PIX News
Undocumented immigrants in New York will be able to apply for driver's licenses this week after the state's so-called "Green Light Law" went into effect Monday.
The law, which was signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo in June, expands the forms of identification that can be used by applicants to obtain a driver's license in the state, including foreign passports and a foreign driver's license.
Unless required for federal ID purposes, the law also stipulates that "the commissioner, and any agent or employee of the commissioner, shall not disclose or make accessible in any manner records of information that he or she maintains, to any agency that primarily enforces immigration law or to any employee or agent of such agency, unless the commissioner is presented with a lawful court order or judicial warrant."
At the time of it's adoption, the law was heralded by supporters as a way to allow undocumented immigrants a way to live and work in the state without having to fear deportation.
"As New Yorkers, we have an obligation to defend other New Yorkers," Gustavo Rivera, D-Bronx, said from the state Senate floor in June. "And every one of these individuals, whether they're documented or not, are New Yorkers."
The law comes into force after a last-minute legal challenge brought by the Rensselaer County Clerk was thrown out by a federal court judge Friday.
"The Green Light law is legal and enforceable, and two separate federal courts have now already dismissed the meritless claims of two county clerks," New York Attorney General Letitia James said in a statement Friday, referencing challenges to the law.
"Beginning Monday, the law will help make our roads safer, our economy stronger, and will allow immigrants to come out of the shadows to sign up as legal drivers in our state," she said.
"I am disappointed, and hopefully, this is only a setback," Rensselaer County Clerk Frank Merola said in a statement posted on the county's Facebook page Friday.
On Monday morning, Merola told CNN the county was referring undocumented applicants to the state Department of Motor Vehicles, citing a lack of training.
"We've never accepted foreign documents, and never had to," he said.
The correct term is Illegal Alien
This is a disgrace
The irony of all this is that these people would be patient and wait on line for this but apparently won't wait on a line to get naturalized as citizens.
"Strange days indeed"
John Lennon "nobody told me"
@ JQ LLC I'm so ashamed to say I live in New York !
In England The Far-left wing cancer is being purged but in New York it's still growing !
Why wasn't ICE stationed on the street to check the bona fides of those waiting on line?
So how does their car insurance needs work? The injured have to collect from Guatemala?
DA Katz and her crew will handle this eventuality?
As a someone who came from a family who came here legally, this makes me very irate. And much blames goes to companies even someone like Trump who hire illegal immigrants and get away with it. The term is "illegal immigrants", not undocumented, sound like they had documents and lost them. The whole immigration is broken and neither party has done anything to fix the process.
So what happens if you're convicted of a crime involving a reckless driving charge and you lose your license. Can you now go to DMV and get a "Clean" license, because they've dropped the requirement for a social Security number? Also watch the insurance rate soar in NYC. "What fools these politicians be"
Paraphrasing Shakespeare's Puck here, in case anyone missed the reference.
It's their illegal right! What's yours?
Hey ICE, I got something you should know about.
Imagine taking a day off work and you an American citizen get stuck behind a line of illegals. Worse than the emergency room.
Thanks Dem’s
ICE should come by and swoop them ALL up as they wait in line, having self-identified as illegals. You moronic bleeding hearts, these people are THIEVES who have no right to be here, who are eating up your tax dollars, pushing your kid out of a seat in a classroom YOU pay for, robbing/raping/murdering you and yours, taking jobs from you--and you still defend their right to be here AND have a license which will likely result in their illegally voting? THIS is the extent to which the dummocrat party will go to in order to get votes, and YOU get to pay for it. Insanity!
JQ LLC - the cannot apply for citizenship since they are not in this country legally.
I don't believe that's how it works & truly don't understand how they are being given rights of people who have been here legal.
This is about voting. They'll have the drivers and they'll soon get their chance to show loyalty to the democratic party at the voting booth. Just a matter of time.
America First conservatives are facing demographic extinction. This is a power grab by the left. They will take total control for decades if we continue to allow this. Nationalism is the only answer.
Conservative Inc. allows this to happen too (Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, etc.). They want open borders just as much as the left.
I mean they already drive but how many of them actually do own cars for themselves? Wont this just make parking even worst in this city? I can only imagine how bad parking is going get after this. I wish the city would only give them applications in English that way they start learning the language. What are we supposed to do if I ask them for their insurance card? I dont speak Spanish or mandarin or cantonese and I'm sure there will be more hit and runs now and drunk driving. Atleast before, most of them may have been staying clear of drinking and driving in fear of getting caught but now they have no fear to do it because they will just get a slap on the wrist and won't be deported after that. This pretty much guarantees them immunity. Thanks mayor dumbdumb. Mayor dumbdumb wanted to make a "vision zero" program but now that will quickly turn into "vision triple" instead.
This is Madness.When this issue was first brought up most NY'ers were opposed but the politicians voted for it.I was at the Juniper Civic meeting in Sept. and when representatives for Senator Addabbo and Assemblyman Barnwell announced they voted for this they received an out cry of anger from many of the members.The reasoning of the politicians was it was a safety issue,they are driving already so this way they will be able to get insurance and it was also done so illegal's can get to work.
Why are we bending over backwards to people who have already thumbed their noses at the laws of the USA? Could it be votes?Of course.
Federal courts have gone rogue states get to defy federal laws depending on ideology.
This is actually great, because this guarantees us that he'll never be president, which is what he want. He totally just Screwed himself.
So will they be allowed to register to vote too?
Future and current democRAT voters.
I used to love NY,I was born and raised there,my family has All left there for safety reasons,it's a 3 world slum now with no tax base,
If your not born or raised there your not a NEW YORKER,
Anon 3 re: England
I don't think that's such a good thing. England has a massive homeless crisis as well as economic inequity like here.
Anon further down re: Apply
I just wonder if these people come here illegally because the process to get naturalized is too slow or more difficult.
A lot of uneducated folks posting in the comments section here
Re: "This is Madness.When this issue was first brought up most NY'ers were opposed but the politicians voted for it.I was at the Juniper Civic meeting in Sept. and when representatives for Senator Addabbo and Assemblyman Barnwell announced they voted for this they received an out cry of anger from many of the members.The reasoning of the politicians was it was a safety issue,they are driving already so this way they will be able to get insurance and it was also done so illegal's can get to work.
Why are we bending over backwards to people who have already thumbed their noses at the laws of the USA? Could it be votes?Of course."
The fault lies with we the people (the citizens). When we stay at home on election day or re-elect these politicians who knowingly ignore the will of the citizens, we are telling them that it's OK to do what they want. So many people didn't learn their lesson from the first term of de bozo, and now here we are, with 2 years left before relief is possible. Meanwhile, Cuomo is gearing up to run for a FOURTH term! This statewide initiative was Cuomo's thing. Please let's not have him get another term after this!
And lastly, to all the people complaining about these folks, if you want them out, then don't patronize any businesses that use illegal labor. It's really that simple. That means stay at home and cook your own food instead of going to the restaurants that hire under the table delivery people and staff. It's cheaper and healthier anyway. Don't hire the cheapest guy you find hanging out in the Home Depot parking lot when you need renovations on your house. Don't use landscapers that sub out the work to illegal labor. Hire citizens, and union if possible. Wash your own car instead of going to the car washes that are almost all using illegal labor. The only reason the illegal migrants continue to come is because they are getting opportunities. If you are doing business with them so you can save a buck, then you are part of the problem!
"The fault lies with we the people (the citizens). When we stay at home on election day or re-elect these politicians who knowingly ignore the will of the citizens, we are telling them that it's OK to do what they want. So many people didn't learn their lesson from the first term of de bozo, and now here we are, with 2 years left before relief is possible. Meanwhile, Cuomo is gearing up to run for a FOURTH term! This statewide initiative was Cuomo's thing. Please let's not have him get another term after this!"
Get this: Gianaris got folks to take the citizen exam in the company of translators
Anonymous said...
A lot of uneducated folks posting in the comments section here
Who? We are NOT UNEDUCATED. We WANT LAWS to be upheld. That's NOT a sign of being "uneducated". Seems to me that the ONLY PERSON who is uneducated in here is YOU!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
A lot of uneducated folks posting in the comments section here
You can't be talking to me. Do you think you need insurance on yourself once you get your license? You insure the vehicle and the drivers who owns it. Yes that person has to be licensed, but you might never register a vehicle in your name. Therefore, your license doesn't force you to carry insurance.
Very funny. Went to one of the USCIS support centers recently, I have counted exactly 10 people waiting to be called. Wait - those are LEGAL immigrants. Sorry, my bad.
There is very good explanation for all of this crap:
"The [DS] is getting ready to hold the fake impeachment vote. They want the Senate trial to be long and drawn out, this will not happen. The [DS] is getting ready for the elections and now we see states like NJ, NY and the rest push drivers licenses for illegals. The FISA court is now looking into the FBI submitting warrants while omitting important information. Q dropped more bread and talks about Flynn, [watch] what happens next. How the [DS]/dems are trying everything to stop the corruption from hitting the public arena. This will not work."
Enjoy my friends.
Ha ha ha ha the Deep State with the Swamp and their fake media is not enough. Now they need more illegals and drug addicts. They are in some deep crap if you ask me.
Justice for Assange !
Illegals getting a driver's license is a joke. Nothing but leechers and Democrat votes.
Time to post ICE at all the DMV office's with this rule.
I'm forced to pay Uninsured Driver in California,I thought N.Y. did the same thing,here it's mandatory.why should they get insu when me and every every other jerk pays it for them.
They will put $125 or so down for the insurance to get some junk car registered then ignore premium payments and drive uninsured anyway.
Most these people are drunks, many innocent people are going to die.\
Regardless of your political beliefs, party associations, this my friends is designed to circumvent the elections, fair elections, democratic process and such. Russia hacked the elections? Well, who is putting in the electronic voting systems? Who wants to make sure that fatso can vote from the couch while eating chips and drinking beer? What is next? Vote by smartphone? Why not? After all some "advanced" folks put their homes, their home security into the hands of these questionable corporations. The appliances, the phones are getting smarter, while some of us is getting dumber.
What's the big fuss over? They're just undocumented immigrants. Also, burglars are just surprise house guests. Stop discriminating; no human is illegal.
All the more reason to support the Divide New York Plan now in the Assembly. Bill :A05498 - S5416
Three autonomous regions with a limited state government. It's time.
Harry Bingham IV
Now with the DumbocRATS guaranteed Trump re-election, is time to ask the question WTF is going on with these illegals?
What documents are they permitted to use?
Calling an illegal alien an undocumented immigrant is like calling a bank robbery an undocumented fund withdrawal.
Post ICE at all the DMV offices in NYC and suburbs.
What's that phrase rightwing nutjobs love to use? Nothing-burger? That's what this news is. It doesn't really change the reality that there are already thousands of unlicensed drivers on the roads anyway...now they're in a database and have a card with their name and picture on it. Big whoop.
NEW YORK needs a Mexican style form of government where the cartels make all legislation and enforce it by hanging dismembered bodies from overpasses,that's where we heading.
Boss Tweed: That's the building of our country right there, Mr. Cutting. Americans aborning.
Bill: I don't see no Americans. I see trespassers, Wetbacks. Do a job for a nickel what a **** does for a dime and a white man used to get a quarter for. What have they done? Name one thing they've contributed.
Boss Tweed: Votes.
Bill: Votes, you say? They vote how the Ward Heeler tells them, and who tells the Ward Heeler? Their Boss who sits on his throne in the Clubhouse.
Ha ha. TommyR voted for Hillary and is still upset.
It doesn't really change the reality that there are already thousands of unlicensed drivers on the roads anyway...now they're in a database and have a card with their name and picture on it. Big whoop.
Nice try, you leftwing nutjob. You and your lovely corrupt commie party is just trying to get enough voters on their payroll.
"...the reality that there are already thousands of unlicensed drivers on the roads anyway..."
Thousands? Talking through your hat? Your source please?
TommyR said... You always sound like you are living in a Marxist trainer Echo Chamber !
You are not always right and people can have different views without you calling them typical "Playbook" names.
It's actually a big burger. Especially for the biking community because this means more vehicles will be on the streets and they loathe cars to the point that they should not even exist.
Oh this is precious. The moronic Democrats are building a database for ICE.
Democrats holler and scream during the Son of Queens DJT's impeachment trial: "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!!"
Excuse me. Am I missing something here?
@JQ LLC said... and @TommyR...
Something to think about, what is the downfall of this new Green Light DMV B.S. ?
When you figure it out let the readers here on QC know please !
I love the tales of liberals discovering reality.
It’s like a rehab success story.
"I was mugged by reality."
— John Stossel
Bastards are already driving out to nice areas on Long Islands North Shore ringing doorbells, shoving papers looking for work, to paint, running whores, more drugs etc.
This is a total disaster.
While most of us, in most counties across America, are moving forward, NYC is sliding into an ideological abyss. Illegal immigration is not good for our country, never has been. Back when, there were rules for immigrating to America, regardless of what the tablet says. Today, because of years and years, of non decision by the U.S. Congress, only the president of the U.S. can unravel this debacle, and he is doing it, under very extreme conditions. So long NYC, we're moving ahead, leaving you behind! Pay your taxes and shut up.
"Thousands? Talking through your hat? Your source please?"
No source, he has none. Of course they can all afford cars, insurance, etc.
The democRATS want voters. Nancy Pelosi is crazy, AOC is nuts, the rest of them did exactly what they accuse DJT of doing. You see they have no choice, if they don't win they are screwed. From Hillary to Barry. All of them. Did not vote in any election, but this time I'll make sure DJT gets my vote.
Once again I live in Ca and Mexican`s don't have drivers license they have TIN numbers (tax identity numbers) NO DRIVERS LICENSE..If their pulled over they can't be ticketed or have their car towed so they can get to work,ask any Cop out here what happens if he does and last and I said it before,it is MANDATORY to carry unlicensed driver insurance so if your hurt and they all take off you have coverage
My girlfriend was t boned by a Mexican with no insurance and they didn't even get a ticket,
I sat as a poll watcher, a number of years ago, in a predominantly Asian community of Queens. It was riotous. We had the same people voting and then try to slip through and vote again (certainly some made it through) over and over and over. We would check their drivers license when suspicious and if it didn't match, out they went. But only to try and try again. Once these Illegals all get licensed up they will be voting as the democrats tell them to vote, over and over and over. Just watch!
"Once again I live in Ca"
So now we all understand this is about votes. For the democRATS.
Pelosi, Waters, Schiff and the rest of the garbage all come from CA.
Really feel sorry for you man.
Get even with a liberal,cover their 2020 bumper stickers with Re elect Trump and watch their windows get broke.
Ah! But let us not forget, Schumer, Nadler, Carolyn Maloney, Engle, Gillibrand, and on and on and on. Do you see a pattern here, New Yorkers?
It's not easy being republican in California,in fact it's very easy to get attacked for being pro Trump,the democrats are the party of INTOLERANCE and VIOLENCE.
It's the Albanian nazi terrorist the Conservatives had design the voting systems who is responsible for hacking
All the praetorian casuists who squawk for English
are not competent at any sentient language, not even English.
"Mexican style form of government". Done! Kosovo was just practice for Aztlan.
Well, what is this call about ending mass encarceration?
They say there are too many x in prison.
Well, observe this:
If x are 20% of the population and 20% of them are criminals in prison.
But y are 10% of the population and 10% of them are criminals in prison.
But z are 70% of the population and 5% of them are criminals in prison.
Then x are 47%, y 11% and z 41% of all criminals in prison.
So you get the illusion that 47% of x are criminals when in fact only 4% are.
So complaining about "black on black" crime is not racist.
In fact, it defends the 80% of blacks who are honest and hard working.
Why is this so hard to understand????
They were taught trigonometry and stoichiometry in high school but they have to be taught all over again on the factory floor because all they want to do is pork for lore enforcement in Argentina. So why is it so wrong to turn to immigrants or outsourcing?
10 of my family members have served in the Armed forces of the United States for This,yes family shot in Ww2,korea,killed in Vietnam,served in 1st and 2nd Gulf war.America has turned to shit thanks to liberal democrats
"America has turned to shit thanks to liberal democrats"
Since the 1960's I assume they’re all despicable and always assume the worst.
Blame the voters for electing them over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over ....
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