Thursday, September 17, 2020

Cuomo's COVID comedy is not pretty 

 Impunity City

Governor Andrew Cuomo  has been in quite a blue mood lately. Although it’s not over New York elected officials bipartisan calls and congressional and senate demands from DC calling for an independent investigation into the motives behind his mandate demanding nursing homes accept COVID19 patients and the immunity law he gave the owners and financial holders of them. It’s also not over the MTA’s running out of funding to maintain and operate the transit system to go along with maniacs breaking train windows for the fuck of it. It’s also not over the mass exodus of the state’s richest people from the big hollow apple and especially those he’s groveling to so they stay put…

No it’s all these young and youngish adults who are flouting the pandemic protocols he put in place back in April (which he did very late) that mandated mask wearing and social distancing while shopping indoors and mingling outside at bars and restaurants. Even though this consensus flouting as been going on since the outbreak began and reaching the tipping point in summer’s eve with people partying down on an Astoria street, Cuomo decided that the only way he could get the narrative through to these maskless party obsessive punks would be through, um, comedy.

Now Cuomo is the last person who should delve into this genre, although as his massive ego and megalomania plainly shows, it’s safe to say that he probably thinks he knows funny more than anyone else who happens to be in his surroundings. Even that COVID 19 mountain grave poster he commissioned to make and is selling now has little side jokes (the boyfriend cliff).

What’s truly interesting about Cuomo’s sudden interest in resorting to humor is that because of his emergency executive powers that Albany’s legislators gave him in order to prevent contagion to keep the curve going back up the mountain is that he won’t let people who are actually funny and rely on comedy for their livelihoods do their jobs...



Anonymous said...

I cant believe that is supposed to be funny. Imagine the reaction if Trump or any Republican dig up Chris Rock or Rosie Perez to talk a out masks.

Anonymous said...

There is no advising the young what to do, you already gave them control of society.

Anonymous said...

It's not science, it's bullshit.

georgetheatheist said...

I'd rather watch re-runs of Jack Benny.

JQ LLC said...

I saw a rerun of Jack Benny the other night. He was having dinner with Jimmy Stewart in a restaurant. Funny as hell.

Anonymous said...

No one thought the Sonny and Fredo show on CNN was funny? Remember the big Q-Tip? Comedy gold!!

JQ LLC said...

@Anon re: Fredo

That's why I didn't bring that up. As we all know, Fredo is not a comedian. He's a news repeater.

Anonymous said...

News repeater? More like a guido douchebag

Anonymous said...

Truly despicable.
Hope one day he'll be arrested and face the music.
For all those dead people, useless eaters as his gang called elderly once.
Been going on for years.

JQ LLC said...

@Anon. Re: Guido

Oh yeah, Matilda's younger son is always flexing.

Anonymous said...

Flexing is one thing, but his attitude problem and the mood swings can be very easily explained by his heavy steroid use.

Remember Fredo ?

How about the elitist behavior when Fredo doesn't even respect the corona virus expert brother's orders

Oh well some rules only apply to the peasants.

Joe said...

Lost what was left to my whole family due to nursing home thanks to this asshole.
Father in nursing home then mother, aunt & uncle visiting father in nursing home.
Zoe almost killed from virus helping mother.
Now I have a probate nightmare with the state and some Catholic cemetery trying to jack me for another $38,000


Anonymous said...

A sick man from a sick party and a sicker state.

Anonymous said...

Stay Srong Joe !

Anonymous said...

>There is no advising the young what to do, you already gave them control of society.

If the young had control, we wouldn't have two extreme geriatrics as the main Presidential candidates.

@Joe - have you gone to any newspapers? This sounds like a story that must be told.

Anonymous said...


My sincere condolences to you and your family.

Joe said...

""Joe - have you gone to any newspapers""

Actually news people contacted me rather fast, and according to my lawyers it was not to help but just the opposite.
The news people wanted me to talk so they could F_ up my lawsuit, make jury selection hard and do anything they can to protect certain individuals involved.
I don't trust ANY journalists period after working at NBC and the music industry. I know first hand, boots on the ground how media operates, and how underhanded and corrupt it operates. I would not have spoken with any AND I MEAN ANY of them or some small local indie journalist looking to climb that fucked up greasy ladder anyway.
2-This is likely going to get big so the Lawyers wont let me say anymore aside thank everybody for the comments.

Anonymous said...

it's science? It's propaganda. If he didn't get paid, he got a huge tax write off as in labor in kind donation

Anonymous said...

I have to keep reminding myself that not only has this guy served 3 terms as Governor, but he wants to run for yet another term. Shit is scary as fuck...

Anonymous said...

Dont forget that he also will be running for president in four years if Biden loses.

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