NY Post
Three livid bystanders heckled Mayor Bill de Blasio — demanding coronavirus tests and better healthcare — as he tried to speak to medical personnel outside Lincoln Hospital in The Bronx Wednesday.
“Yo, de Blasio; I need a test, de Blasio!,” shouted a young man from behind a fence outside Lincoln Hospital, about 40 feet from where the mayor was thanking members of the US Air Force, who were deployed to the public hospital to help treat coronavirus patients.
“I need a test brother. Some people right here need a test. Where they at? Seriously I see you addressing these people what about these homeless right here,” the man yelled, pointing to a crowd outside the hospital.
“All these people right here are sick. Ain’t nobody addressing them,” he screamed.
The group was furious about the dramatic shortage of tests in New York City, a problem plaguing communities across the country — and one that experts chalk up to a series of missteps made by federal officials during the early days of the pandemic.
He looks like General Patten giving the troops orders before battle
Where does America find such Leaders in its time of need? AMAZING
He should have Big Bird next to him to show He's Serious.
You dont die of covid in Da Bronx you die from muggings.
That's why he's not wearing a mask.
I live in NYC. The main blame goes on to Mayor De Blasio and Health Commission Oxiris Barbot. They downplayed worse than Trump, encouraging people to go outside and celebrate holidays like lunar new year.
Good read here, they are dying 5-10 per 1 family house in some cases and why:
Because the mayor invited these people (illegals) here to live 8+ per room under special protection.
Stupid jackass still don't understand poverty, notoriously overcrowded homes and government inaction left illegal & Hispanic residents especially vulnerable to the virus.
The city had no clue of the level of danger overcrowding was.
How can a mayor allow people living 12 per room in 8 hour shifts from Woodside to Flushing which happens to be the planets epicenter for this shit and its consequences. Then claim "Why are so many Hispanics croaking"
Response to "where do they find". Diblasio was found ,he was elected and reelected, shame shame nyc
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