NY Post
New York State nurses and other hospital workers are being exposed to “dangerous working conditions” amid the coronavirus pandemic because of “critical shortages” of personal protective gear, and they want “urgent action” from Gov. Andrew Cuomo to provide them with the equipment they need.
That’s the message in a blistering April 11 letter sent by the New York State Nurses Association’s director to Howard Zucker, the state health commissioner, obtained by The Post.
The letter contradicts comments made by Melissa de Rosa, secretary to Gov. Cuomo, at a press briefing last week, in which she said that hospitals were receiving stockpiled PPE equipment and that no health care facilities in the state would have to resort to “crisis conservation.”
That means the reusing of masks, hospital gowns and other equipment meant to guard against the spread of COVID-19.
“At this point most hospitals and nursing homes in the New York City metropolitan area, which is the national epicenter of the pandemic, continue to operate under ‘crisis conservation’ standards because they do not have enough PPE to distribute to our desperate staff,” wrote Patricia Kane, the executive director of the Nurses Association, the union which represents 42,000 frontline nurses in the state.
NY Post
Frazzled funeral home directors are complaining about the invasion of the municipal body snatchers.
At least two Queens funeral directors say the city’s red tape is making their grim backlog of bodies even worse, as remains are sent to Randall’s Island for storage with little or no notice — and retrieving them has become nearly impossible.
Omar Rodriguez was scheduled to pick up two bodies last week from Elmhurst Hospital, only to find out the night before they’d been packed into two mobile morgues and taken to Randall’s Island.
But once there, workers on the island told him the bodies needed to go back to the hospital before they could be released, he said.
“I spoke to everybody and their mothers about how to get the bodies but no one had an answer,” he told The Post. “I was going back-and-forth. I told them I’m here, release the bodies to me. Eight hours later they were released on Randall’s Island.”
Another monumental failure of the De Blasio "Team", thanks to the dumbasses who stayed home and made his re-election possible. ASSHOLES!
Red tape will kill ya
Many HHC Hospitals had Laundry done at a central Laundry in Brooklyn but the bean counters closed it. Using washable cloth gowns is better for the enviorment and there would have been no shortage.
I work in a Queens hospital and we have been fully stocked for at least a week or longer.
I am not sure if these are one off situations or if a particular hospital has not been able to get supplies to some units.
Good to know they're shuffling disease bodies by the tractor trailer loads aimlessly all over the city streets.
America awakening to understanding we have been hoodwinked! The COVID-19 Epidemic is largely concentrated in 'SANCTUARY CITIES"! Leftists are now covering their tracks with a large misinfo campaign. Claiming now it's racism that the EPIDEMIC is largely confined to sanctuary INNER CITIES !
FOOL! It’s passing cities and headed to inner AMERICA....Trumpville. NOBODY is safe. Kill that virus with your AR15!
Trump is literally gonna lose his angry ignorant base!
“Here lies a Donald J. Trump voter”.
The funeral INDUSTRY has been milking people at their worst time.....overcharging for their trade!
Our loved ones are in an urn!
This is a TRUE STORY!
You may choose to believe me or not but it is too good not to share it with you all.
Sharing an Uber ride....
a woman whose dad worked for Fred Trump shared an old tale with us fellow riders.
Young Donald Trump
walks into his dad’s office asking “Who the fuck are there people”!
(Referring to her dad and her). Donald Trumps dad picked up a stapler from his desk....threw it at Donny ,and hit him in the head with it!
God’s Gospel truth!
A chance drama in a NYC can!
What does that say about Mr. President?
Did Young Donald throw the stapler back at Papa Fred?
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