Saturday, April 25, 2020

Escape from an Elmhurst adult care center


As the coronavirus races through nursing homes and assisted living facilities across the country, many desperate family members are finding themselves like Roland, unable to learn the truth about what is happening inside.

In story after story, the owners of beleaguered facilities — because of greed, incompetence or fear — have kept the reality of circumstances murky or misleading.

 Many state health departments nationwide are refusing to provide up-to-date, or in some cases any, facility-specific numbers on COVID-19 deaths or infections to the family members of residents, to journalists or even to local politicians. 

And in New York, which has just begun releasing some information, state officials are relying on nursing homes to accurately report deaths and infections.

As a result, family members and local officials are turning into detectives and activists, forming alliances to track down clues about what’s happening inside the homes and what, if anything, state health departments are doing about it.


Anonymous said...

God bless this family, and God bless all the residents there. I live a couple blocks away, and the place has been notorious in the neighborhood for at least the decade I have lived here. When the world was still “normal”- residents of this “care” center would dump out during the day and walk up and down Broadway all day, several planted outside the Duane Reade just left on their own to panhandle. One lady I would see all the time slumped over on the top step of the Elmhurst Ave train station.... last summer I actually called 911 and an ambulance came and got her because she was asking passerbys to help her stand up. She was filthy and wearing flip flops and a dirty diaper, and apparently left to wander the streets all day in 100 degree weather. I just walked by this place on Thursday afternoon and there was a group of elderly unmasked ppl hanging out outside and one man kept calling to me asking for money. This is a people mill. The lying administers take in people just to rob them of their social security and welfare or whatever, while basically leaving them to die... and I’m talking LONG before covid. I am guilty of not contacting authorities and elected officials sooner. I am so sorry.

Zoe said...

It is a life that most Americans turn their eyes and minds away from. The forgotten sick, disabled, recuperating, and old Americans about whom few dare to whisper. “This is where people go to die”

From going to a county hospital and waiting to be seen to waiting at home being so sick I couldn't even walk for any appointment to see the doctors.
I was one in a million of the forgotten sick and injured unable to fight for my life.
I spent 2 days on the ER floor, pissed my pants, having to my boyfriend claim his dead dads body. The worst was looking into the eyes of these healthcare workers and knowing the fear and abandon they have.
The worst, the pitts, the shame, our leaders suck !!

Anonymous said...

This is happening all over the country. Even in the best of times with no sickness these places are hell holes.

Anonymous said...

@ #1 Anon...
It is never to late to make a difference.
Thanks for telling your story.

Anonymous said...

Queens Tax Payer said...

Don't wory deBozo has the fix ... Spend more of our tax money on Marxist BS !
De Blasio appoints wife head of coronavirus racial inequality task force.

Julie B. said...

Responding to Anon #1, I don't understand why anyone would put their family there knowing what a shithole it is and how dangerously mentally ill the other patients are. Is it a group home, which I understand, is it a skilled nursing facility? A homeless shelter? My point is, if you had to free your relative from here, I guess you didn't do your homework beforehand.

JQ LLC said...


According to some articles I read including this one, a lot of these homes notorious for maltreatment and mismanagement have high ratings on yelp and other sites like them which a lot of people base their decisions on.

Ivanka said...

I know daddy called reporters to give back their “Noble Prizes”. He misspelled Nobel but he was being sarcastic.

Also, he meant to say Pulitzer Prize but he doesn't read so he doesn't know any better.

He now hates Fox and The Drudge report so we are running out of media options so we will be doing interviews with Highlights Magazine.

Anonymous said...

Responding to Anon #1, I don't understand why anyone would put their family there knowing what a shithole it is and how dangerously mentally ill the other patients are. Is it a group home, which I understand, is it a skilled nursing facility? A homeless shelter? My point is, if you had to free your relative from here, I guess you didn't do your homework beforehand.


Not everyone is rich. If you need to work and can’t take care of your elderly parent, you make due.

Why blame the children? What happens if your parents have dementia or a stroke?

Didn’t NY state had a huge scandal back in the 70’s? Mentally ill children were left in filth in institution?

There’s constant cases of these homes were the elderly are abused and the children don’t know if the bruises are covered and their parent can barely communicate. I hope this doesn’t happen to you one day.

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