ONE of the above-mentioned transgressions would be tantamount to serious misconduct, enough to warrant an electoral de-certification——but, We, the People are burdened with ALL of the ABOVE——yet, STILL no one officially questions ALL pretense of freedom and democracy, neither of which exists in THESE ever lenient times of totally rigged electoral rackets of epic government fail! Certainly there are no special investigations SO ORDERED by the corrupt politicians themselves, much less any and all required steps to ensure honest and fair elections will ever prevail, because that is exactly what these voracious, predatory and rapacious thieves of the electorate EXPECT, INSIST and DEMAND for their ancient, Babylonian 'Empire Rackets' to propagate to exclusionary levels of PRIVATE SPLENDOR for themselves (whilst collecting a government paycheck!), versus PUBLIC SQUALOR, adversity, beggary, obscurity, quiet desperation——and, PUBLIC SQUALOR for everyone else who continually pays the ULTIMATE, soul-crushing price within the rank and file!

In the end, the REAL allegiance that is recited by ALL crooked politiicans is the SAME 'Pledge of Allegiance' that their corporate masters' who outright own their cowardly henchmen brazenly recite right back: 'Don't Blow MY SCAM——And, I Won't Blow YOURS!'


Anonymous said...


In fact, Princeton University released a statement in 2015-16 to affirm that the American system of voting is even more corrupt, entrenched and establishment-rigged than many Third World and Banana Republics——COMBINED! Which is why a large majority of erstwhile voters now abstain from voting altogether.

As for the REST of the seriously disillusioned and politically indoctrinated citizenry, over multiple generations of brainwashing, conformity and conditioning (ALL of whom mistake voting for patriotism and allegiance to flag and country), and the strangely obedient (to their two-party-machined-failed duopoly of choice-enslavement for life), they just keep casting their votes on cue (like they actually matter), and to continue to believe the profound lies and deniability that are foisted upon them, with impunity, by their politically failed 'spokes-liars' du Jour——to obliterating effect! And, the ever languishing public be eternally duped, bilked, scammed and damned!

❝The truth that survives is the lie that is pleasantest to believe.❞ ——H. L. Mencken

❝Believe nothing——until it has been officially denied.❞ ——Anonymous

❝In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.❞ ——George Orwell

❝He who dares not offend cannot be truthful.❞ ——Thomas Paine

❝He who allows oppression shares the crime.❞ ——Desiderius Erasmus

❝The oppressor would not be so strong if he did not have accomplices among the oppressed themselves.❞ ——Simone de Beauvoir

❝The self-righteous rule out the possibility that THEY are what has gone wrong.❞ ——Mason Cooley

❝The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly.❞ ——Robert Anton Wilson

Anonymous said...

The system is rigged against you, taxpaying peasants! And, as long as you still live in this padded call of a city (that holds no publicly electeds accountable), then THEY will never pay the price (of continually being wrong), not to mention their never-ending loop of corruption, graft and out of control, counterproductive greed (much less the ever delayed reality of a single day incarcerated). YOU, however, will ALWAYS pay——IN PERPETUITY!——until your last dying day (and from beyond the grave).

So, there are REALLY ONLY two choices: MOVE OUT——or, BE DRAGGED!

❝The system canot be fixed by the system.❞ ——Tom Morello

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