Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Trump to New York City, Drop Dead

NY Post

President Trump is ordering the federal government to begin the process of defunding New York City and three other cities where officials allowed “lawless” protests and cut police budgets amid rising violent crime, The Post can exclusively reveal.

Trump on Wednesday signed a five-page memo ordering all federal agencies to send reports to the White House Office of Management and Budget that detail funds that can be redirected.
New York City, Washington, DC, Seattle and Portland are initial targets as Trump makes “law and order” a centerpiece of his reelection campaign after months of unrest and violence following the 
May killing of George Floyd by Minnesota police.

“My Administration will not allow Federal tax dollars to fund cities that allow themselves to deteriorate into lawless zones,” Trump says in the memo.

“To ensure that Federal funds are neither unduly wasted nor spent in a manner that directly violates our Government’s promise to protect life, liberty, and property, it is imperative that the Federal Government review the use of Federal funds by jurisdictions that permit anarchy, violence, and destruction in America’s cities.”

Federal agencies must detail “all Federal funds provided to Seattle, Portland, New York City, Washington, D.C.” Also, within 14 days Attorney General Bill Barr must develop a list of “anarchist jurisdictions” that “permitted violence and the destruction of property to persist and have refused to undertake reasonable measures” to restore order. The memo does not require Barr to include the four cities, possibly for legal reasons.

The memo instructs White House budget director Russ Vought to issue guidance in 30 days from Wednesday “to the heads of agencies on restricting eligibility of or otherwise disfavoring, to the maximum extent permitted by law, anarchist jurisdictions in the receipt of Federal grants.”
The amounts of money impacted by Trump’s order could be massive. New York City, for example, gets about $7 billion a year in federal aid.

 Impunity City

Didn't the PBA just endorse this guy? I don't know about y'all but this is going to be extremely counterproductive to the NYPD's efforts to make the city safe. Plus the city will just get worse than it is right now in all aspects regarding essential services like schools and mass transit.



Anonymous said...

Good. I dont blame him. Nyc wants to house shit and cater to illegals, then they should receive no money at all. Im actually glad about this. However, this will mean that traffic violations will triple and they recently lowered the speed limits on some roads just so they can suck more people dry. Even though most people who drive are illegal or don't speak English at all and don't even care about the violations.

Anonymous said...

Trump needs to choke deBlasio and Cuomo II into asking help from the feds and Nation Guard to stop this lawlwss bullshit.
Sanctuary city's don't work
The NYPD would never have seen any of those federal dollars anyway.
Stupid democrat voters rewarded deBlasio and Cuomo II with re-election asked for this, Now they will be punished and pay the price, possibly with their lives as the Maoist animals become more desperate and violent.
I'm glad I saw this coming and got my Kevlar vest in July. Now they are almost sold out and sheeple once laughing "naa never happen" ask where they can get these vests and personal protection equipment.
---sorry sheeple, too late sold out!!

Anonymous said...

You can blame Trump or you can blame the incompetent one-party politicians who've run the city into the ground. What a stinking cesspool of corruption. At least Thrive is well funded.

Anonymous said...

Can't accuse him of playing favorites with his home state but democrats probably will anyway.

Anonymous said...

The usual suspects will soon be coming trough the windows looking for money, jewelry and drugs.
Deep shit like we never seen in this country coming.

Anonymous said...

I can't blame Trump for not wanting to give such corrupt socialists money.
The city needs to become a a blazing war zone to get rid of deBlasio, all the garbage and wake up voters. That is the only thing that will work.
You then send in the military to restore order and mop up.
What did this asshole (deBlasio)expect when you free all the criminals then defund and handcuff the police.
I hope most the good people have armed themselves.
It would have been best to let all the felons, gang-bangers and those being held for murder, robbery, rape, etc die in jail from Covid.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame Trump at all. Since no one supposedly in charge (Dimblasio or Cuomo) has the maturity, commitment to the rule of law, or common decency to stop the Antifa crap going on, somebody's gotta do it. A real man has to step up and take over the stick if the plane looks like it's in a death spiral, which NYC certainly is. We've had enough of Dimblasio's hummedah-hummedah-it's-not-MY-fault daily exercises in projection, with the dismal results. Man hasn't a CLUE how to do the job right. And Cuomo has worn out his welcome as the failed Romeo, trying to woo people back to the mess he's made of NY. But the people he figured would fall for his crap are too smart for his dim bulb overtures. They're hightailing it outta there, never to return.

As today's Daily Mail says:

*De Blasio reveals he wants to buy empty NYC buildings and turn them into affordable housing after moving 13,000 homeless into hotels 'for more than $2million a night' and shaming rich residents who left to escape COVID-19 as 'fair weather friends'

*De Blasio said on Thursday the city planned to purchase buildings to turn them into affordable housing
The city is refusing to disclose which types of buildings he was talking about 'due to privacy concerns'

*Currently, more than 13,000 homeless people are being housed in 139 hotels all over New York City
The city is paying for it and sources say it costs $175 per person per night - $2.275million every day

*They will remain in hotels, he said, until there is a vaccine which could be another six months yet

He just flails at problems instead of thinking about them in an analytical manner, and his solution always involves flinging piles of taxpayer money at them. Typical commie libtard mode of action.

Anonymous said...

Seig Heil!πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
And you wonder whose nuttier.....HITLER in his bunker in the final days or Herr Drumpf in der White House. NO! ! Blame spineless Moscow Mitch for letting Der Donald wipe his ass with our Constitution. BTW...Donnys daddy was arrested for being in a KKK march in the 1920s in good old Jamaica Queens!

Anonymous said...

Di Blasio can’t handle his own black ex lesbian wife let alone run NYC.
He should have told the cops to shoot looters on sight. Black white or whatever....CRIMINALS! Charlene runs policy from their bedroom. No nookie if you shoot my brothers and sistersπŸ˜‚

Anonymous said...

Let’s hope the rumor that Don Trump Jr is planning to run for mayor is true. We need to get our shit together.

Anonymous said...

Something to hide Andrew?

Anonymous said...

QC Reader said...
The poor get handouts, the rich get bailouts. Everyone in the middle gets squeezed . But, that's the plan.

Anonymous said...

Heh heh. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. It's high time the Prog utopias finally reap what they have sown.

Anonymous said...

Seig Heil!πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
And you wonder whose nuttier.....HITLER in his bunker in the final days or Herr Drumpf in der White House. NO! ! Blame spineless Moscow Mitch for letting Der Donald wipe his ass with our Constitution. BTW...Donnys daddy was arrested for being in a KKK march in the 1920s in good old Jamaica Queens!

Lifetime connoisseur of Kool Aid

Anonymous said...

Moe said...
Trump crossed the Korean DMZ, I think he can handle crossing Time Square.

Anonymous said...

The secret service better pay Cuomo a visit.

Anonymous said...

Cuomo - The highest ranking meathead . He sounds like he is on Gotti's crew.

Anonymous said...

Cuomo will do anything to deflect from the fact that he killed thousands in nursing homes

Anonymous said...

I see so many of you have drunk the poisonous kool-aid of Trump. New Yorkers surprise me knowing how crooked and a scam artist this clown was and still is. Trump University and we don't know how much he is worth (not that much since he got daddy's money) since he refused to show his tax returns (always a sign of corruption and cheating), his horrible handling of the COVID-19 crisis, his idolizing dictators (obvious Putin has some serious shit on the his bitch trump), on and on and on.

Let's take everything Trump has done in office and replace the name with trump as see what you trumpsters would think.

You all are being bamboozled by the biggest con artist. But then there is no arguing with people who live in a trump and fox news bubble. SAD!

Anonymous said...

Good man, Donald Trump. America's truly greatest president.

Anonymous said...

Cuomo takes no responsibility... he’s has a snake. Take responsibility of what’s happening in your state cuomo.

Anonymous said...

Cuomo is cracking under the pressure, he knows he messed up and is responsible for the covid deaths in the NY nursing homes.

Anonymous said...

This needs to be discussed. Shocking how the community is being pitted against each other by their elected officials. And you wonder why there is an exodus being replaced by homeless in those big buildings in Manhattan. Next will be Queens.

Anonymous said...

Cuomo killed Nonma & Nonno !

Anonymous said...

You morons!! It's your fuckin' money!! Where do you think Trump gets this money that he wants to withhold? From YOU!!! New York sends more money to Washington than it gets back. You wanna send your tax dollars to Trump and let him keep it?? That's just plain fucking stupid! What a con, what fucking morons you must be to let him get away with this shit.

Anonymous said...

Look how they throw their tax base under the bus at the LIC Waterfront - what kind of tax base can the build without it?

So, they have cornered a voting base? And what happens when it walks because its mistreated?

Let the towers empty and become a big housing project. Then let THAT voting base, the one they cater to, pay for every special 'need.' It might be dystopia, but they vote Democratic. So there is no problem. Everything is fine. Like going to a Hiden Biden rally.


Anonymous said...

Life time connoisseur of kool aid?πŸ˜‚
Pull yer head outta ya ass buddy. OR should I say your tongue outta Trump’s.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

Anonymous said...

"You moron's!!" When NYC starts locking up the ignorant asses that destroy public property, murder innocent people and continuously use the word Fuck, Fucker, Mother-Fucker and every other variation of the left-wing communists favorite descriptive word, then I would agree that President Trump should rethink his withholding of our federal tax dollars from morons like you. Otherwise go Fuck yourself. Go Trump.

Anonymous said...

What money? The country is 23 trillion in debt It’s nobodies money.

Remember when Trump was cutting funds to sanctuary cities. Yeah never happened and neither will this.

Anonymous said...

@You morons!! It's your fuckin' money!!

Wow. What a style. So what money gets sent to where?
Be a bit more specific.
Like house, condo, co-op taxes? Like tolls? Like MTA surcharges? Like gas tax? Like fines, parking tickets? Like city and state with holdings? Excise taxes on your phone, electric, gas and cable bills?
Registration, inspection taxes?
City and state sales taxes?

You never worked a day in your life agitprop.
Otherwise you would know what kind of taxes are on your paycheck and bills!

You can also tell us about the balanced budget from Bubba the porn star, wait wasn't the Social Security money he took to do that? No wonder nursing homes are a dangerous places today!

Anonymous said...

MAGA2020 Get on the Train or out of the way !

Anonymous said...

@Donnys daddy was arrested for being in a KKK march in the 1920s in good old Jamaica Queens!

Really? Looksie here:

The whole Democratic leadership is at Richard Byrd's funeral!



Ah the video is unavailable! Wow.
Don't really understand what Obama is doing there.
Apparently Youtube does!

Here is the icon himself:

Just as a side note the Democrats were the slave owners in the past.
No wonder they knocking statues down. Destroying their own dirty past!

Talk about some nerve!

Anonymous said...

How do you people explain this? Before anybody gets into the Republican/Democrat division.

WTF is going on?

Anonymous said...

For all the commies out there

Anonymous said...

@Anon "You morons!! It's your fuckin' money!"
Yes and we want it spent on us not illegals and dead beats.

Anonymous said...

Cuomo was sooo mad! Talking like he's some kind of gangster - "He bettah not come to MY town!". Lmao, pathetic.

Anonymous said...

The riots and chaos is intended. So Trump is correct 100% to not give them money. I live in NYC. We don't deserve the money.

Anonymous said...

Moe said...
Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!
Defund the NYPD so now NYC you don't need the Fed Money to waste on B.S. social handouts.
Balance the Budget DeBozo and stop rasing my taxes....

Anonymous said...

I think Cuomo is scared. I'm thinking he doesn't want the feds poking around the state's financial records. I'm thinking he's got something to hide.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me. Give it to the red states
Trump is a savage and I am LIVING FOR IT !

Anonymous said...

The idea was to defund the police so I can reallocate that money into my bank accounts! Not reduce my budget! Crooks all of them ....

Anonymous said...

@You never worked a day in your life agitprop.
Otherwise you would know what kind of taxes are on your paycheck and bills!

I've been retired for 6 years after working 34 years as a member of ILA local 824. It's really simple, even for fiscal idiots which you appear to be. The money that goes to Washington that the doofus thinks he has the power to withhold is the federal withholding tax.
House, condo, co-op taxes aren't federal. Tolls,MTA surcharges aren't federal. Fines, parking tickets aren't federal. City and state withholdings aren't federal (isn't that obvious enough for you?) City and state sales taxes (another OBVIOUS one) I really don't think you have a clue where your money goes. Apparently if that incompetent loser does wind up keeping it you wouldn't know the difference....

Anonymous said...

What Queens Crap doofus reader wants to pay more in taxes ? Great Marxist college education you got and your parents did terrible job rasing you too. Useful idiot...

Anonymous said...

Demorats like Agitprop believe everything that the news media tells them.
Good litttle Useful Idiots !

Blindly loyal Trump supporter said...

Thank you very much, Mr. President - please pi$$ on me and my city again. Would you also like me to bend over?

Anonymous said...

Very glad to see the Donald giving NYC the finger.

Anonymous said...

@@Anon "You morons!! It's your fuckin' money!"
Yes and we want it spent on us not illegals and dead beats.

Well if he is successful in his illegal attempt to withhold the money it won't be spent on illegals and deadbeats. It also won't be spent on YOU! What part of withholding don't you understand?

Anonymous said...

“We will find them [all undocumented immigrants], we will get them out.” (CNN interview, July 29, 2015)

Trump deported about 750,000 undocumented immigrants in his first three years in office, but most were trying to get into the country, not already living here. He never tried to remove all undocumented immigrants. He did unleash a reign of terror directed at migrants, including separating young children from family members, and that may be one reason the total number of undocumented immigrants fell slightly. Still, Trump actually deported fewer people in his first three years than Barack Obama had — a comparison neither man will appreciate.

“We will also be a country of law and order. … The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon, and I mean very soon, come to an end. Beginning on Jan. 20 of 2017, safety will be restored.” (speech, July 21, 2016)

Trump himself implicitly acknowledges that he has failed to create law and order, saying, “There is violence and danger in the streets” (speech, Aug. 27, 2020). Periodically, he incites that violence.

Anonymous said...

“It is time to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C. This is why I’m proposing a package of ethics reforms to make our government honest once again.” (remarks, Oct. 17, 2016)

Eight of Trump’s associates have been charged with or convicted of crimes. Nonpartisan ethics watchdogs have repeatedly accused Trump and members of his administration and his family of serious ethics violations, and the Manhattan district attorney suggested last month that he was investigating Trump and his company for “possibly extensive and protracted criminal conduct.”

“I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” (speech, June 16, 2015)

Job creation continued during the Trump administration at roughly the same rate as in the Obama administration, but the pandemic ended that. There are now almost five million fewer Americans with jobs than when Trump took office. In raw numbers, this is the worst jobs record of any modern president.

“It is time to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C. This is why I’m proposing a package of ethics reforms to make our government honest once again.” (remarks, Oct. 17, 2016)

Eight of Trump’s associates have been charged with or convicted of crimes. Nonpartisan ethics watchdogs have repeatedly accused Trump and members of his administration and his family of serious ethics violations, and the Manhattan district attorney suggested last month that he was investigating Trump and his company for “possibly extensive and protracted criminal conduct.”

Anonymous said...

Antitumper rant - we can rant too!

how many bombs did he throw how many buildings did he burn how many criminals did he make public heroes how many riots did he start how many people are moving away from him how much tax money did he needlessly burn how many public criminals and deviants did he hold up as heroes for children to admire how many deviants did he think should use girls bathrooms how many houses of worship did he harm how many innocent people were denied services because they did not make up a party's base how many illegals whose only purpose is to build a party's base take away tax money and jobs from American citizens how many people were discriminated against because they had white skin.

Anonymous said...

Democrats in panic - have nothing to offer but a Civil War

Watch it to the end where they link the clinched fist of BLM to the salute of Heil Hitler.

You will never see this on CNN but it is what the rest of the world is thinking.

Anonymous said...

While I have no illusions about who Trump actually serves (Israel), it's still nice to see him taking a stand against Cuomo and Blasio.

Anonymous said...

more leftist garbage hiding as news - the big visual this year are police told to stand down as the kids act out their 'tantrumps' threatening people and burning down things. remember the people walking back from the white house getting hassled and it reminded me of jews coming out of a synagogue and being bothered by nazis just because they have a belief you do not have. you can hold your belief in this country people and it you feel that others do not have that right then you should be stripped of that right too until you 'get it'.

Anonymous said...

Hey New York City and Long Island residents Maybe next time don't vote Democrat? Just a suggestion.

Anonymous said...

Hey NYC fools Just don't move down to florida; this is a swing state, that needs to remain red. Suckers....

BoredWithFascists said...

@Anon 1-7
Vladimir! Is that you?

Anonymous said...

@BoredWithFascists said...

Are you a member of ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter ?

Anonymous said...

Moe said...
It's really bizarre that the privileged upper class is warring against middle class workers. Our PC-culture and identity politics have accomplished THIS and the sheeple in NYC won't wake the hell up to the fact the even the Demorats are selling them out. Suckers...

Anonymous said...

BoredWithFascists you are an idiot. You regurgitate the Sore-Loser-Clinton-generated Russia narrative that has been proven to be pure and unadulterated bullshit. Open up your eyes and realize the USA has been infiltrated by the CCP: Academia, media, government, corporations, all corrupted by the global elites who've betrayed us for decades. Antifa is NOT new - Stalin sent them into Hitler's Germany and into China to usher in the cultural revolution. The Dems have shown their cards by insisting on mail in (not absentee) ballots and not conceding regardless of how big Trump's victory - and it will be big. Civil war? Bring it. Your side is comprised of a bunch of parasites both in the rich and poor. Blacks and Latinos are waking up and realizing that Dems expect your vote. Blacks and Latinos, please join us in destroying the communist agitators, those who would take our freedoms. My family is from the Soviet Union. They call people like you duraks.

Anonymous said...

"The money that goes to Washington that the doofus thinks he has the power to withhold is the federal withholding tax"

Talk about not understanding. You haven't got a clue about fiscal policies. Sound like a tax protester. Ok, read up how the income tax came into existence, with the social security scam, central banking and other scams.
Basically you are saying that the Federal tax belongs to the state and city. On what grounds?

Have no worries, once the chicom supported democrat party takes over you'll get a taste of real life, you'll be crying for the good old times when doofus was in charge!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone looked into Joe Biden's dealings with Dianne Feinstein's Chinese spy chauffeur?

Anonymous said...

@BoredWithFascists said... Are you a out of work CUNY Adjunct ?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone looked into how much the United Federation of Teachers pays the guy who chauffeurs around their president, Mike Mulgrew?

Anonymous said...

"Has anyone looked into how much the United Federation of Teachers pays the guy who chauffeurs around their president, Mike Mulgrew?"

A bit more interesting:

Anonymous said...

PLEASE, look at all the corruption in the Trump Administration. I mean look at all those who have been arrested or charged or in jail. Then there is the whole trump family on the payroll, REALLY, not a conflict of interest.. Let's not forget Trump Foundation and Trump University. AND why hasn't trump released his tax returns. The only person that does that is hiding something. trump complains about mail in voting, yet he and his immigrant wife did mail in voting. He is deep in bed with Putin as a bottom of course.

WHAT don't you trump supporters get, I mean he and his whole family don't care about you common people. Either your stupidity or racism or both are getting in the way of the truth about trump.

Anonymous said...

"Let them eat ice cream." - Nancy Antoinette

Anonymous said...

Communism is the government handing out fish to the people.
Capitalism is the government handing out fishing licenses to the people.

Anonymous said...

@WHAT don't you trump supporters get, I mean he and his whole family don't care about you common people. Either your stupidity or racism or both are getting in the way of the truth about trump.

Couldn't care less about the idiotic diatribe the commies like you are pushing.
You sound like corrupt CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the nyetworks owned by 6 corporations.
Talk about journalism!

Talk about the corruption since G. Bush Sr. took office.
The wars, the inflation, the new world order.

Corruption you say? Hillary and the whole Clinton clan embodies corruption!

As George Carlin said once, is a big club and you ain't in it!

Anonymous said...

Re: Sex teacher Wood shop. Just one of many secrets covered by the UFT. And actually a minor one. At least Mulgrew had good taste. Just another day to day scandal at that Union.

Anonymous said...

WHAT don't you trump supporters get, I mean he and his whole family don't care about you common people. Either your stupidity or racism or both are getting in the way of the truth about trump.

What YOU don't seem to get is that people who were mighty tired of the so called Democrat party pandering to every anti American special interest group and the dregs of humanity with their entitlement mentality voted for Trump because the alternative would have been a total disaster. Then again, people like you who obviously make race the center of their lives are never known for lucid thinking so it comes as no surprise that anyone who votes for Trump is a "racist" to you. You want to learn about REAL racism instead of mindlessly worshiping the uber corrupt cults of Clinton and Obama? Then I suggest reading up on the history of that vaunted party of the common people-the so called Democrats-because you will find plenty of stories of racism going way way back and continuing right up to the present day.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

@BoredWithFascists... Are you a out of work CUNY Adjunct ?

Nah-he's an out of mind tool looking for imaginary "fascists" under every bed.

Anonymous said...

"Nah-he's an out of mind tool looking for imaginary "fascists" under every bed."

don't mind him/her has no clue what the word means

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