Sunday, April 12, 2020

Welcome to Disasterland

@real Donald Trump

Impunity City


Anonymous said...

The biggest disaster is yet to come.
Trump placed his China trade deal, the stock market and banks first over his own peoples lives. This is sure to seat Cuomo II as president and possibly deBlasio as governor.
Its just a matter of time before even the stupid voters figure what Trump did.
Lots of black and Hispanic people with large voting family's dead

I voted for Trump but he really f_ucked up in a big way.
This asshole put his Chinese trade deal and Wall street's safety first and that's NOT ACCECTABLE !!!

Anonymous said...

Still haven't won the war on drugs..

Anonymous said...

Keep them comming Meatheads ! #ORANGEMANBAD

Anonymous said...

Captain Kirk - Spock Tell me about these 2020 Democrats...

Spock - Captain 2020 Democrats are an illogical group of self-absorbed, under-educated (or maybe over-indoctrinated) people who think everyone else should think like them. They Haven't been this enraged since President Lincoln freed their slaves...

Anonymous said...

"The most frightening words in the English language:
'I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.' "
-Ronald Reagan

Anonymous said...

“The president has been very helpful, the (USNS) Comfort has been very helpful. The Javits Center, 2,500 beds…the Army Corps of Engineers did a phenomenal job. It was like in one week, they came into the Javits Center, built an entire field hospital and they’re staffing it.” – Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York

Anonymous said...

On Friday, California Governor Gavin Newsom praised President Trump’s efforts to help his state during the COVID-19 crisis. While Pelosi and the Demorats are attempting to use the coronavirus pandemic as a way to spend MORE money on programs unrelated to the virus

Anonymous said...

All the money stolen by the dems should be taken back and given to the poor.

Snake Plissskin said...

No one says Trump is an angel, and if you ask most of his supporters even their eyes go back and they chuckle when his name is mentioned. But he was elected not because what he is, but what he can stop.

The cause of this goes a lot farther back than 3 years, a time that when you look at Washington, the Democratic Party basically shut down the country over Trump because they did not agree with the American people's choice. Makes sense as there are broad swaths of the country's citizens they breezily ignore because they place the interests of Party over that of Nation and those 'deplorable' don't fit that model.

The roots of this stem from 2 sources:

1. the efforts of the Democrats to rebuild their vanishing base by reinventing their Golden Days back in the 19th century - undocumented riff raff (don't go off the rails, that would be a description of my grandparents) which introduced the conditions that mirrored the 19th century including plagues like this.

2. wasteful extravagance of vacations all around the globe. Not only is this not sustainable (as environmentalists are just waking up to the extreme damage from frivolous air travel) but as any seasoned traveler knows, you go slumming you can bring the slum home.

These epidemics will be a permanent part of our future unless we change our habits - close the borders to a trickle of human traffic and cut down on air travel to a small tier of tourists, and commodities that cannot be made domestically.

Every excuse can and will be offered that these are untenable. Then accept that other end of the scale has a regular series of epidemics. Man proposes, God disposes. Your call people.

Anonymous said...

How do you know Trump is lying? When his mouth moves.

Anonymous said...

US companies are leaving china. Look it up folks. #TRUMP2020
Trump should endorse Biden, then the Leftist smear media would do everything to prove Trump wrong !

Anonymous said...

A zombie-democrat clown said:

"The biggest disaster is yet to come."

No, it's not. The hysteria your kind fomented has been shown to be a bunch of bullshit. The fatalities from this "end of the world" virus are not even matching the Seasonal Flu fatalities around the world:
Seasonal Flu kills 290,000-650,000 individuals every single year.
Nobody says a thing about that. Nobody closes the world economy about it.
But people like you crapping their Pampers think it's the end of the world.

Il Pagliacci then said:

"Trump placed his China trade deal, the stock market and banks first over his own peoples lives. This is sure to seat Cuomo II as president and possibly deBlasio as governor."

No, Trump's China trade was the first time any President actually held China accountable for its malfeasance, lies and manipulation of the World Trade Organization. Now he's holding them accountable by correctly naming the source of the Covid-19 virus; Chi-na. This despite the Chinese communists telling the world that American soldiers brought it there and using their hand puppet, the World Health Organization to argue against the Chinese Travel ban.
Remember, dem-zombies like you were calling Trump "racist" and "xenophobe" while he shut down travel from China in January. The hapless Biden, your candidate for President, agrued AGAINST a travel ban.
As far as Cuomo as President, don't make me laugh. He couldn't even manage his own ventilator numbers. He's presided over the largest mass exodus of middle class in our history. He's taxed and regulated us into a socialist welfare state, which has been exposed by this virus. He's failed to grow industry in a once prosperous state. He's divided the state telling Americans of opposing views that they "don't belong in NY", while welcoming illegal aliens from other sovereign nations against our own federal laws....yeah, he'll play well in the rest of America. Hahaha.

She further beclowned herself by stating:

"Its just a matter of time before even the stupid voters figure what Trump did.
Lots of black and Hispanic people with large voting family's dead"

The preponderance of evidence suggests that the "stupid" region of the intelligence curve lies largely within the Democrat party. Remember, it's your party that told us that this was the virus that would decimate the population, that "millions would die". But then they kept revising the numbers down. The numbers have been downgraded something like 4 times now. But you still don't understand what President Trump was saying from the start; this thing will disappear like the Flu.
And it's been doing just that, with less numbers of dead than the Flu.

Face facts, you crapped your pampers and fell for the World Health Organization (an arm of the Chinese communist party) telling you that the sky was falling.
But it didn't, and stupid is as stupid does.

Queens Crap Readers Pro Tip: buy stock in Pampers next time the liberals start crapping their pants en masse.

Harry Haller

Anonymous said...

trump's incompetence, lack of knowledge, narcissism and surrounding himself with even more incompetent people and yes people, are all reasons for the way this pandemic was handled, not too mention how he downplayed it in the beginning and to this day still includes non-facts and ignores people like Dr. Fauci, the actual expert and highly respected.

While banning people from China was fine (even though patient zero was an America visiting China), people from ALL countries should have been banned. He acted so slowly on everything and he should have advised all states to act at the same time, not this everyone do what they want (I mean there are still a few states with no social distancing). He was briefed last year on what was happening in China and of course just ignored it and did nothing. His daily press briefings eventually devolve into mini political rallies, where he makes up stuff, berates journalist who actually ask pretty simple questions and then starts on his "political enemies". He NEVER ONCE in his presidency said that he takes responsibility for mistakes, but then this is the donny show, where he is always right and he is the "expert". He lacks leadership that Cuomo has shown day in and day out.

But then what do you expect from a failed business man, con artist and the master mind behind the fake university, trump university. A crisis shows what people are made of and the emperor has no clothes.

Disasterland is correct Crapper.

To the one comment, Cuomo has shown true leadership during this time (not that I agree with him on many things) and I see him down the road gunning for the presidency, but deBlasio has proven just like trump that he is NOT a leader at all. Just as I cringe when trump comes on and speaks, the same with deBlasio, who appears all flustered and also doesn't not tell the whole truth. After his term, I don't think he will advance anywhere. He has been disasterland for NYC.

Anonymous said...

@JJQ LSD - I read your full propaganda and projection post on your site ! You left out "What a fucking imbecile." here on Queens Crap ? Why ? The Democrat Party has been corrupted by social Marxism and China. Democrats used to fight for the rights of blue collar workers, but now, they prefer to fight for ilegal aliens, afirmative actions, china's interests, and the destruction of America. And so do you by posting your shite.

JQ LLC said...

@Anon re: LSD

I don't support the Democrat party at all.

I stand by my criticism of and why the fuck not, my projection towards the president. That tweet speaks for itself and himself.

Remember, he said that the nation would be open again by Easter and then the day arrives and this is what he declares, a nationwide disaster. Why would anyone boast about something like that?


Anonymous said...

In a very good mood today, despite being lied to despite the gas lighting and manipulation being used on me by the Demorat controlled Lamestream Media! I'm still blessed with hope!

Anonymous said...

Someone losing IQ points faster than the spread of coronavirus said:

"trump's incompetence, lack of knowledge, narcissism and surrounding himself with even more incompetent people and yes people, are all reasons for the way this pandemic was handled, not too mention how he downplayed it in the beginning and to this day still includes non-facts and ignores people like Dr. Fauci, the actual expert and highly respecte"

Trump enacts China travel ban: January 31st, 2020
Trump enacts travel restrictions from another hot spot, Iran, in Feb.
Trump enacted mandatory screening on travelers from Italy and S. Korea
Trump signs off on 8 BILLION to fight spread of coronavirus
Trump orders development of vaccine in conjunction with private companies
Trump starts economic assistance packages for small businesses

meanwhile, back at the World Health Organization:

World Health Organization condemns Trump ban: February 3rd, 2020;

But despite, Democrats continuing with their impeachment hoax, dividing our nation and their Presidential candidate, Biden stating: "“This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering,”

Trump continued to act to the media and Democrat stoked panic by explaining, rightfully so, that this virus would pass like the Flu (which it's been doing, but with less deaths than the seasonal Flu).


World Health Organization finally declares Pandemic on March 11th, 2020:

Sounds to me like President Trump was initiating proactive measures including travel bans and federal disaster funding while democrats were calling him racist, saying he was wrong for enacting travel bans and all while the idiots at the World Health Organization (which democrats love) were confusing the public with calls for no travel restrictions then for "millions of deaths".

Harry Haller

...Covid-Crazies analysis continues on next post....

Anonymous said...

Some Covid-Crazy said:

"While banning people from China was fine (even though patient zero was an America visiting China), people from ALL countries should have been banned. He acted so slowly on everything and he should have advised all states to act at the same time, not this everyone do what they want (I mean there are still a few states with no social distancing). He was briefed last year on what was happening in China and of course just ignored it and did nothing. His daily press briefings eventually devolve into mini political rallies, where he makes up stuff, berates journalist who actually ask pretty simple questions and then starts on his "political enemies". He NEVER ONCE in his presidency said that he takes responsibility for mistakes, but then this is the donny show, where he is always right and he is the "expert". He lacks leadership that Cuomo has shown day in and day out."

Meanwhile back in reality, Trump enacted federal relief funds orders, travel bans on China and Iran. Travel screening from Italy and S. Korea, he started deregulating the FDA process for vaccines, ordered the acceleration of vaccine development through assistance with the private sector and tried to calm the nation against the Democrats-crapping-their-pants hysteria.

All while the Democrats had been busy discrediting this man's Presidency since before his election (anyone keeping tabs on the Durham probe? much more on that later, after this hysteria)
-democrats divided this nation by attempting to undo a Presidential election
-they attempted to tell us all there was evidence of "collusion" with Russia (found out to be complete bullshit)
-they then attempted to tell us all there was "collusion" against Ukraine and against another candidate (Biden). That turned out to be bullshit again, when everyone say the video of Biden committing real extortion against Ukraine on behalf of his son's company.
-At every turn the Democrats and their media toadies undermined this President, and NOW they want to say he didn't do enough....despite the evidence I've given you and which is clearly available to all.

Now they want to blame President Trump without even mentioning the Chinese Communists who hid information from the US, expelled journalists, said our American soldiers were to blame and delayed action through their proxy, the World Health Organization!

GTFO; you clearly have a political agenda which puts your own party interests ahead of AMERICAN interests. In fact, you are simply parroting Chinese Communist talking points...that makes you part of the problem.

Try getting a clue and some perspective before spewing your nonsense here.

Harry Haller

ps LOL at "Snake Plisskin"...I wish, I'd thought of that one myself.
Democrats have turned our great city into "Escape From New York".

Anonymous said...

Never bet against Trump. You'll lose.

Anonymous said...

"The most frightening words in the English language:
'I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.' "
-Ronald Reagan

I guess you don’t want FEMA or the National Guards assistance if you were in trouble?

Reagan also traded arms for hostages and was a rat. He got a lot of Hollywood writers in trouble by being a rat.

Anonymous said...

Snake Plissskin
The Spanish flu didn’t have International trade and flights at today’s level. Pandemic has nothing to do with immigration but first the encroachment of humans onto wildlife habitats. That’s what scientists have been saying that study pandemics and also have been in the frontlines.

The swine flu of 2009 had its first case in the US but according to one research paper, it came from Mexico. There are Coronaviruses that cause the cold.

Even if the US were to isolate itself doesn’t mean we can’t have swine or bird flu jump to humans like the Coronavirus which did and was able to be harmful. The bat woman of China noted for her expertise on viruses in bats found in one case a village in China somewhat near a bat cave and found virus or viruses of those found in the nearby bats. But these villagers didn’t seem to die of suffer from being infected.

Anonymous said...

Harry Haller, you obviously of no understanding of basic math. There’s a discussion forum where one poster in an ER doctor in NYC.

He pointed out the flu doesn’t cause near as much people going into the hospital for treatment as COVID19. But people like you keep saying how many deaths are attributed to the influenza is far greater than COVID19. What part of this is irrelevant to what this virus has done in Wuhan, Italy, Spain, France, and the US has taken over as the epicenter and fir the US, it’s Queens and Brooklyn?!

Even NHK, the Japanese government tv channel discussed Tokyo was already in an Emergency situation as the hospital beds were already maxed out.

Trump called it a Democratic hoax. He lied about reading a memo about the severity of the virus and daily lied and backpedaled about what he is or has not been doing. He’s a joke.

Even DeBlasio didn’t get it and went on social media asking people to go out to their favorite bar. Cuomo was also late but at least he appears to have risen to the occasion.

Deniers like you point to Taiwan as not locking down and has contained the virus but they did it with early intervention but in the US and Europe, it’s too late.

Now we all have to suffer the consequence of having a lockdown or our medical system can’t keep up. It’s that simple.

I have friends that have lost their jobs, potentially their business, been furloughed so not sure if they get paid or how long.

It’s not just Europeans, Asians and Americans that cringe when Trump gets on tv, but look at how many people on discussion forums don’t post as Trump supporters only the crazy diehards no different than the Bernie bros that refuse to face reality.

You do know what intubate means right?

Anonymous said...

HARRY HALLER: No, it's not. The hysteria your kind fomented has been shown to be a bunch of bullshit. The fatalities from this "end of the world" virus are not even matching the Seasonal Flu fatalities around the world:
Seasonal Flu kills 290,000-650,000 individuals every single year.
Nobody says a thing about that. Nobody closes the world economy about it.


The old flu stats routine. AGAIN, we are at the beginning of this. More importantly humans do not have immunity built up like the seasonal flu nor a vaccine yet. Which makes COVID_19 more dangerous and more contagious, hence the number of people all at once going into the hospitals, the seasonal flu does not cause this rush.

But it won't matter to nimrod HH and his idiot followers, they all live in trumps anus, where trump's brain also lives.

Now drumroll for "I have never had sex" HH and his witty comebacks. What a toad and remember that in the privacy of your home. What a sad sack.......and angry.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Harry HHHHHHH !

Anonymous said...

Snake Plissskin
The Spanish flu didn’t have International trade and flights at today’s level. Pandemic has nothing to do with immigration but first the encroachment of humans onto wildlife habitats.

(sigh) Must be a hipster writing this as history was never taught to them, only the Party Orthodoxy that starts about 1990. The Eternal Spring of the Spotless Mind, eh?

You should check the world before the Party defined it for you. Read up on WWI and give us a number of wounded, killed, and displaced - and then triple those numbers to give yourself an idea how much it would be in today's numbers.

And do yourself a big favor, it you want to talk about the Big Bad World read something besides the Party Clap Trap they give you. The old gods are dead.

The Real World is a Big Bad Place. You are about to come crashing down on rock so hard it will make your teeth rattle. You will find reality a cold unforgiving b*tch.

Your buddy, Snake

Anonymous said...

Another covid-crazy-coronavirus-comrade said:

"He pointed out the flu doesn’t cause near as much people going into the hospital for treatment as COVID19. But people like you keep saying how many deaths are attributed to the influenza is far greater than COVID19."

And yet, what motivates human nature for the most part is death, and the fear of it. It's been like that since the first man. What we're talking about now, in retrospect, is the unprecedented panic and hysteria that has to be accounted for.

We all know how our meager hospitals in Queens were overrun by patients in respiratory distress. We've all been here discussing it day by day.
In the end, we didn't need all the ventilators required, because the virus was oversold from the start. Remember; "2.2 Million Americans will die"
As far as our hospitals in NYC, that's a tale of Democrat mismanagement written large.
You read the articles posted here on Queens Crap no? St. John's Hospital, Mary Immaculate Hospital, Peninsula Hospital...all closed down by this city and it's administrators while they spent BILLIONS on ensuring the rights of illegal aliens from other sovereign nations, AGAINST the rights of Americans....but they didn't give a shit about the hospital capacity when there were MS-13 members to coddle and shield from our law enforcement officers. They were too busy squandering our tax dollars.
Here's a question which is both probing and educational;
Why did half the deaths from this occur (notwithstanding the fact that nobody dies of heart attack or cancer in this city anymore)in NYC, while Texas has 30 Million Americans and only 287 deaths?

Then the disgruntled democrat says:
"Trump called it a Democratic hoax. He lied about reading a memo about the severity of the virus and daily lied and backpedaled about what he is or has not been doing. He’s a joke."

We're really gonna go there? Ok, so what the President actually called a hoax, was the Democrat response to his handling of the Coronavirus hysteria. And he was exactly right from looking at how they've now pivoted from hysteria that "millions would die" to the predicted; Trump is responsible and China did everything right bullshit hoax. Just as Trump said would happen.

The Deblasio voter then says:
"It’s not just Europeans, Asians and Americans that cringe when Trump gets on tv, but look at how many people on discussion forums don’t post as Trump supporters only the crazy diehards no different than the Bernie bros that refuse to face reality."

And yet, President Trump's national approval ratings are up: I guess you don't speak for the nation, do you, but you sure are concerned about how foreigners like China, Iran and Russia see us, no? LOL, very revealing!

Finally, the angry lady says:
"You do know what intubate means right? "

...oh yeah, intubate, doesn't that have something to do with putting an air tube down the patient's trachea in order to allow them to breath properly...gee, could that be an adjunct to the famous ventilator machines which Governor Cuomo was yelling about? He said we needed 40,000 ventilators when in fact, he had thousands to spare in a NJ warehouse, and now the states are sending their overstock of ventilators back to the national stock pile.

Bottom participated and were part of a mass hysteria, the likes of which modern times have not seen. You are to blame for it, along with your toady media. The rest of America is beginning to see the truth.

Coronavirus deaths : 23,500- the entire US economy is shut down at a cost of TRILLIONS.
Seasonal Flu deaths in the US 2014-15: 51,000 *CDC number
...and nobody goes ape-shit about it, even though the Flu kills children and Covid-19 affects children minimally. let's see if you can do the math.

Harry Haller

Anonymous said...

the entire US economy is shut down at a cost of TRILLIONS.
Awww, are to many bankers, real estate and Wall street speculators loosing money?
Let them croak and cry Boohoo
I think its all good because this virus leveled the playing field.
For the first time since 1950 the average working stiff is equal.
All the crooked monopoly's like Disney are going down.
Think of the possibility's for the underdogs when all the big gorillas are killed off.
For the first time since 1950 the average schmuck may be able to rent afford) a storefront and start an good old honest family buisness

Anonymous said...

@ Harry H a must see movie free on Youtube !

Anonymous said...

From this a "New" Joseph Raymond McCarthy will rise and wash away the Marxist once again !

Anonymous said...

"Let them croak and cry Boohoo" You sick fuck !

"For the first time since 1950 the average working stiff is equal."

LOL. The capitalism we have now is nothing like we had in the 50s and 60s. Pelosi and the Clintons were the architects for the neoliberalism.

Anonymous said...

A Deblasio voter said:

"The old flu stats routine. AGAIN, we are at the beginning of this. More importantly humans do not have immunity built up like the seasonal flu nor a vaccine yet. Which makes COVID_19 more dangerous and more contagious, hence the number of people all at once going into the hospitals, the seasonal flu does not cause this rush.", the main problem with this entire Covid-19 crisis is that hospitals are overrun? But, but you first said the problem was that 2.2 million would die?
Now it's all about hospital patients crowding the ER.
Maybe, the idiots you voted for here in NY shouldn't have closed three hospitals in Queens alone, while advocating for sanctuary city status where "everyone is welcome, regardless of ability to house themselves properly or what diseases they may bring". Maybe liberal/democrat policies that crowd cities into third world hell holes don't lend themselves well to viral hysteria.
Newsflash; immunity comes with the spread of the covid-19 virus through the population, as it's already done. The, "second wave" of this virus will therefore be weaker than the first because of herd immunity. When most of the population has already been exposed, the ability to spread from person to person is diminished, like chickenpox. So, the "we are at the beginning of this" is bullshit, when the virus has already proven to be much less lethal than originally predicted. That's why the UK government downgraded its severity:

Then this Marxist with a degree in Social Justice or Women's Studies said:

"Awww, are to many bankers, real estate and Wall street speculators loosing money?
Let them croak and cry Boohoo
I think its all good because this virus leveled the playing field.
For the first time since 1950 the average working stiff is equal.
All the crooked monopoly's like Disney are going down."

No, it's actually about the average middle class family depleting the funds they were saving for a new home, because Democrats crapped their pants over a virus that kills less people than the Seasonal Flu.
You caused a hysteria, aided by the toady media, your desire to bring down President Trump and abetted by the Chinese Communist led World Health Organization.
Now you want to push it off on our free market system.
If you didn't know it before, I'll educate you now; the average "poor" American lives better than the average European: take the working class hero bullshit back to the community college remedial learner classes.

...oh, and Mickey Mouse called and said to "shove it"!

Snoochie Boochies,
Harry Haller

Anonymous said...

Another Major Fake Hate Hoax EXPOSED
Trump Plays Epic Clip of Media Hypocrisy at Press Conference, Media THROWS A FIT!

Anonymous said...

"Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes."
Idiot Far-Left Marxist Fools I Pray for you !

Anonymous said...

Trump is the Chinese finger trap for the Left.
They keep doing the same thing and looking stupid for it. They just cant stop.

Anonymous said...

This is what I elected him for. He stands up against the democratic news machine, against our national enemies, against the systems that tells the conservative left they should just sit down and shut up.

Jon said...

Harry Haller, I work at a hospital. This is not mass hysteria. We are on track to have at least twice as many deaths than the flu if we are lucky. I don't know how to convince you that this is really as bad as it is. Maybe if you had feet on the ground you would see how exhausted everyone is just trying to keep people alive. Even when people don't die they are in the hospital for 4 weeks. This takes up beds and resources and then more people die.

It is one thing to think Trump has done a fine job...fine have that opinion. But to say this is mass hysteria is not correct.

Anonymous said...

As far back as late November, U.S. intelligence officials were warning that a contagion was sweeping through China’s Wuhan region, changing the patterns of life and business and posing a threat to the population, according to four sources briefed on the secret reporting.
Concerns about what is now known to be the novel coronavirus pandemic were detailed in a November intelligence report by the military's National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI), according to two officials familiar with the document’s contents.
The report was the result of analysis of wire and computer intercepts, coupled with satellite images. It raised alarms because an out-of-control disease would pose a serious threat to U.S. forces in Asia -- forces that depend on the NCMI’s work. And it paints a picture of an American government that could have ramped up mitigation and containment efforts far earlier to prepare for a crisis poised to come home.
"Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event," one of the sources said of the NCMI’s report. "It was then briefed multiple times to" the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon’s Joint Staff and the White House.

Anonymous said...

Dec 18th - House Impeaches Trump
Jan 8th - First CDC warning
Jan 9th - Trump campaign rally Jan 14th - Trump campaign rally
Jan 16h - House sends impeachment articles to Senate
Jan 18th - Trump golfs Jan 19th - Trump golfs
Jan 20th - first case of corona virus in the US, Washington State.
Jan 22nd - “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”
Jan 28th - Trump campaign rally Jan 30th - Trump campaign rally Feb 1st - Trump golfs
Feb 2nd - “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China."
Feb 5th - Senate votes to acquit. Then takes a five-day weekend.
Feb 10th - Trump campaign rally
Feb 12th - Dow Jones closes at an all time high of 29,551.42
Feb 15h - Trump golfs Feb 19th - Trump campaign rally
Feb 20th - Trump campaign rally Feb 21st - Trump campaign rally
Feb 24th - “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
Feb 25h - “CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.”
Feb 25h - “I think that's a problem that’s going to go away… They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine.”
Feb 26th - “The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”
Feb 26th - “We're going very substantially down, not up.” Also "This is a flu. This is like a flu"; "Now, you treat this like a flu"; "It's a little like the regular flu that we have flu shots for. And we'll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner."
February 27: “One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
Feb 28th - “We're ordering a lot of supplies. We're ordering a lot of, uh, elements that frankly we wouldn't be ordering unless it was something like this. But we're ordering a lot of different elements of medical.”
Feb 28th - Trump campaign rally
March 2nd - “You take a solid flu vaccine, you don't think that could have an impact, or much of an impact, on corona?”
March 2nd - “A lot of things are happening, a lot of very exciting things are happening and they’re happening very rapidly.”
March 4: “If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better.”
March 5th - “I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work.”
March 5th - “The United States… has, as of now, only 129 cases… and 11 deaths. We are working very hard to keep these numbers as low as possible!”
March 6th - “I think we’re doing a really good job in this country at keeping it down… a tremendous job at keeping it down.”
March 6th - “Anybody right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. They’re there. And the tests are beautiful…. the tests are all perfect like the letter was perfect. The transcription was perfect. Right? This was not as perfect as that but pretty good.”
March 6th - “I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it… Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.”
March 6th - “I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn't our fault.”
March 7th - Trump golfs March 8th - Trump golfs
March 8th - “We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus.”
March 9th - “This blindsided the world.”
March 17th - “This is a pandemic,” Mr. Trump told reporters. “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

JQ LLC said...

What kind of person golfs during a burgeoning crisis? And also this much after rightly criticizing his predecessor for doing it every week?

A curmudgeonly insecure self-serving sociopath


JQ LLC said...

@Anon re: you tube

Those clips are gone.

Anonymous said...

Who golfs during a crisis? Why a Zen Master of course!

Running around gnashing ones teeth is counterproductive.

Anonymous said...

...just my opinion,
The cutting and pasting of entire sections from Leftist newspapers is cheap and lazy.
I actually take the time to write truth to keyboard on here.
To look at the thread and see an obvious "cut and paste" job from some Leftist online purveyor of bullshit is offensive to me and, I'm sure, to all others here who actually take the time to write original content.

Now, about Presidents playing golf.
Don't even go there.
We all saw how Obama played golf through all sorts of major disasters and crises, including playing golf while the ISIS Caliphate grew in Iraq and Syria, at the cost of American lives.
Better thank Trump for taking care of that disaster left by Obama, by the way. How quickly we forget that among the multitude of disasters Trump inherited, was an emboldened radical islamist caliphate in Iraq.
Don't hear about that much do you? Thanks to President Trump.

who said:
"I work at a hospital. This is not mass hysteria. We are on track to have at least twice as many deaths than the flu if we are lucky. I don't know how to convince you that this is really as bad as it is."

We are well aware of how bad things are in NYC. It is a crisis that has overwhelmed our hospitals. I've already said that.
The debate we keep having here is the severity of this Covid crisis in relation to the hysteria on a national level and the cost paid collectively for shutting down the entire world economy for a yet undetermined time.
We need to have this discussion because the price to pay for closing the economy, when we haven't done so for other health crises, is VERY, VERY high.

I get that hospitals are overwhelmed, but being overwhelmed does not dictate policy on the national level. What dictates policy in the past, present and future is the death toll on American lives. It's what took us out of Vietnam, defined the Civil War and alters the course of national policy on things like the Opioid crisis and Gun Rights legislation.
This "crisis" was sold to Americans as the greatest loss of life in American history.
Remember, "2.2 Million will die".
Then it didn't happen.
And don't tell me it's not over, we all understand the way viral epidemics work by now. I actually posted the basis of Farr's Law here for all to read about several times. It's the scientific blueprint for how viruses affect populations and it's playing out just like that again.
As it stands, this virus appears on track to cause less fatalities worldwide than both the Hong Kong Flu (H3N2) and the Swine Flu (H1N1).
So stop trying to recast the debate please.
This debate needs to happen because our nation cannot afford to let Democrat and Liberal hysteria dictate national policy.

Also, why is the New York death toll half the total death toll of the entire nation?
Texas has 30 Million individuals and is posting 318 total deaths compared to 10,800 in NY.
Something seems very off.

Harry Haller

Anonymous said...

"What kind of person golfs during a burgeoning crisis?"
Answer = A Healthy One !
Oh come on JQ , You damn well know he is just getting some needed exercise.

Should he go jogging, boxing, bowling what do you approve Dr. Crap ? Tell us please...
You might need a break from the #ORANGEMANBAD Parrot agenda it is not healthy for you.

Anonymous said...


The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.

Anonymous said...

sigh) Must be a hipster writing this as history was never taught to them, only the Party Orthodoxy that starts about 1990. The Eternal Spring of the Spotless Mind, eh?

You should check the world before the Party defined it for you. Read up on WWI and give us a number of wounded, killed, and displaced - and then triple those numbers to give yourself an idea how much it would be in today's numbers.

And do yourself a big favor, it you want to talk about the Big Bad World read something besides the Party Clap Trap they give you. The old gods are dead.

The Real World is a Big Bad Place. You are about to come crashing down on rock so hard it will make your teeth rattle. You will find reality a cold unforgiving b*tch.

Your buddy, Snake

You’re a neurotic kook and buffoon. What are you babbling about? What Party? You were around during World War 1?

You should check into Bellevue or stay on your meds.

Anonymous said...

"Let them croak and cry Boohoo"
Freedom fighters against orange bad man - the delusional Left !

Anonymous said...

Trump nuked the FAKE NEWS media from orbit in yesterday's press conference. It was EPIC. He played THEIR OWN VIDEO CLIPS of misinformation, and today they are calling their own clips "propaganda" Only Trump could get CNN and MSNBC to call THEIR OWN REPORTING propaganda. He's a stable genius!

JQ LLC said...

@Anon re: Healthy.

You know the president hardly walks when he plays right? The guy gets escorted on a cart all the time. And a building threat to our nation wasn't the time to play a game for 5 hours twice a week.

And I don't subscribe to the hashtag orange man bad phenomenon.

I think building a cult of personality around a person is less healthy for people's mental condition.

JQ LLC said...

a person's mental condition I meant

Anonymous said...

"Hardly walks when he plays right?" No not right !
Show me the proof ! Have you lost it ?
Or did you just make that shit up like CNN ? #FAKENEWS

Anonymous said...

Trump nuked the FAKE NEWS media from orbit in yesterday's press conference.

I was watching that on TV, the second Trump stepped out the way to play the clips all Big 3 CBS, NBC, ABC channels cut the conference back to local programming with news people commenting.
I had to scroll through 200 or so FIOS channels to find the rest of the live feed and missed 1/2 of the clips.
No doubt all the Network news is rigged

Anonymous said...

I'm a Democrat and I want to thank the media for turning Trump into the bad guy that I can't help but root for.

Anonymous said...

You’re a neurotic kook and buffoon. What are you babbling about? What Party? You were around during World War 1?
My mother almost died from the Flu epidemic in 1919. So yea, I was around.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Trump

Jon said...

Nuked the fake news?

That was laughable stupid. That was the type of response you expect from a child.

Trump played a greatest hits montage that an intern put together about why he was not to blame.

We have a crisis that needs a leader, not a baby that can't handle criticism.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Trump nuked the FAKE NEWS media from orbit in yesterday's press conference.

I was watching that on TV, the second Trump stepped out the way to play the clips all Big 3 CBS, NBC, ABC channels cut the conference back to local programming with news people commenting.

JQ LLC said...

@Anon re: Trump montage

It's disturbing that Trump would have a media agitprop turkey coop in the white house and run what was definitively a campaign ad during a internationally simulcast presser.

He also left out everything from February.

Goebbel, Goebbel, Goebbel.

Anonymous said...

Oh please Trump is in a room with a bunch of “reporters” pushing Chinese propaganda.

Trump fights back. That is his appeal.

Russia hoax, Mueller probe,Ukraine, Kavanaugh hearings, impeachment, and now the cheerleading for tanking the economy. All this BS to dunk on Trump. Yeah what a dick for fighting back.

Anonymous said...

Pull your tongues out of Trump’s anus.
His shit ain’t sorbet.
He’s in over his abilities.
Unless you’re rich he doesn’t care. You’ve been had in 2016.

Anonymous said...

In church by EASTER?
Another broken Trump promise! Yes....”let’s open up
America again” and reinfect the world.
Drumpfkoff Syphlis rotted brain!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the dumbing down of America.
College Educated Marxist Fools loyal to the Party !
The Demorats are eating their own and I love it !

Anonymous said...

Lucky for us Harry knows everything and is sharring it with us.

Anonymous said...


JQ LLC said...

@Anon re: piglosi

Nancy is a pig. A hedonistic one at that.

I know you are speaking in metaphors, but do your really want to call for anarchy?

Just sayin' because Google likes to censor things

Trump is no Mel Gibson

Anonymous said...

An ineffective pseudo leader in a crisis.
That’s the measure of a true leader....a man who rises to the occasion ....not a spoiled child seeking daddy’s approval🤮

Anonymous said...

JQ LLC "Google likes to censor things" The New World Order

Anonymous said...

JQ,I am speaking in metafores,I don't want anarchy in the streets like you say but it might be inevitable someday,Iv seen fist fights in the supermarket and others filling THIER pockets at riteaid,how long will that go on BEFORE the shit hits the fan. Anxiety is turning to anger.

Anonymous said...

NRA Man said ...

@JQ "Just sayin' because Google likes to censor things"
Google dose censor on the basis of political views. The ease with which the left lies is breathtaking. #FAKENEWS

Anonymous said...

"Trump is no Mel Gibson"
Sick shit JQ that should be censored.
Do you find that Funny ?

Anonymous said...

Demorats Let me get this straight on your beloved Schelosi the Head Demorat.
She invited eveyone to Chinatown when Trump closed the china route,
She gave taxpayers money to the elite arts while Americans are out of work,
She sits in her mansion showing all the DEPLORABLES how full her $25000 fridge is with gourmet icecream while they have no paycheck. She's blaming the PRESIDENT ?
Unbelievable. That is not right but many people here rant 24/7 #ORANGEMANBAD WOW !

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