NY Post
A hateful vandal scrawled “F–K WHITE PEOPLE” in front of a Queens home and defaced nearby trees and fences with other profane messages, police said Friday.
The spray-painted graffiti, written in black and underlined with red, was discovered on the sidewalk in front of a home on 151st Avenue near 81st Street in the neighborhood of Lindenwood on Thanksgiving morning, cops said.
Found on nearby trees were spray-painted messages reading “F–K WHITE,” and simply, “F–K,” police and witnesses told The Post.
The messages were discovered at around 4 a.m. and reported to police at around 10 a.m., according to authorities.
Nearby fences were also found defaced with graffiti that read: “I NEED P—Y ASAP,” and “ONE DAY I WILL COME BACK TO THIS AND SEE HOW SUCCESSFUL I AM!”
“It’s not safe. We’re afraid,” said Lina Bachour, 38, who lives at the home where the “F–K WHITE PEOPLE” graffiti was scrawled in front of.
It was not yet clear if Bachour or anyone else was specifically targeted.
Another neighbor, Barry Rachnowitz, 70, said that his part of his fence was spray-painted in red graffiti.
“This is horrible,” he said. “There are no words to share my disgust right now. It is definitely a hate-crime, especially what they wrote on the [sidewalk].”
Rachowitz added: “I can’t understand how someone can have so much hate in their heart towards a stranger … Hopefully the person will be caught and punished.”
Resident Anthony Carecchia, 20, said the vandalism was “very surprising to see.”
“You don’t expect something like this in this neighborhood,” he said, noting, “It’s a pretty diverse neighborhood, so I’m really surprised.”
Where was DeBlasio around the time this happened? very suspicious
From experience:
1. Probably done by a white person/persons
2. Young
3. Lives withing sight/walking distance
Would a minority carrying spray cans (two different colors) be noticed? Of course!
Anon 1
de Blasio did not even do a fake outrage tweet about this like he usually does when it's against Black and Jewish people.
Anon 2
The way this looks, especially what was written on the fence, it looks like this fool saw the Joker at the cineplex on Drew St and Linden Blvd and got inspired.
No it’s real - blacks are groomed to hate whites, to use violence against whites from the time they are very young. White hate is reinforced by propaganda taught in schools and by deluded whites.
Have you taken the subway lately?
Kind of the reverse of facism/nazisim, huh? Is there a difference between a white hater and jew hater? I doubt this was done by the KKK.
White Punks on Dope and Booze destroying their own neighborhood.
The artist is clearly a victim of oppression and just exercising his right to protest. Who are we to criticize with our privelege. We are the problem.
"No it’s real - blacks are groomed to hate whites, to use violence against whites from the time they are very young. White hate is reinforced by propaganda taught in schools and by deluded whites."
Racism much? Get out of my city bigot.
If you dont like white people, then there are plenty of other countries to move to where there are no white people. I bet you that this crime will not be called a "hate crime" since it's done against white people. White people are the only racists ones in this world, every other race is innocent.
It's those mormons
Open up the roads they say, now look. Damn shame, they wonder Y.
Getting to the heart of the problem
WAKE UP WHITE PEOPLE! (What ever happened to that guy?)
Last anon Re: Wake up
That is Daniel Carver, he's still alive and unfortunately has not changed.
Was it classified as a hate crime? Was any time or energy spent finding the idiot who did this?
From my experience blacks start with verbal assaults first then the physical attack- the verbal confrontation is to get their victim riled up so they say something that the black can be offended by - the black person uses this to justify further violence.
If I lived where this hate speech was found I would expect assaults, break ins and robberies to follow.
Writing such horrible things is a violation. Funny how blacks can be offended
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