Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Thieves welcome themselves to Ozone Park sign


Queens Eagle

Southwest Queens has a sign-stealing scandal.

Thieves made off with a brand new “Welcome to Ozone Park” sign last night, hours after elected officials and civic leaders installed the refurbished marker near the Howard Beach border, Councilmember Eric Ulrich said Tuesday.

Ulrich and other community members joined workers from Cannon Signs & Awning to install the new sign near the corner of 149th Avenue and Cross Bay Boulevard Monday morning. The burgundy board replaced a famous, but weathered version of the sign that was first introduced in 2003.

The next morning, it was gone. 

Under cover of darkness, the thieves sawed through the wooden signposts near the base and fled, Ulrich said. He posted photos from the scene of the crime on Twitter.

“It’s probably the most selfish act that I’ve seen in a long time,” Ulrich said. “Somebody’s a real sicko.” 

Ulrich said he contacted the 106th Precinct to file a police report and also notified the Queens District Attorney’s Office. 

NYPD Spokesperson Sophia Mason said police do not yet have a suspect description, but the investigation is ongoing.

Ulrich said officers are pulling surveillance footage from a nearby hotel and private homes in the area.

He said he suspects at least two people were involved in the heist because the heavy sign required two people to carry off a truck on Monday.


Anonymous said...

It’s not a crime anymore. Why bother filing a report. Literally no consequences for something like this.

Anonymous said...

Stuff like this would have happened years ago when John Gotti lived in Howard Beach and worked in Ozone Park does it show she attached in Ozone Park it wouldn't have happened and if it would have happened they would have found out who did it and "convinced "them to put the sign back. And the cops would give it a thumbs up! He was good in a way for oz.park

Anonymous said...

They gave the new ozone park welcome sign the new ozone park welcome. There is no point spending money on anything nice anymore.

Anonymous said...

oh I'm sure whoever stole the sign is just misunderstood, and this was his or her way of expressing themselves... lol

Anonymous said...

Why would they take it, it doesn't say Donald Trump for president. Must be some kind of mistake.

Anonymous said...

Thats why you can't have nice things in nyc. I honestly don't see why people even bother having anything nice here. Even with a garage, things get stolen or vandalized. But thats what you ask for when you vote wrong. Remember this Election day, please CHOOSE CAREFULLY!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the new reality folks. You seriously think Melinda will prosecute these miscreants NOT. I'm sure if they are cops they'll get the book thrown at them. LMFAO

Anonymous said...

Hey look at the bright side. Could be worse. A lot worse.

Like Philly, where 18 ATM-s were blown up. Under the disguise of BLM. You know the white communist garbage who is masquerading as BLM.

BoredWithFascists said...

This is all Biden’s fault!

Anonymous said...


Wrong. He is the low guy on the totem pole. Started with HW Bush. Clintons. Obama was a figurehead. All the dirty business, selling out the country for cash, secrets, essentially you too Bored. You were sold out too.

You still don't get it.
Is not a Democrat vs Republican issue.
Is much bigger than that.

Anonymous said...

Much ado about nothing! The REAL crime is a sociiopath like Eric Ulrich, a proven liar, coward and thief, whose derelict staff and himself have ignored constituents like me (with an actual cause of action involving city corruption for ten years), with impunity. He has collected a government paycheck without ever bothering to work for a living, much less obey the oath of office that he swore to uphold. He's even more useless and cognitive dissonant than Joe Biden!

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