Monday, September 28, 2020

Bike commuters demand new path on Queensbridge


The south outer roadway of the Ed Koch-Queensboro Bridge was packed with anything but cars on Sunday as hundreds of cyclists rode free, demonstrating to the city Department of Transportation the aching need to give cyclists and pedestrians more space.

Of 10 lanes total, the bridge reserves nine of them for cars despite the tight pathway for any other form of transportation being packed with users, something that has been exacerbated by the 57 percent spike cycling and 40 percent — according to Transportation Alternatives — on the bridge alone this year due to the pandemic forcing New Yorkers to pick a different way to get around as subways and buses have given the impression of being unsafe.

Jon Orcutt, of Bike New York, told amNewYork Metro that the city was long overdue in facilitating its own encouragement of cycling and the need for extra space on the Queensborough Bridge needed more not than ever since New Yorkers have been taking the government up on that advice.

“We need the city to catch up with us,” Orcutt said. “The city has said for years, we want more New Yorkers on bikes. There are consequences to that, now we have a bike capacity problem on the bridge. The city should respond, the policy is working, more people are using bikes … What’s pulled everyone out on bikes this year has been more space on streets and so bridge is incredibly timely.”

But the city believes there to be one major obstacle to taking cars off the south outer roadway: fences.

DOT has said the barriers on this section of the bridge do not meet the eight-foot standard for pedestrian and cyclist safety, and the cash strapped agency just can eat the cost at this time.

Another problem? DOT says that as long as construction is forcing some traffic to be diverted from the upper roadway, they will need to prioritize as much space as they can for motorists. This work is scheduled to wrap in the fall of 2022, according to DOT.

 Maybe the bike lobbyists and zealots should have followed my twitter when I wrote about this back in November.


Ned said...

"Bike commuters

I think you got some letters mixed up.
Perhaps it should read bike Communists !!!


Anonymous said...

Just about time to start licensing for the bikes and the people who ride them,
they can pay for their lanes just like motorists.
Agenda 21 is great on other peoples' money.

JQ LLC said...


No I meant commuters. I am one too. I used to ride that south path in the early 90's. It actually might help. The path available now is terrible,which is what those trans alt people actually fought for for about a decade. Now they all noticed the other side. Very late in the game with this little protest they did.


These people who obsess over bike amenities and infrastructure really have no idea what the ramifications will be if their carless utopia ever manifests. Tolls are next.

Anonymous said...

They are always “demanding” something.

Anonymous said...

The left hates cars almost as much as it hates guns and Christians.

Anonymous said...

I love how these assholes demand everything today when other people's money is paying for it.
You can demand extra ketchup on your burger at McDonald's after you have payed for it.

Anonymous said...

Bike commuter here.

I'll make my own bike lane and I'll go against traffic if I have to.

No shits given, ever.

Anonymous said...

Here come the bike haters on Queens Crap.
"Licensing for the bikes" Typical New Yorker TAX TAX TAX ...

Mad Max said...

To bike commuter

No problem here as long as you assume the risks. When some Third Worlder plows into you with no insurance, make sure you are wearing your helmet.

Anonymous said...

There's a pandemic going on, the economy is in tatters, but sure, least just go ahead and spend money on bike lanes, that will solve all our problems. Maybe get them off our sidewalks too.

Anonymous said...

These commies are out of control. Their narrow eco interest in their minds must subsume the larger populations needs. They are totalitarians if the worst order.

Anonymous said...

Bike challenge car ... bike loses! Oops,I thought I hit a pot hole officer.

Anonymous said...

Bidens Bountiful Blunders said...
Build back better the bike lanes you diesel-pumpin' car gobbler !

Anonymous said...

I demand that all Progs be deported to the Progtopia of their choice. Then they will have paradise already made for them-no work necessary.

Anonymous said...


Yep, you understood the point :) not many do.

I also have 3 bikes, actually one is folding and in the trunk.

Been riding since 3 years old.

Anonymous said...

"Licensing for the bikes" Typical New Yorker TAX TAX TAX ...

Hey, why should I pay for your free ride? You know, insurance, registration, tolls, gas tax.

Do you think I should support your free bike lanes?

Last time I checked US of A is still a Republic, but not a Commie Banana Republic!

Anonymous said...

"Do you think I should support your free bike lanes ?" Free ?
You are very confussed about economics 101.
Dummkopf I also suggest you put your Commie remark up your arse !

Ned said...

"Licensing for the bikes"
Yep, they need to pay for our roads and going through red lights, driving 20MPH on sidewalks, hurting innocent pedestrians just like everybody else.
These assholes getting busted up under cars, and getting killed are sending New York (a no fault state) insurance premiums skyrocketing. They need to carry at least personal injury insurance also and be subject to traffic violation points.
A 170 pound person on a bike at a slow 7-10MPH can kill somebody

Kinetic energy: Ek=12mv2; this is the energy tied to movement. m is the mass of the moving object, v its velocity factor.
170 pound person on a 20 lb bike at 7MPH is over 400 pounds dead blow impact. That can crush a femur or ribcage.
At 20MPH that number skyrockets to near 2000 pounds blunt impact due to velocity factor. They teach this in ballistics school, which most New Yorkers know nothing about.
Cyclists, the bikes and electric scooters must be tractable with tags and treated just like motor vehicle's. Insurance and all. It was OK in the past but to many of them are on the roads in 2020


Anonymous said...

As a body who traverses this bridge by foot, I say, ‘this highly dangerous for bot bikers and pedestrians. Not adequate space for either. There is one person-wide in each direction, wHi how means that bikers and peds have to share a lane.

Anonymous said...


Yep. Electric scooters, bikes doing 30 Mph are very dangerous.
Licensing is needed. Reckless bikers all over the place.

Anonymous said...

You know JQ, even if the post is not approved, Hillary and the Criminal Cartel is done.
Yes, that includes GOP puppets also.

As I said is not a Democrat or GOP issue.

Is corruption at the highest levels. From both sides.
That's why they hate Trump. Before he became President they were on their knees fore his money. At the first GOP debate he - Trump - described corruption much to their - GOP contenders- dismay.

What kind of f-ing Republic we have where 30-40-50 years in office is allowed, but not for Presidents?

Anonymous said...

Bike haters kicking a dead horse. NYC has a general fund to build roads and infrastructure .
I Still can't belive how New Yorkers love paying more taxes.
Enforcement and fines for bad bike riders, car drivers, jay walking and littering will solve many things including keeping my taxes lower.

Anonymous said...

Driving through Manhattan is all but impossible with 1/4 of space given over to under used bike lanes, 1/4 to busses, while cars are backed up for blocks. You get a delivery guy and 3rd Avenue becomes a one lane country road with 3rd Ave traffic.

You get a turning lane and a car or truck makes the turn with 2 oncoming lanes masking a hipster bike rider breezily zipping along in the bike lane. You hit him and you get sued.

People cope. Throughout the city people are now creating their own parking spaces double parking in thru lanes and no one give them a ticket because everyone know that you need to park somewhere and the people making the decisions on these things are appointed because of politics and quotas rather than knowledge or brains.

So the only thing the city can do besides making more bike lanes to satisfy the privileged few with the right politics and to waste precious funds to cover the asphalt with 'BLM' signs.

Anonymous said...

Bike haters kicking a dead horse. NYC has a general fund to build roads and infrastructure .

How does the fund get monies? Do tell. Waiting....

Anonymous said...

the city can do besides making more bike lanes to satisfy the privileged few with the right politics

Finally someone who gets it. Is not about the bikes, never was.

Anonymous said...

Low info BIKE haters don't understand Tax finance at any useful level.

Anonymous said...

"Low info BIKE haters don't understand Tax finance at any useful level."

You still gaslighting, produce some facts puppy!

Where exactly are all these people commuting? Riots? Looting?

Come tell us. Still waiting.....

Anonymous said...

There aren’t enough bike accidents already?
Just like China....riding bicycles.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous said...
"You still gaslighting, produce some facts puppy!"
The facts are I can hump a lot better cuz i ride and your girl can tell you the same thing.

Anonymous said...

The facts are I can hump a lot better cuz i ride and your girl can tell you the same thing.

Now now, I understand you are delusional, but still no facts. Maybe all the humping you doing made your brain leave your big head and move to the smaller one. No wonder you make no sense.
Regards to mommy.

Anonymous said...

"better cuz i ride and your girl can tell you the same thing"

I seriously doubt that based on what I see most these dudes on bikes wearing.
Lets see:
Teight black, pink, neon and teal spandex, pocket books, booty packs, ballet looking shoes.
I think most must be gay, they keep in shape for each other not women.
And most the woman on bikes are no better, they look like ugly dude hockey players.
Best do away with all the god dam bike & motor scooters, melt them all down. Then use that steel to make rigging & cable to make zip lines under the bridges. These adrenal cyclist maniacs would love that.
Bikes don't belong on bridges with cars or pedestrians, let them subway or walk the rest. Bikes are incompatible with NYCs tight layout, bustle & traffic. They belong in Holland or something where intersections are a mile apart with all flat terrain.

Anonymous said...

I've biked over the Queensboro for years and it's fine.I know the bikers want even more but it's not needed.How about the Brooklyn Bridge,it is so dangerous for walkers and bikers too.Bikes don't belong on the walkway,to many tourists and the bikers fly downhill.There is no barrier and one wrong move and someone will get hurt.Maybe someday a traffic lane could be delegated for bikes.

Anonymous said...

They belong in Holland....

and communist China.

Our so called elitist leaders have a great affinity for the quasi capitalistic/communist system, think the people on the bottom of the pyramid are enslaved, monitored and controlled.
The "leaders" on the top of the pyramid enjoy all the benefits.
Incessant pushing of " we need more bike lanes" is nothing, but Agenda 21 item where destroying this great country of ours will bring parity with the rest of the world.
Instead of building the other countries up, is much easier to destroy the Western world.
Thanks to the UN/WHO leadership which in turn is controlled by delusional sick globalists who think this planet is their playground and humans are useless eaters, pawns for their enjoyment.

Anonymous said...

Making pedestrians walk across bike lanes to get to an outdoor dining area seems far too risky. Cyclists dont have a problem swerving around a closed area of lane.

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