I hope the attached video comes through to you. Here in Flushing and Bayside this guy speeds through the streets like our neighborhood is his own personal speedway. His car is LOUD. He's a menace to our quiet neighborhoods. It's a growing trend.
This is terrible and it's going on almost every day & night with many other cars and motorcycles. I think they best way to stop them is more speed cameras and speed bumps. The Clearview and Cross Island are terrible too.
Queens Crap Troll Hunter said... Mostly peaceful speeding just don't cross the street while they are driving. This is why Voting matters America ! #MAGA2020
Did you get so scared you crapped your pants and dropped the phone? All you have to do is the speed limit in front of him. The other guy should never have moved.
These comments are nuts, can't tell who's a cop and who's a Russian bot. Have no idea what "This is the NY people voted for" means in terms of assholes who speed their small penis cars. Hopefully he'll hit a nice light pole at speed and win a Darwin award.
@I think they best way to stop them is more speed cameras and speed bumps.
The problem here is you don't think. You have an opinion. If cameras and bumps worked we would not have this type of reckless behavior. We all know speed bumps are a joke and cameras only generate revenue. How about the police doing their jobs? Like big tickets, points and suspending the license at the DMV (rigged anyway)?
Goes for the bikers also. Running stop signs, riding on sidewalks, no lights at night, no reflective clothing, etc. Or riding a golf cart on a public road. What is happening here?
Yeah, Agenda whatever will have electric smart cars, bluetooth, smart streetlights and the whole shebang will be monitored and fines will follow. No need for cops. Pensions are expensive!
Of course with the due process circumvented, just like with the cameras. Where some no name corporation big donor to the political campaign is getting the money from the fines with some percentage going to the city.
Ok how about living on the Maspeth Plateau and all you hear are the drag racing cars through the neighborhood. You hear those people racing their engines at the lights by the LIE service roads as they race down to another light. Do it all again. You hear them riding through the neighborhood blocks and this goes on nightly. Maurice Ave got speed bumps and that does not stop the roar. Racing cars and sirens of police are the Plateau lullaby
@Anon "The problem here is you don't think" DOT Statistics prove they work. People Killed or Seriously Injured have fallen by an average of 65%. Speed cameras, speed bumps, and plate recognition all work to control traffic ! Prove me wrong ! Back it up bud or shut your pie hole.
All here to stay:
EZPass Red light enforcement Speed limit enforcement Stop sign enforcement Number plate recognition systems Bus lane enforcement
Lately I notice fast cars backfiring with a series of loud pops sounding almost like gun shots.Does anyone know if that is intentional and can the mufflers be bought like that? How do they pass inspection?
I have seen dozens of cars that do that in Ozone Park and Richmond Hill, it is definitely done intentionally and it freaks people out. Saw a family with a kid in a stroller and she immediately started crying.
I've never seen a camera at an intersection controlled by stop signs, only red light and speed cameras. It would be great to add stop sign cameras to the list.
Regarding speed bumps, the "humps" that NYC uses are pretty weak, probably to avoid liability and prevent damaging emergency vehicles. There are bumps that are less wide that could do real damage to speeding vehicles if they really wanted to put an end to this behavior.
The "ShotSpotter" system NYPD uses sometimes confuses the backfiring for gunshots, they could probably use that data to determine where these modified vehicles are located.
EZPass - tracking and revenue generating scam. bridges were paid for long time ago. Red light enforcement - revenue generating scam, only ticket. Speed limit enforcement - revenue generating scam. only ticket. Stop sign enforcement - where and by whom? cameras? Number plate recognition systems - tracking system, nothing to do with reckless drivers. Bus lane enforcement - revenue generating system.
Seems is hard for you to think on your own. You must be a proud product (consumer) of the public education system.
@warp10 said... Tracking all driver habits will be the new normal soon. Car insurance tracking devices like Progressive, General Motors OnStar system all record your driving habits and can share them with your insurance company. In return you can get a discont on the rates. All modern cars have "Black" boxes as well in the computer system.
Ahh yes, the wanna be drag racers and motorcycle races raving their motors and blasting through neighborhoods with no consideration for their neighbors, or pedestrians. Maybe we should get the State Police to patrol, they'r the only ones who see willing to pull anyone over any more
What is your suggestion for an alternative to the current fine/ticket system? Jail people for a day or two, like they used to do decades ago? I think that would be good.
Other suggestions:
Speed governors in cars, ideally tied into GPS; will not allow a driver to go more than 10mph over the limit. Ban artificial engine and backfiring noises that some cars emit, with an exception for hybrids / electric vehicles that need to emit some noise to warn pedestrians of their presence. Better enforcement of vehicle inspection stations that don't do or fudge safety inspections. Boot the wheels of aggressive drivers after 2 or 3 infractions, don't wait till they rack up hundreds in fines. Suspend license for a month.
@Anon "Tracking all driver habits will be the new normal soon."
Yep, I used Progressive's 'SnapShot' device for around five months and received a 3% discount. I wonder why it's not a permanent thing, could allow them to give deeper discounts to safer drivers and cancel policies for bad drivers.
These temporary tracking devices have been around for years, I haven't heard of any momentum towards stricter monitoring.
I hate the idea of any tracking devices. But honestly I'd imagine if they were mandatory for at least high risk drivers, people like this wouldn't be on the road. These are dispicable people ruining any quality of life we have left.
@Anon "How about enforcing existing laws and letting the police do their job?"
Oh no, not another "let the police do their job" post. What does that even mean? DAs have said they won't prosecute under the diaphragm law unless it's egregious. So, what exactly is preventing the $5+ billion NYPD from enforcing traffic laws?
The low-standards NYPD seems to attract the type of people who drive like "ZWEET", or are friends or family with someone who does. Maybe that has something to do with it. They, and many others, see car crashes as inevitable "accidents" and not avoidable negligence.
Despite decades of police enforcement of motor vehicle violations, those behaviors are still common and 35,000+ still die every year in or because of vehicle collisions. We tried letting "police do their jobs", but it's not good enough.
I have seen dozens of cars that do that in Ozone Park and Richmond Hill, it is definitely done intentionally and it freaks people out. Saw a family with a kid in a stroller and she immediately started crying.
Cops aren't around though to stop it though.“
Richmond Hill resident here. I know cops aren’t around to stop these things but it’s often the same cars traveling the same routes, night after night. The cars don’t suddenly get quiet as they pass a cop. So these loud mufflers that can be heard for blocks (at least) never get within earshot of any officer? I’ve always wondered how this is possible.
Wonder how many people here did the same thing 30-50 years ago on Flatlands, Franny Lew, and Laurel Hill Blvd...it all comes full circle the only thing that changes are the cars and the people driving them
Oh no, not another "let the police do their job" post. What does that even mean? DAs have said they won't prosecute under the diaphragm law unless it's egregious. So, what exactly is preventing the $5+ billion NYPD from enforcing traffic laws?
Look commie, speeding is going to DMV! First. What is preventing?
Comrade DeBozo, who is stopping the police from enforcing the laws. Most of them.
Now if you want to be chipped in your new world order commie paradise, shall we call it techno-fascist society - is your choice. However you still not thinking. Spewing stupid cliches. So for your 3% Snapshot service what exactly are you giving up? How much the data you generating is being sold for to various interests?
In the day, we sweat it out on the streets Of a runaway American dream At night, we ride through mansions of glory In suicide machines Sprung from cages out on Highway 9 Chrome wheeled, fuel injected and steppin' out over the line Oh, baby this town rips the bones from your back It's a death trap, it's a suicide rap We gotta get out while we're young `Cause tramps like us, baby we were born to run The Boss
@Remember the guy years ago who laid an oil slick on Franny Lew to stop drag racing?
Yes, actually saw the aftermath and was tragic. I did not think then (or now) the guy had the right solution for his problem. Also the kid was an ADA's son or something. Very tragic indeed.
This is terrible and it's going on almost every day & night with many other cars and motorcycles. I think they best way to stop them is more speed cameras and speed bumps.
The Clearview and Cross Island are terrible too.
Queens Crap Troll Hunter said...
Mostly peaceful speeding just don't cross the street while they are driving.
This is why Voting matters America ! #MAGA2020
Stay in your homes New Yorkers it's not safe outside !
DeBozo and Cummmomo gave you what you voted for now deal with it...
Did you get so scared you crapped your pants and dropped the phone? All you have to do is the speed limit in front of him. The other guy should never have moved.
That’s his right to drive like that. He knows he won’t get pulled over anymore. This is the NY people voted for.
Get used to it New Yorker's or call a social worker!
Vibrant! Diverse!
These comments are nuts, can't tell who's a cop and who's a Russian bot.
Have no idea what "This is the NY people voted for" means in terms of assholes who speed their small penis cars. Hopefully he'll hit a nice light pole at speed and win a Darwin award.
Very obnoxious, I live close to a busy road and hear those loud exhaust pops all the time. Need an outright ban and make them fail inspections.
So sexist, how do we know a guy is driving that car? And stop complaining, this is what you voted for!
@I think they best way to stop them is more speed cameras and speed bumps.
The problem here is you don't think. You have an opinion. If cameras and bumps worked we would not have this type of reckless behavior. We all know speed bumps are a joke and cameras only generate revenue. How about the police doing their jobs? Like big tickets, points and suspending the license at the DMV (rigged anyway)?
Goes for the bikers also. Running stop signs, riding on sidewalks, no lights at night, no reflective clothing, etc. Or riding a golf cart on a public road. What is happening here?
Yeah, Agenda whatever will have electric smart cars, bluetooth, smart streetlights and the whole shebang will be monitored and fines will follow. No need for cops. Pensions are expensive!
Of course with the due process circumvented, just like with the cameras. Where some no name corporation big donor to the political campaign is getting the money from the fines with some percentage going to the city.
Don't worry! Elect CoJo and Creepy Joe and the 'Ho and everything will be fine!
Ok how about living on the Maspeth Plateau and all you hear are the drag racing cars through the neighborhood. You hear those people racing their engines at the lights by the LIE service roads as they race down to another light. Do it all again.
You hear them riding through the neighborhood blocks and this goes on nightly.
Maurice Ave got speed bumps and that does not stop the roar.
Racing cars and sirens of police are the Plateau lullaby
@Anon "The problem here is you don't think" DOT Statistics prove they work.
People Killed or Seriously Injured have fallen by an average of 65%.
Speed cameras, speed bumps, and plate recognition all work to control traffic !
Prove me wrong ! Back it up bud or shut your pie hole.
All here to stay:
Red light enforcement
Speed limit enforcement
Stop sign enforcement
Number plate recognition systems
Bus lane enforcement
"no reflective clothing" Ha Ha you hate speed cameras but want to tell people what clothing to use when riding a bike.
Lately I notice fast cars backfiring with a series of loud pops sounding almost like gun shots.Does anyone know if that is intentional and can the mufflers be bought like that? How do they pass inspection?
Anon re: backfiring
I have seen dozens of cars that do that in Ozone Park and Richmond Hill, it is definitely done intentionally and it freaks people out. Saw a family with a kid in a stroller and she immediately started crying.
Cops aren't around though to stop it though.
Re: Anon "Stop sign enforcement"
I've never seen a camera at an intersection controlled by stop signs, only red light and speed cameras. It would be great to add stop sign cameras to the list.
Regarding speed bumps, the "humps" that NYC uses are pretty weak, probably to avoid liability and prevent damaging emergency vehicles. There are bumps that are less wide that could do real damage to speeding vehicles if they really wanted to put an end to this behavior.
The "ShotSpotter" system NYPD uses sometimes confuses the backfiring for gunshots, they could probably use that data to determine where these modified vehicles are located.
@All here to stay:
EZPass - tracking and revenue generating scam. bridges were paid for long time ago.
Red light enforcement - revenue generating scam, only ticket.
Speed limit enforcement - revenue generating scam. only ticket.
Stop sign enforcement - where and by whom? cameras?
Number plate recognition systems - tracking system, nothing to do with reckless drivers.
Bus lane enforcement - revenue generating system.
Seems is hard for you to think on your own.
You must be a proud product (consumer) of the public education system.
@warp10 said...
Tracking all driver habits will be the new normal soon.
Car insurance tracking devices like Progressive, General Motors OnStar system all record your driving habits and can share them with your insurance company. In return you can get a discont on the rates. All modern cars have "Black" boxes as well in the computer system.
Ahh yes, the wanna be drag racers and motorcycle races raving their motors and blasting through neighborhoods with no consideration for their neighbors, or pedestrians. Maybe we should get the State Police to patrol, they'r the only ones who see willing to pull anyone over any more
@Anon Re: "revenue generating scams"
What is your suggestion for an alternative to the current fine/ticket system?
Jail people for a day or two, like they used to do decades ago? I think that would be good.
Other suggestions:
Speed governors in cars, ideally tied into GPS; will not allow a driver to go more than 10mph over the limit.
Ban artificial engine and backfiring noises that some cars emit, with an exception for hybrids / electric vehicles that need to emit some noise to warn pedestrians of their presence.
Better enforcement of vehicle inspection stations that don't do or fudge safety inspections.
Boot the wheels of aggressive drivers after 2 or 3 infractions, don't wait till they rack up hundreds in fines. Suspend license for a month.
How about enforcing existing laws and letting the police do their job?
Does that work?
@Anon "Tracking all driver habits will be the new normal soon."
Yep, I used Progressive's 'SnapShot' device for around five months and received a 3% discount. I wonder why it's not a permanent thing, could allow them to give deeper discounts to safer drivers and cancel policies for bad drivers.
These temporary tracking devices have been around for years, I haven't heard of any momentum towards stricter monitoring.
I hate the idea of any tracking devices. But honestly I'd imagine if they were mandatory for at least high risk drivers, people like this wouldn't be on the road. These are dispicable people ruining any quality of life we have left.
A device/App that only allows 911 calls on the drivers phone while the car is moving. Too many distracted drivers.
@Anon "How about enforcing existing laws and letting the police do their job?"
Oh no, not another "let the police do their job" post. What does that even mean? DAs have said they won't prosecute under the diaphragm law unless it's egregious. So, what exactly is preventing the $5+ billion NYPD from enforcing traffic laws?
The low-standards NYPD seems to attract the type of people who drive like "ZWEET", or are friends or family with someone who does. Maybe that has something to do with it. They, and many others, see car crashes as inevitable "accidents" and not avoidable negligence.
Despite decades of police enforcement of motor vehicle violations, those behaviors are still common and 35,000+ still die every year in or because of vehicle collisions. We tried letting "police do their jobs", but it's not good enough.
“Anon re: backfiring
I have seen dozens of cars that do that in Ozone Park and Richmond Hill, it is definitely done intentionally and it freaks people out. Saw a family with a kid in a stroller and she immediately started crying.
Cops aren't around though to stop it though.“
Richmond Hill resident here. I know cops aren’t around to stop these things but it’s often the same cars traveling the same routes, night after night. The cars don’t suddenly get quiet as they pass a cop. So these loud mufflers that can be heard for blocks (at least) never get within earshot of any officer? I’ve always wondered how this is possible.
A loud, speeding car. This reminds me of every day, everywhere in NYC.
Wonder how many people here did the same thing 30-50 years ago on Flatlands, Franny Lew, and Laurel Hill Blvd...it all comes full circle the only thing that changes are the cars and the people driving them
Oh no, not another "let the police do their job" post. What does that even mean? DAs have said they won't prosecute under the diaphragm law unless it's egregious. So, what exactly is preventing the $5+ billion NYPD from enforcing traffic laws?
Look commie, speeding is going to DMV! First. What is preventing?
Comrade DeBozo, who is stopping the police from enforcing the laws. Most of them.
Now if you want to be chipped in your new world order commie paradise, shall we call it techno-fascist society - is your choice. However you still not thinking. Spewing stupid cliches. So for your 3% Snapshot service what exactly are you giving up? How much the data you generating is being sold for to various interests?
In the day, we sweat it out on the streets
Of a runaway American dream
At night, we ride through mansions of glory
In suicide machines
Sprung from cages out on Highway 9
Chrome wheeled, fuel injected and steppin' out over the line
Oh, baby this town rips the bones from your back
It's a death trap, it's a suicide rap
We gotta get out while we're young
`Cause tramps like us, baby we were born to run
The Boss
Here warp10 - how can the police enforce the laws when the scumbag politicians gaslight the cops?
Remember the guy years ago who laid an oil slick on Franny Lew to stop drag racing?
@Remember the guy years ago who laid an oil slick on Franny Lew to stop drag racing?
Yes, actually saw the aftermath and was tragic. I did not think then (or now) the guy had the right solution for his problem. Also the kid was an ADA's son or something. Very tragic indeed.
@warp10 You make good points but lay of the attacks.
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