Friday, August 9, 2019

Mayor de Blasio's affordable housing scam presents parasitic building in Jamaica with apartments going for $2,100 a month

Jamaica Patch

 Three new "affordable" apartments are up for grabs in Jamaica, but households need to earn at least $72,000 a year to apply.

The two-bedroom units at 170-19 89th Ave. rent for $2,300 a month, records show.

Households that earn between $72,000 and $138,710 are eligible to apply.

The brand new building has an elevator, recreation area and laundry room.

 It says $2,100 a month on this. But the actual area median income of renters in that area is $42,800. 30,000 less than those who can qualify. Interesting that the window for higher income applicants is about $40,000 to $64,000, this is how the city is redefining affordability. Affordable for the wealthier only.

Gentrification brazenly by design.


Anonymous said...

This is what I was saying a couple of years ago. They say that for flushing your income had to be like 30000-40000 for 2 people but meanwhile they were looking for 45000-55000 for 2 people in the rockaways a couple of years ago and the housing development was only 3 blocks away from project housing. Why do you have to make less money to live in a little bit better area? I'd rather live in flushing (even though its filthy) than to live 3 blocks away from project houses with no good transportation around. The LEAST I can say for Jamaica is that atleast they have good transportation around there....but the area itself,is just not good.

Anonymous said...

Dont expect anything less from mayor dumbdumb. This is the same man who rents his own house in brooklyn out for 4000/month.

Mr. The Rent is Too High Person said...

A two person income of $36K per person (to meet the $72K amount total) is not wealthy AT ALL.

That is only a little more than minimum wage if the person only worked 8 hour days 5 days a week.

TommyR said...

Affordable for the wealthier only.

Your breakdown needs to be posted on every platform, more people need to see this ruse for what it is.

hypphelen said...

Thank you for writing this. A lot of the apartments available for rent listed at nyc housing connect are actually not affordable, at least for me. I was only able to apply to live in 5 properties and there were about 25 listed, last time I logged in. Makes me believe that the housing lottery isn't for poor people but for professionals who make at least $40,000/yr.

Julie B. said...

The rental market has to be on fire if anyone is willing to pay that rent in Jamaica

JQ LLC said...

The market speculators aka arsonists are out of control.

Anonymous said...

BIG LAUGH. As someone who use to live in that area, right around the corner, that amount of rent is outrageous. Especially, since that area is filthy, LOTS OF NOISE and the closer you get to Jamaica area on 171 st the sketchier it gets. That street also has a couple of illegal apartments in a house a few doors down, then around the corner on 89th ave, a very low class shit hole apartment with drug dealing and other nonsense that goes on there. Still do not know why people still live in NYC. I got out some time ago and best decision I have ever made.

By the way, that lot had a small one family house with LOTS of yard, but had a fire and sat empty for years. Now what held one family, houses many people and no grass what-so-ever, even though laws require a certain percentage of green. Plus the woman next door in the brownstone, had all her windows on the side completely blocked in, when that ugly and let's be honest, it is the new projects)was built. In two years or less, I am sure it will start to fall apart, since it is built cheaply.

Anonymous said...

Jeez if you think that is “wealthy” you have a serious victimhood mentality

JQ LLC said...

Last anon re victimhood.

That's a baseless observation and a little p.c..

These apartments are groomed for higher incomes, wealthier people than those that make up the majority in the area.

Anonymous said...

I want to live in a neighborhood where I won't get shot in a drive by, won't be robbed in the elevator, don't have to step over piles of trash and pit bull feces, won't be attacked on the subway home at night for my purse, don't have to dodge the crack dealers and their customers and I won't be kept up all night by the drug dealers blasting noise all night until 5 am. No, I don't want to live in Jamaica. They are moving all those low lives into Rockaway straight out of the shelters. The real estate industrial complex is going strong in Jamaica, building up like no body's business. But will it have a positive effect on the quality of life? I highly doubt it. The third world culture is too ingrained in Jamaica.

Anonymous said...

1. why does the political leadership, the media, and civic leaders sit back when the word 'affordable' is a simple lie.

2. painful when you look at the older buildings and realize how nice this area once was.

3. why can't we hold the politicians toes to the fire. That is where your problem is. Everyone's silence just gets bought with ice cream money.

Anonymous said...

On an income of $72k, you could not POSSIBLY afford to pay $2,300/mo. You'd have to eat ramen every night and shop at Goodwill. No offense to ramen and Goodwill.

The Realist said...

You know those big towered apartments they are building right across from the Jamaica Main train station? All ballyhooed by the powers that be?

What sane person would want to live there?

JQ LLC said...

I saw them. They are ludicrous but the plan to remodel Jamaica is even more idiotic. It'll be posted here in a few weeks.

georgetheatheist said...

Re Anonymous BIG LAUGH and LOTS OF NOISE above:

Joe Moretti, is that you?

Anonymous said...

All this "Crap" is being done right in plain view yet we the Sheeple Voters keep re-electing the same old party year after year. NYC has become a total rat hole that will never change.
By the time the sheeple wake up and try to change things, it will be too late.

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Jamaica queens and all I heard was gunshots everyday and night. I got out of the ghetto when I was 17 in 2017. Now I moved to williamsburg brooklyn and only thing I worry about is the hipsters letting their dog shit on the sidewalk. Bunch of lazy scum hipsters fuckem...

Anonymous said...

Q. You know those big towered apartments they are building right across from the Jamaica Main train station? All ballyhooed by the powers that be? What sane person would want to live there? Answer: No sane person but lots of insane people. Slum lords will makes tens of millions in payments every year from the feds to house the insane and homeless (essentially the same population) in these towers. I didn't think Jamaica, Queens could get worse but every decade I am proved wrong.

kapimap said...

This is som BS. I have applied to 30 lotteries and did not get anywhere!

And those prices for rentals. In Astoria, one project asked for $2200 for a 1 br.

Anonymous said...

We have to stop worshiping the politicians like they are gods and go after them - 98% of the problems in this city can be solved if they spend our dime taking care of problems WE have instead of frivolous SB building THEIR or THEIR CLUBHOUSE agendas.

There are a small handful of real public servants out there - this is not aimed at them.

Anonymous said...

Those towers at Jamaica and Sutphin will become the City's largest homeless shelter two months after they are completed. No one in their right mind would want to live there. I pass through there every weekday to get to the railroad and it is NOT pleasant. A few years ago someone stabbed a guy in front of the McDonalds on Sutphin and Jamaica. The dude was literally walking around with a large knife sticking out of his back. The summer is unbearable around there.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ with some of the people who describe Jamaica as "third world." There are many people in Queens who come from third world countries and they are hardworking and ideal neighbors. The problem in Jamaica is native home-grown ghetto trash, not the "third worlders." In fact, the northern part of Jamaica near the courthouses has many "third-worlders" living there now and it is much, much safer than South Jamaica where the natives run amok. Just my two cents.

Harry Bingham IV

Anonymous said...

What do you guys think, why the governor gave himself a pay raise? It takes $250,000 to live around here boys and girls.
He knows.

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