The unseasonably warm weather inspired me to take an immersion bike tour to Flushing. On my way to see the prospective development by Flushing Creek, I had to go under the Van Wyck Expressway and I find the current decrepit condition under the elevated road very troubling.
It looks like it can use infrastructure improvements. Fast.

31 photos! Jezus JQ. Edit out 75% of them, please. Especially the out-of-focus ones. Less is more.
Fix these roads now with the up coming Biden NYC bail out.
Raise my taxes too and force all bicycle riders including two year olds to register their bikes please !
@Anon 1
I originally had 55 of them.
When it comes to this developing problem here and since the city is allowing another 5 towers plus a hotel to rise only a quarter mile from this area which will lead to more traffic; less is more is an oxymoron. Anyway, how long does it take to looks at photos, about 2 minutes? Come on man!
I wanted to get the front and back of every pillar there and where the rot was pronounced, which as you can tell here, is everywhere
Not sure why is this a problem.
America fired Trump.
Enjoy the paradise now and stop complaining about minuscule things.
@Anon re: not sure
Since this highway is under the auspices of the city and state and you brought up Trump, why wasn't this fixed during Trump's four years in office? What happened to that trillion dollar infrastructure plan?
The concrete deck and joints on top are just as bad. Sometimes I wonder if my car is going to fall thru when I hit some of the potholes up there.
My guess is the city is going to let it rot a few more years, then close it for safety reasons, demolish it, and not replace it because the idiots that run the city now are so anti car. Everyone will be sold on the plan once they say they will put affordable housing and bike lanes in where the highway once was.
auspices of the city and state
exactly. so who is responsible fixing this? maybe you should start asking where all the TAX money is going. state and city. you know is 13%. now that TRUMP is out, according to them BIDEN will bail the city out.
The Van Wyck is under NYSDOT. There are several contracts in place for this roadway. Blame your Governor who controls which contracts get put on hold and which ones see completion. Especially the one named after his daddy which fell under NYS Thruway Authority.
Here JQ
Check the agencies. Apparently they are in charge of improvements and maintenance.
Even if Biden manages to come out of the basement long enough get a stimulus bill passed and money comes to NYC, it's not going to be alloted for anything having to do with vehicles or highways. It's all gonna go into "green infrastructure". This means it goes to the endless MTA money pit and is never seen again.
The van wyck isn't gonna see a dime, that I can assure you.
Who needs infrastructure? "Social justice" is the only thing that matters in a Prog dominated world (of madness) so that's where the money shall go.
Yeah! Too many photos. We get the picture. D.C. will be shoveling money into NYC like nobody's business. You folks will driving on velvet in no time.
The Van Wyck is under NYSDOT.
Of course. Facts don't bother people.
Maybe bideen and coomo will raise gas taxes 50 cents a gallon to pay for it.....you can afford it.
Those expansion joints must have been leaking for decades.
The rebar enforcing the concrete piles holding it all up is now failing because of water damage.
This is pure negligence !!
This is how some highways in California failed, killing 100s including that I-95 section failing over the water a wile back.
This looks fine. Get back to me when it falls.
@Anon re: Hey JQ PDF
Apparently, that design build program doesn't go past Hillside Ave. And they just started working on the LIRR elevated tracks.
Be careful driving everyone.
DeBozio can blame Global warming and get The Great Green New Deal to pay for it !
Apparently, that design build program doesn't go past Hillside Ave. And they just started working on the LIRR elevated tracks.
This phase. Second phase will address the shorter section, less elevation and maybe 2 overpasses.
Just saying...
Agree with be careful driving. These conditions started way back and to be fair is not De Bozo's issue. He inherited the mess.
Last anon.
de Bozo has never talked about highways, just streets.
It's actually Cuomo's issue. And he has been in office longer.
de Bozo has never talked about highways, just streets.
Actually he never talked about anything that made sense.
Vision Zero - I guess is what he has after a hard night of smoking doobies :)
Where's the homeless encampments?
Last anon:
Give it time.
A lot of the encampments are by the BQE. I've seen a few on the Belt too.
Give it time.
Some progressive and fair city we live in.
The city council and DOT only care about creating and protecting bike lanes in NYC.
They don't care about the people who cannot ride bicycles like the disabled, physically challenged, and senior citizens.
We the taxpayers continue to pay higher taxes to protect bicyclists and moped delivery drivers who continually go through stop signs, red lights, and ride on sidewalks with little regard for pedestrian safety.
But don't expect Deblasio or city council to address this. They do not care about the concerns of the majority of people who live here, they only care about their donors and getting them what they want.
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